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黃霞---- 清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-02-05  瀏覽次數(shù):1667
核心提示:姓名: 黃霞 性別: 女職務(wù): 主任/所長 職稱: 教授單位: 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院現(xiàn)任環(huán)境模擬與污染控制國家重點聯(lián)合實驗室主任,清華大學(xué)


姓名: 黃霞 性別:
職務(wù): 主任/所長 職稱: 教授
單位: 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院
現(xiàn)任環(huán)境模擬與污染控制國家重點聯(lián)合實驗室主任,清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院院學(xué)術(shù)委員會主任,校學(xué)術(shù)委員會委員,水環(huán)境保護研究所所長,長江學(xué)者獎勵計劃特聘教授,國家杰出青年基金獲得者,教育部“長江學(xué)者和創(chuàng)新團隊發(fā)展計劃”“污水處理與資源化”創(chuàng)新團隊帶頭人,國家精品課程負責(zé)人,享受國務(wù)院政府特殊津貼專家,中國土木工程學(xué)會水工業(yè)分會理事。國際水協(xié)會高級會士(IWA fellow),IWA膜技術(shù)專業(yè)委員會委員,國際雜志“Frontier of Environmental Science & Engineering”執(zhí)行副主編,“Water Science & Technology”Associate Editor,“Desalination” Editorial Board,國際生物電化學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)會(ISMET)第一屆理事會理事,《環(huán)境科學(xué)》、《環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報》、《膜科學(xué)與技術(shù)》、《水處理技術(shù)》雜志編委。長期從事膜法水處理技術(shù)、生物電化學(xué)水處理技術(shù)、污水資源化技術(shù)等方面的研究工作。在2012年中取得的主要成果:(1)主持“十一五”國家水重大專項課題“快速城市化新區(qū)水環(huán)境綜合保護技術(shù)研究與示范”,與課題組全體人員一起,針對快速城市化區(qū)域的水環(huán)境特點,從區(qū)域水環(huán)境綜合保護的理念出發(fā),開展了多項關(guān)鍵技術(shù)的研究與示范。她所領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的團隊成功開發(fā)出針對當(dāng)?shù)匚鬯|(zhì)的強化內(nèi)源反硝化的MBR脫氮除磷工藝,大幅度增強了系統(tǒng)脫氮的穩(wěn)定性。研究成果為示范區(qū)水污染控制和局部區(qū)域水環(huán)境質(zhì)量改善提供了技術(shù)支撐。該課題于2012年7月通過驗收。(2)作為課題第二負責(zé)人,承擔(dān)“十二五”國家水專項課題“污水處理系統(tǒng)區(qū)域優(yōu)化運行及城市面源削減技術(shù)研究與示范”。和課題組全體人員一起,在十一五工作的基礎(chǔ)上,繼續(xù)開展膜生物反應(yīng)器等污水處理工藝的節(jié)能降耗、城市排水管網(wǎng)優(yōu)化運行與管理技術(shù)等研究。目前已取得階段性研究成果。(3)獲得國家自然科學(xué)基金重點課題“基于物質(zhì)定向轉(zhuǎn)化/轉(zhuǎn)移的城市污水再生回用深度處理新技術(shù)原理”資助。該課題基于電化學(xué)、生物電化學(xué)、膜分離的原理,提出城市污水自持能量驅(qū)動資源回收和水再生利用的新工藝,以達到資源回收和污水再生回用的目的。(4)當(dāng)選為全球最大的水行業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)機構(gòu)國際水協(xié)會高級會士(IWA fellow)。(5)出版專著《水處理膜生物反應(yīng)器原理與應(yīng)用》一部(科學(xué)出版社)。(6)作為《水處理工程》國家級精品課程的負責(zé)人和《環(huán)境工程原理》國家級精品課程的主講教師,積極促進課程教學(xué)的進一步升級,完成精品資源共享課程的申報。(7)指導(dǎo)的1名研究生獲清華大學(xué)特等獎學(xué)金(清華大學(xué)最高獎勵),1名獲清華大學(xué)優(yōu)秀博士論文,1名獲國家獎學(xué)金,首屆“清華—陶氏可持續(xù)發(fā)展創(chuàng)新挑戰(zhàn)賽”一等獎和二等獎獲獎各1名。指導(dǎo)的1名本科生獲清華大學(xué)優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)論文、優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生,多名本科生獲多項科技創(chuàng)新獎勵。 


