中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)
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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2023-01-09  瀏覽次數(shù):8   狀態(tài):狀態(tài)
展會日期 2023-06-05 至 2023-06-07
展出城市 上海
展出地址 上海市崧澤大道333號
展館名稱 國家會展中心
主辦單位 上海市食品協(xié)會咖啡專業(yè)委員會
承辦單位 上海高登商業(yè)展覽有限公司



Shanghai International Coffee & Equipment Exhibition 2022


Concurrently held: International Coffee Festival

2023年06月051日-06月07日 | 國家會展中心-上海 虹橋

May 31-June 02, 2022 | NECC-Hongqiao·Shanghai

批準單位 | Approved by


Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce

主辦單位 | Hosted by


Shanghai Food Association Coffee Professional Committee

承辦單位 | Organized by


Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd.

關(guān)于 | About

上海國際咖啡與設(shè)備展覽會(簡稱:Coffee Expo) 作為亞洲地區(qū)咖啡領(lǐng)域?qū)I(yè)采購盛會之一,展會規(guī)劃總展出面積為12000平米,展品共由咖啡、飲品、配料、甜點、咖啡機與加工設(shè)備、咖啡專用器具、包裝/制服/裝飾、特許/培訓(xùn)/咨詢等板塊組成。展會以“專注咖啡文化,創(chuàng)造跨國界合作交流”為宗旨,展會依托上海獨有的海派文化與中國最大的咖啡消費市場為窗口,全力打造國際化的專業(yè)咖啡產(chǎn)品及文化展示平臺,為眾多參展商和買家搭建創(chuàng)新而高效的溝通橋梁。展會期間還將舉辦國際咖啡產(chǎn)業(yè)論壇、拉花對抗賽、咖啡師職業(yè)技能大賽、國際咖啡文化節(jié)及市食協(xié)咖啡專委會九周年慶等活動,通過展會、論壇、比賽與節(jié)日等多種形式的結(jié)合,能在當(dāng)前疫情下幫助更多的咖啡企業(yè)把握市場消費現(xiàn)狀及行業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢,確立正確的企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略決策,盡快走出困境,開拓市場。本屆活動組織方市食協(xié)咖啡專委會與高登商業(yè)本著以引導(dǎo)的咖啡健康消費,促進咖啡產(chǎn)業(yè)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。

As the most professional event in the field of coffee in Asia, it is expected that the total exhibition area of the ShanghaiInternational Coffee & Equipment Exhibition( hereafter referred to as Coffee Expo) will reach 12,000 square meters,with a wide range of exhibits, covering coffee, beverages, ingredient, dessert, coffee machines and processingequipment, coffee accessories, package & design, franchise & training, etc. Focusing on coffee culture and enhancingcross-border cooperation, relying on the unique Shanghai culture and China's largest coffee consumer market as aopportunity, Coffee Expo aims to provide a high-quality international platform to showcase coffee products and displaycoffee culture, so as to build up an innovative and efficient communication bridge for exhibitors and buyers. During theexhibition, there will be also a series of activities, such as International Coffee Industry Forum, Latte Art Smackdown,Barista Championship, International Coffee Festival, and the 9th Anniversary of Shanghai Food Association CoffeeProfessional Committee, etc. to held. Combined with exhibitions, forums, competitions and festivals, Coffee Expo willassist more coffee enterprises to judge the futuretrends of the coffee industry and consumption, make the correctcorporate strategic decision, get out of trouble as soon as possible, and open up new markets under the currentepidemic situation. The organizing committee is committed to establishing a correct view of consumption and pushingforward the sustainable development of the coffee industry.

展出大類Major Exhibits

• 咖啡:咖啡生豆/熟豆、膠囊咖啡、速溶咖啡、瓶/罐裝咖啡等;

• 飲品:果蔬汁、果奶昔、植物茶飲、雞尾酒、功能/酵素飲品、高端水、混合酒等;

• 配料:咖啡伴侶、牛奶、糖漿、果醬、可可、芝士、油、沖飲粉等;

• 甜點:巧克力、蛋糕、面包、餅干、冰淇淋、布丁等;

• 咖啡機/設(shè)備:商用/辦公/家用咖啡機、咖啡生產(chǎn)/加工設(shè)備、自動販賣機等;

• 器具/設(shè)備:咖啡專用器具、茶具、飲品器具、相關(guān)道具等;