姓  名: 黃  霞
所在單位: 水環(huán)境保護教研所
職  稱: 正高級
職  務(wù): 水環(huán)境保護研究所所長
郵寄地址: 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院
辦公電話: 010-62772324
辦公地點: 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境節(jié)能樓



1978.2-1982.1 重慶建筑大學(xué)城建系給水排水專業(yè) 本科

1983.4-1985.3 日本九州工業(yè)大學(xué)環(huán)境工學(xué)科 碩士研究生

1985.4-1988.3 日本東京工業(yè)大學(xué)化學(xué)環(huán)境工學(xué)專攻 博士研究生


1989.05-1992.12     清華大學(xué)環(huán)境工程系 講師

1992.12-1997.07     清華大學(xué)環(huán)境工程系 副教授

1997.07-2011.01     清華大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 教授

2011.01-現(xiàn)在            清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授

2000.11-2011.01     環(huán)境模擬與污染控制國家重點聯(lián)合實驗室副主任;清華大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系學(xué)術(shù)委員會主任

2011.01-現(xiàn)在            環(huán)境模擬與污染控制國家重點聯(lián)合實驗室副主任;清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院學(xué)術(shù)委員會主任

1994.04-1994.07     美國University of Cincinnati訪問學(xué)者

1995.03-1997.03     日本豐橋技術(shù)科學(xué)大學(xué)生態(tài)工學(xué)系副教授

1998.09-1998.10     英國University of Leeds訪問學(xué)者

1998.12-1999.03     日本東京工業(yè)大學(xué)客員教授

2003.01-2003.02     日本通產(chǎn)省產(chǎn)業(yè)工業(yè)技術(shù)研究院 JSPS研究員

2007.07-2007.09      日本京都大學(xué)客座教授






2.國際期刊Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China,執(zhí)行副主編

3.國際期刊Water Science & Technology, Associate editor

4.國際期刊 Desalination, Editorial Board
















































19.ES&T 2009 best paper award (Environmental Technology top paper)





1)B.R. Lim, X. Huang, H.-Y. Hu, N. Goto and K. Fujie: Effects of temperature on biodegradation characteristics of organic pollutants and microbial community in a solid phase aerobic bioreactor treating high strength organic wastewater. Water. Sci. Tech. 43, 131-137(2001).

2)Xia Huang, Ping Gui, Yi Qian: Effect of sludge retention time on the microbial behaviour in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 36(10), 1001-1006(2001)

3)劉銳,黃霞,陳呂軍,汪誠文,錢易:一體式膜-生物反應(yīng)器處理洗浴污水的中試研究,中國給水排水,17(1), 5-8(2001)


5)孟耀斌,黃霞,施漢昌,王小毛,錢易:4-氯苯甲酸鈉的光催化氧化降解及其影響因素,重慶環(huán)境科學(xué),23(6), 32-37(2001)

6)趙鵬,黃霞:利用可再生資源及有機廢物發(fā)酵生產(chǎn)乳酸的研究進展,食品與發(fā)酵工業(yè),27(4), 60-65(2001)。


8)丁杭軍,文湘華,黃霞,劉若鵬,劉銳:一體式膜-生物反應(yīng)器處理醫(yī)院污水,中國給水排水,17(9), 1-5(2001)

9)孟耀斌,黃霞 錢易:不同波段紫外光在TiO2懸濁液中的消光特點,環(huán)境科學(xué),22(2),46-50(2001)

10)孟耀斌,黃霞,吳盈禧,梁鵬,施漢昌,錢易: 不同光強下光催化降解對氯苯甲酸鈉動力學(xué),環(huán)境科學(xué),22(4),56-59(2001)



13)Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen, Hangjun Ding, Ruopeng Liu, Yi Qian:Hospital wastewater treatment using a membrane bioreactor, China/Italy Workshop Membrane Process for Clean Production and for Sustainable Industrial Growth, p.188-191, Apr.9-11, Beijing, 2001

14)Xia Huang, Rui Liu, Jinying Xi and Yi Qian, Microbial behaviour of a submerged membrane bioreactor with complete sludge retention, Proceedings of ASIA WATERQUAL 2001, Vol.I, p.177-182, Sept 12-15, Fukuoka, Japan .

15)P. Gui, X. Huang, et al: Optimization of operational parameters for submerged membrane bioreactor in treating domestic wastewater using orthogonal experimental design. Proceedings of ASIA WATERQUAL 2001, Vol.II, p.857-862, Sept 12-15, Fukuoka, Japan.

16)莫罹, 黃霞, 文湘華, 錢易:Characteristics of coagulation-microfiltration combination process for water purification, 2001年膜技術(shù)應(yīng)用國際會議論文集, p.193-200, Sep.17-20, Shanghai, China

17)黃霞,桂萍,錢易:膜分離活性污泥法難降解有機物處理特性,第35回日本水環(huán)境學(xué)會年會講演集,p.181, 2001年3月







1)Yaobin Meng, Xia Huang, Yingxi Wu, Xiaomao Wang, Yi Qian: Kinetic study and modeling on photocatalytic degradation of para-chlorobenzoate at different light intensity, Environment Pollution. 117(2), 307-313(2002)

2)Li Mo, Xia Huang, Jinling Wu: Effect of operational conditions on membrane permeability in a coagulation-microfiltration process for water purification, J. Environ. Health, Part A, A37(2), 273-285(2002)

3)Bin Fan, Xia Huang: Characteristics of a self-forming dynamic membrane coupled with a bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Environmental Science & Technology, 36(23), 5245-5251(2002)

4)B.R.Lim, H.-Y. Hu, X. Huang and K. Fujie: Effect of seawater on treatment performance and microbial population in a biofilter treating coke-oven wastewater. Process Biochemistry, 37(9), 943-948(2002)



7)劉銳,黃霞,范彬,藤本真由美,錢易:膜-生物反應(yīng)器中溶解性微生物產(chǎn)物的研究進展,環(huán)境污染治理設(shè)備與技術(shù),3(1), 1-7(2002)

8)楊群豪,孟耀斌,黃霞,錢易:懸浮床光催化-膜分離反應(yīng)器中膜污染的控制,凈水技術(shù),21(2), 28-30(2002)




12)莫罹,黃霞:粉末活性炭-MBR工藝處理微污染原水,中國給水排水,18(12), 16-19(2002)


14)王穎,黃霞,袁其朋,程遠:缺氧/好氧膜-生物反應(yīng)器處理高濃度含碳和氮工業(yè)廢水,現(xiàn)代化工,22(8), 47-49(2002)


16)張建,黃霞,丁文明,王小毛:草漿造紙中段廢水生物處理動力學(xué)研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),23(5), 84-87(2002)

17)張建,黃霞,魏杰,胡洪營,施漢昌:地下滲濾污水處理系統(tǒng)的氮磷去除機理研究,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),22(5), 438-441(2002)

18)張建,黃霞,劉超翔,施漢昌,胡洪營,錢易:地下滲濾處理村鎮(zhèn)生活污水的中試研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),23(6), 57-61(2002)

19)Jian Zhang,Xia Huang,Chaoxiang Liu, Hanchang Shi and Hongying Hu: Nitrogen removal enhanced by intermittent operation in subsurface wastewater infiltration system,J. of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 53(增刊), 7-9(2002).


21)梁鵬,孟耀斌,黃霞,錢易:膜-懸浮光催化降解反應(yīng)器中催化劑活性變化及其影響因素分析,環(huán)境化學(xué),21(4), 380-384(2002).