• 包裝/制服/裝飾:咖啡包裝、紙杯、吸管、職業(yè)服裝、飾品、照明、咖啡家具、裝潢設(shè)計方案等;

• 特許/培訓(xùn)/咨詢:咖啡館、果汁店、冰淇淋店、烘焙店、甜品店、巧克力店、培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)、創(chuàng)業(yè)咨詢等。

• Coffee: Green coffee beans、Coffee cooked beans, capsule coffee, instant coffee, canned coffee

• Beverages: Fruit & vegetable juice, fruit shake, herbal tea, milk drinks, cocktail, functional/Enzymatic beverage,high-end water

• Ingredient: Cream, milk, sugar, chocolate, cheese, butter, jam, powder mixes

• Dessert: Ice cream, cake, bread, cookie, chocolate, pudding

• Coffee machines: Coffee machines for commercial/home use/office, coffee roasters/grinders, coffee processingequipment, coffee vending

• Accessories: Coffee accessories, tea appliance, chic beverage accessories

• Package/design: Coffee paper cup, coffee packaging, uniforms for barista, accessories, lighting, cafe furniture,

interior decoration design

• Franchise/Training: Cafe, juice bar, ice cream shop, bakery, barista training & education organization,

參展費用Participation Fees

• 國際標(biāo)準展位:

A:國內(nèi)企業(yè):16800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m B:國外企業(yè):4800.00/展期(USD) 3m×3m



• 室內(nèi)光地:

A:國內(nèi)企業(yè):1500.00(RMB)/平方米/展期 B:國外企業(yè):480.00(USD)/平方米/展期


• International Standard Booths:

For overseas enterprises: USD 4800/Expo; 3m×3m

Each standard booth consists of 3-sided white partitions, bilingual fascia board, 1 information counter, 2 folding

chairs,fully-floored carpet, 2 arm spotlights, 1 220V/5A power socket and 1 wastebasket.

• Indoor Raw Space:

For overseas enterprises: USD 480.00/Sq.m.

Note: The raw space (minimum 36 sq.m.) only supplies a show space excluding stand frames, show equipment,

carpet and power supply, etc.

目標(biāo)觀眾Target Audiences

• 政府部門 / 咨詢公司 / 教育機構(gòu) / 投資機構(gòu) / 商務(wù)服務(wù)

• 咖啡與飲料生產(chǎn)商 / 進口商 / 出口商 / 渠道商 / 經(jīng)銷商 / 零售商

• 咖啡館/茶坊 / 面包房 / 餐廳

• 飯店 / 餐館/快餐店 / 小食店/外賣

• 酒店 / 度假村 / 旅館 / 酒店式住宅單位 / 鄉(xiāng)村俱樂部

• 烹飪機構(gòu) / 酒店和餐飲服務(wù)咨詢公司

• 大型連鎖企業(yè) / 加盟商

• 出版機構(gòu) / 媒體等其他渠道

• Government Department/Consulting Firm/Educational Institution/Investment Agency/Business Services

• Coffee and Beverage Manufacturers/Importers/Exporters/Channel dealers/Distributors/Retailers

• Cafe,/Tea house/Bakery/Restaurant

• Restaurant/Snack Bar/Takeaway

• Hotel/Resort/Hotel /Apartment of Hotel/Country Club

• Culinary Institute/Hotel and Catering Service Consulting Company

• Large Chain Enterprises/Alliance business

• Publishing House/Media,etc.


請立即預(yù)訂“COFFEE EXPO 2023-上?Х日”展位,越早預(yù)留位置越佳,爭取最大曝光率,領(lǐng)先競爭對手,開拓?zé)o限商機。

如欲訂“COFFEE EXPO 2023-上?Х日”采購交易會展位,或了解更多信息,請發(fā)電子郵件至;蛲ㄟ^以下聯(lián)絡(luò)方法,預(yù)訂展位。

電話: 上海 (86-21) 5667 6115

Please reserve the booth of "COFFEE EXPO 2023" immediately. The sooner you reserve, the better your reserved position. Strive

for maximum exposure, lead competitors, and open up unlimited business opportunities.

To reserve the booth of “COFFEE EXPO 2023” or learn more information, please contact:

Tel:(86-21)5667 6115

mobile:136 0166 2201

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