23)范彬,黃霞,文湘華,于妍:動態(tài)膜-生物反應(yīng)器對城市生活污水的處理,環(huán)境科學(xué), 23(6), 51-56(2002)

24)Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Lvjun Chen, Xianghua Wen and Yi Qian:Performance of a submerged membrane bioreactor to treat bath wastewater, IWA International conference on Environmental Biotechnology, New Zealand, p.213-220 (April 15-17, 2002)



1)Ping Gui, Xia Huang, Ying Chen and Yi Qian: Effect of operational parameters on sludge accumulation on membrane surfaces in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Desalination. 151(2), 185-194(2003)

2)Li Mo and Xia Huang: Fouling characteristics and cleaning strategies in a coagulation-microfiltration combination process for water purification, Desalination. 159(1), 1-9(2003)

3)Rui Liu, Xia Huang, You Feng Sun and Yi Qian:Hydrodynamic effect on sludge accumulation over membrane surfaces in a submerged membrane bioreactor,Process Biochemistry, 39(2), 157-163(2003)

4)Yu Zhang, Min Yang and Xia Huang: Arsenic (V) removal with a Ce(IV)-doped iron oxide adsorbent. Chemosphere, 51(9), 945-952(2003)

5)Kaichang Yu, Xianghua Wen, Qingjie Bu and Xia Huang: Critical flux enhencements with air sparing in axial hollow fibers cross-flow microfiltration of biologically treated wastewater, J. Membrane Science, 224, 69-79(2003)

6)黃霞、銭易、胡洪営:中國の水環(huán)境現(xiàn)狀と都市下水処理技術(shù)の開発、用水と排水、45(10), 54-60(2003)

7)范彬,黃霞,文湘華,于妍:微網(wǎng)生物動態(tài)膜過濾性能的研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),24(1), 91-97(2003)

8)范彬,黃霞,欒兆坤:出水水頭對自生生物動態(tài)膜過濾性能的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué),24(5), 65-69(2003)

9)張建,邵長飛,黃霞,劉志強:污水土地處理工藝中的土壤堵塞問題,中國給水排水,19(3), 17-20(2003)

10)莫罹,黃霞,迪里拜爾.蘇里坦:膜-生物反應(yīng)器處理微污染水源水的運行特性,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),23(2), 196-200(2003)


12)丁文明,黃霞,張力平:水合氧化鑭吸附除磷的試驗研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),15(2), 110-113(2003)

13)丁文明, 黃霞:鐵—鈰水合氧化物吸附劑除磷的間歇試驗研究,重慶環(huán)境科學(xué),25(11), 65-67(2003)


15)王小毛,黃霞,左晨燕,胡洪營:喹啉的O3及O3/UV降解規(guī)律,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),23(2), 134-138(2003)

16)王小毛,黃霞,左晨燕,胡洪營:O3/UV降解喹啉過程中的毒性變化,環(huán)境化學(xué),22(4), 324-328(2003)

17)迪莉拜爾•蘇力坦,莫罹*,黃霞:PAC-MBR組合工藝處理微污染水源水的研究,水處理技術(shù),29(3), 143-146(2003)

18)迪莉拜爾•蘇力坦,莫罹,黃霞:PAC-MBR組合工藝中膜污染及清洗方法的研究,給水排水,29(5), 1-4(2003)

19)張昱、楊敏,黃霞:鈰鐵復(fù)合氧化物陰離子吸附劑的表面酸堿特性研究,離子交換與吸附,19(5), 423-429(2003)


21)Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang and Hong-ying Hu: Toxicity Change in quinoline degradation by O3/UV, IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Oct. 19-23, 2003, Bangkok Thailand

22)Peng Liang, Xia Huang and Yi Qian: Excess sludge reduction in activated sludge process through predation of micro-fauna, IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Oct. 19-23, 2003, Bangkok Thailand

23)Yingxi Wu, Xia Huang, Wenguan Zuo: Effect of mesh pore size on performance of a self-forming dynamic membrane coupled bioreactor for domestic wastewater treatment ,Australia,Nov,2003.







1)Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang, Chenyan Zuo, Hongying Hu: Kinetics of quinoline degradation by O3/UV in aqueous phase, Chemosphere, 55(5), 733-741(2004)

2)Xianghua Wen, Hanjun Ding, Xia Huang, Ruopeng Liu: Treatment of hospital wastewater using a submerged membrane bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 39(11), 1427-1431(2004)

3)Zhang Jian, Huang Xia et al: Influence of Packing Media on Nitrogen Removal in a Subsurface Infiltration System, Journal of Environmental Science, 16(1), 153-156(2004)

4)王穎, 黃霞, 袁其朋:膜-生物反應(yīng)器處理高濃度有機廢水膜污染影響因素的研究,膜科學(xué)與技術(shù),24(1), 1-5(2004)

5)梁鵬,黃霞,錢易:利用紅斑瓢體蟲減少剩余污泥產(chǎn)量的研究,中國給水排水,20(1), 13-17(2004)

6)桂萍,莫罹, 黃霞:一體式膜-生物反應(yīng)器中膜污染過程的動態(tài)分析,環(huán)境污染治理設(shè)備與技術(shù),5(2), 22-26(2004)


8)張建,黃霞,施漢昌,胡洪營,錢易:滇池流域村鎮(zhèn)生活污水地下滲濾系統(tǒng)設(shè)計,給水排水,30(7), 34-36(2004)

9)張建,邵長飛,劉志強, 黃 霞,施漢昌,胡洪營:地下滲濾系統(tǒng)的中間分流強化脫氮研究,中國給水排水,20(4), 1-4(2004)


11)梁鵬,黃霞,錢易:食物污泥對紅斑瓢體蟲生長的影響,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),24(2), 159-162(2004)

12)梁鵬,黃霞,錢易,丁國際:環(huán)境因子對紅斑顠體蟲生長的影響,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),24(5), 610-614(2004)

13)吳盈禧,陳福泰,黃霞:高通量自生動態(tài)膜生物反應(yīng)器的運行特性,中國給水排水,20(2), 5-7(2004)

14)張傳義,王勇,黃霞,李中和:一體式膜-生物反應(yīng)器經(jīng)濟曝氣量的試驗研究,膜科學(xué)與技術(shù),24(5), 11-15(2004)

15)孫寓嬌,王勇,黃霞:MBR系統(tǒng)內(nèi)絲狀菌污泥膨脹的分子生態(tài)學(xué)解析,環(huán)境科學(xué),25(增刊), 56-58(2004)


17)王勇,孫寓姣,黃霞:絲狀菌對膜—生物反應(yīng)器中膜污染過程的影響,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),24(2), 247-251(2004)


19)魏春海,黃霞,趙曙光,文湘華:SMBR在次臨界通量下的運行特性,中國給水排水,20(11), 11-13(2004)

20)Yong Wang, Xia Huang, Yujiao Sun, Xianghua Wen and Yi Qian: Influence of filamentous bulking on membrane fouling in membrane bioreactor, Water Environment-Membrane Technology (WEMT) 2004, Korea, June 7-10, 2004.

21)Youfeng Sun, Xia Huang, Futai Chen and Xianghua Wen: A Dual Functional Filtration/Aeration Membrane Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater Treatment, Water Environment-Membrane Technology (WEMT) 2004, Korea, June 7-10, 2004.

22)Yingxi Wu, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen and Futai Chen: Function of Dynamic Membrane in Self-Forming Dynamic Membrane Coupled Bioreactor, Water Environment-Membrane Technology (WEMT) 2004, Korea, June 7-10, 2004.

23)Xia Huang, Yong Wang, Yujiao Sun, Xianghua Wen and Yi Qian: Influence of filamentous bulking on performance of a membrane bioreactor, Proceedings of International Symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control, August 14-15, 2004, Beijing, China, p.225-231. Keynote

24)Yingxi Wu, Qiang Cai, Xiaohong Zhou, Xia Huang, Hanchang Shi: Characterization of Dynamic Membrane Based on Oxygen Microelectrode, Proceedings of International Symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control, August 14-15, 2004, Beijing, China, p.289-295.


1)Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Lvjun Chen, Xianghua Wen and Yi Qian: Operational performance of a submerged membrane bioreactor for reclamation of bath wastewater, Process Biochemistry, 40(1), 125-130(2005)

2)Ying Wang, Xia Huang, Qipeng Yuan: Nitrogen and Carbon Removals from Food Processing Wastewater by an Anoxic/Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 40(5), 1733-1739(2005)

3)Yingxi Wu, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen and Futai Chen, Function of dynamic membrane in self-forming dynamic membrane coupled bioreactor, Water Science and Technology, 51(6~7), 107-114(2005)

4)Yaobin Meng, Xia Huang, Qunhao Yang, Yi Qian, Nobuhiko Kubota, Sakae Fukunaga, Treatment of polluted river water with a photocatalytic slurry reactor using low-pressure mercury lamps coupled with a membrane, Desalination, 181(1-3), 121-133(2005)

5)Jian Zhang, Xia Huang, Chaoxiang Liu, Hanchang Shi, Hongying Hu, Nitrogen removal enhanced by intermittent operation in a subsurface wastewater infiltration system, Ecological Engineering, 25, 419-428(2005)

6)Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Jinying Xi and Yi Qian: Microbial behaviour in a membrane bioreactor with complete sludge retention, Process Biochemistry, 40(10), 3165-3170(2005)

7)吳盈禧,蔡強,周小紅,黃霞,施漢昌:基于溶解氧微電極的動態(tài)膜在線研究方法,環(huán)境科學(xué),26(2), 113-116(2005)

8)王勇,孫寓姣,黃霞:膜—生物反應(yīng)器中活性污泥沉降性能與膜污染相關(guān)性研究,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報,25(3), 396-400(2005)


10)白潤英,梁鵬,黃霞:卷貝進行污泥減量的應(yīng)用研究,給水排水,31(7), 19-22(2005)

11)曹效鑫,魏春海,黃霞:投加粉末活性炭對一體式膜-生物反應(yīng)器膜污染的影響研究,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報,25(11), 1443-1447(2005)

12)范正虹; 陳福泰; 陳曉婷; 黃霞; 馬啟敏; 朱列平:微濾/反滲透凈化污水廠二級處理出水,中國給水排水,21(6),44-46(2005)

13)張傳義; 黃霞; 王麗萍:長期運行條件下膜-生物反應(yīng)器的膜污染特性,水處理技術(shù),31(5),(2005)

14)Xia Huang: Overview of MBR research and application in China, Proceedings of International Symposium on Membrane Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, August 29-30, 2005, Beijing, China

15)J. L. Wu, X. Huang and X. H. Wen: Improvement of membrane filterability of mixed liquor in MBR by ozonation, Proceedings of 1st IWA-ASPIRE, Singapore, July 10-15, 2005

16)Chun-hai Wei, Xia Huang, Xiao-xin Cao and Xiang-hua Wen: Effect of a suspended carrier on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Proceedings of 1st IWA-ASPIRE, Singapore, July 10-15, 2005

17)Chunhai Wei, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen: Pilot study on municipal wastewater treatment by a modified submerged membrane bioreactor, Proceedings of FUWWS-XIAN 2005, May 18-20, 2005

18)Futai Chen, Zhenghong Fan, Xia Huang and Xianghua Wen: Long-term performance of a full-scale submerged membrane bioreactor for bath wastewater reclamation, Proceedings of FUWWS-XIAN 2005, May 18-20, 2005

19)Xia Huang, Peng Liang and Yi Qian: Excess sludge reduction by T.tubifex in a recycled sludge reactor, Proceedings of the 3rd IWA Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Sapporo, Japan, June 6-8, 2005

20)黃霞:中國における膜分離活性汚泥法の現(xiàn)狀と展望,Invited by New Membrane Symposium of Japan, Dec., 2005






1)Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Yi Qian, Yuansong Wei, Guoji Ding: Determination and comparison of sludge reduction rates caused by microfaunas’ predation, Bioresource technology, 97, 854-861(2006)

2)Peng Liang, Xia Huang and Yi Qian: Excess sludge reduction in activated sludge process through predation of Aeolosoma hemprichi, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 28, 117-122(2006).

3)Chun-hai Wei, Xia Huang, Cheng-wen Wang and Xiang-hua Wen: Effect of a suspended carrier on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Water Science and Technology, 53(6), 211-220(2006)

4)Chunhai Wei, Xia Huang and Xianghua Wen: Pilot study on municipal wastewater treatment by a modified submerged membrane bioreactor, Water Science and Technology, 53(9), 103-110(2006)

5)Jinling Wu, Futai Chen, Xia Huang, Wenyan Geng, Xianghua Wen: Using inorganic coagulants to control membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Desalination, 197, 124-136(2006).



8)汪舒怡,汪誠文,黃霞:用于廢水處理的膜曝氣生物反應(yīng)器,環(huán)境污染治理技術(shù)與設(shè)備,7(6), 131-137(2006)

9)劉春,黃霞,王慧:綠色熒光蛋白標(biāo)記阿特拉津降解基因工程菌的特性,環(huán)境科學(xué),27(7), 1439-1443(2006)




13)隋鵬哲,文湘華,黃霞:厭氧-膜生物反應(yīng)器中超聲控制膜污染研究,環(huán)境污染治理技術(shù)與設(shè)備,7(4), 25-29(2006)

14)楊利,魏春海, 黃霞,王寶泉: SMBR處理城市污水的同步脫氮除磷研究,中國給水排水,22(11),13-17(2006)

15)陳福泰,范正虹,汪誠文,黃霞等:一體式MBR處理洗浴污水的長期運行效果,中國給水排水,22(13), 67-69(2006)

16)薛濤,黃霞,郝王娟:剩余污泥熱處理過程中磷、氮和有機碳的釋放特性,中國給水排水,22(23), 22-25(2006)

17)Xia Huang: Overview of Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment in China, Invited presentation by Membrane and Science Technology 2006 Symposium, 27-28 April 2006, Nayang Executive Centre, Singapore.

18)Bin Cao, Xia Huang, Atsushi Kitanaka, Yufang Yang, Deli Yang: Enhanced biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal using a submerged plate membrane bioreactor process, AMS 2006, Aug 24-25, 2006, Beijing

19)Jianhua Chen, Shuyuan Li, Xia Huang: Study on BPA Removal by a Membrane Bioreactor, oral presentation, IWA congress, Beijing, Sep.11-14, 2006, Beijing, China

20)Xiaoxin Cao, Peng Liang, Mingzhi Fan and Xia Huang: A Membrane Electrode Assembly Typed Microbial Fuel Cell for Electricity Generation, oral presentation, IWA congress, Beijing, Sep.11-14, 2006, Beijing, China

21)Peng Liang, Xiao-xing Cao, Ming-zhi Fan, Xia Huang: Characterization of the Internal Resistance of Microbial Fuel Cell for Electricity Generation, Post presentation, IWA congress, Beijing, Sep.11-14, 2006, Beijing, China

22)Xia Huang: Membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment in China, Invited presentation by The Specialist Group of Membrane Technology in Korea Society on Water Quality, Dec.8, 2006

23)黃霞,李海滔:膜-生物反應(yīng)器對城市污水中腸道病毒的去除效果和影響因素,2006年海峽兩岸綠色科技與污染控制技術(shù)學(xué)術(shù)研討會論文集,p.297-304,Dec.18-19, 2006,臺北


1)Xia Huang, Peng Liang and Yi Qian: Excess Sludge Reduction Induced By Tubifex tubifex in a Recycled Sludge Reactor, J. of Biotechnology, 127, 443-451(2007)

2)Xiao-Mao Wang, Xiao-Yan Li, Xia Huang: Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR): Characterisation of the sludge cake and its high filtration resistance, Separation and Purification Technology, 52, 439-445(2007)

3)Xia Huang, Yaobin Meng, Peng Liang, Yi Qian: Operational Conditions of a Membrane Filtration Reactor Coupled with Photocatalytic Oxidation, Separation and Purification Technology, 55,165-172(2007)

4)Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Ming-Zhi Fan, Xiao-Xin Cao, Cheng Wang: Composition and distribution of internal resistance in three types of microbial fuel cells, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 77:551–558(2007)

5)Xia Huang, Xiao-mao Wang: Toxicity change patterns and its mechanism during the degradation of nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds by O3/UV, Chemosphere, 69, 747–754(2007)

6)Xue Tao, Huang Xia. Releasing characteristics of phosphorus and other substances during thermal treatment of excess sludge. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 19(10),1153-1158(2007)

7)曹斌,黃霞,北中敦,楊瑜芳,楊德立:A2/O-膜生物反應(yīng)器強化生物脫氮除磷中試研究,中國給水排水,23(3), 22-26(2007)

8)黃霞,梁鵬,曹效鑫,范明志:無介質(zhì)微生物燃料電池污水處理技術(shù)的研究進展,中國給水排水,23(4), 2-6(2007)

9)黃霞,范明志,梁鵬,曹效鑫:微生物燃料電池陽極特性對產(chǎn)電性能的影響,中國給水排水,23(3), 8-13(2007)

10)劉春,黃霞,王慧:基金工程菌對阿特拉津的生物轉(zhuǎn)化及其影響因素,微生物學(xué)通報,34(1), 10-14(2007)

11)劉春,黃霞,孫煒,王慧:基金工程菌生物強化MBR工藝處理阿特拉津試驗研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),28(2), 417-421(2007)

12)劉春,黃霞,王慧:基因工程菌在活性污泥中的衰減及其影響因素,應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報,18(3), 646-652(2007)

13)劉春,黃霞,王慧:基因工程菌生物強化膜-生物反應(yīng)器工藝啟動期影響因素研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),28(5), 1102-1105(2007).

14)汪舒怡,汪誠文,梁鵬,黃霞:膜曝氣生物反應(yīng)器的除碳脫氮特性研究,中國給水排水,23(9), 40-44(2007)

15)魏春海,汪誠文,黃霞:曝氣管開孔直徑對一體膜-生物反應(yīng)器的影響,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),27(2), 169-173(2007)




19)李舒淵,梁鵬,黃霞:鐵陽極電凝聚法除磷條件初探,給水排水,33(增刊), 94-98(2007)

20)黃霞、梁鵬:中國における都市下水処理の現(xiàn)狀と処理技術(shù),化學(xué)裝置,49(11), 242-244(2007)

21)周海東, 黃霞, 文湘華. 城市污水中有關(guān)新型微污染物-PPCPs歸趨研究的進展. 環(huán)境工程學(xué)報. 1 (12), 1-9(2007).


23)X. Huang and X. Liu. Fouling control in a submerged membrane bioreactor associated with on-line ultrasonic cleaning. 4th IWA Leading-Edge Conference and Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Singapore, June 3-6, 2007

24)Tao Xue, Xia Huang. Effect of high phosphate loading on the competition between polyphosphate- and glycogen-accumulating organisms. 2nd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. Perth, Australia. 2007, 10.28 to 11.1

25)Zhichao Zhang, Xia Huang*, Kang Xiao, Haitao Li, Tao Xue. Impact of sludge retention time on enhanced biological phosphorus removal using membrane bioreactor. 2nd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. Perth, Australia. 2007, 10.28 to 11.1

26)Xia Huang, Xiao-xin Cao, Xiao-yuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Ming-zhi Fan: A mini microbial fuel cell for electricigen rapid screening. Proceedings of International Workshop on Monitoring and Sensor for Water Pollution Control, pp.130-138, June 13-14, 2007 Beijing, China



1)Xia Huang, Chun-hai Wei, Kai-chang Yu: Mechanism of membrane fouling control by suspended carriers in a submerged membrane bioreactor. J. of Mem. Sci., 309(1-2), 7-16(2008)

2)Pengzhe Sui, Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang: Feasibility of employing ultrasound for on-line membrane fouling control in an anaerobic membrane, Desalination, 219 (1-3), 203-213(2008).

3)Chun Liu, Xia Huang, Hui Wang: Start-up of a Membrane Bioreactor Bioaugmented with Genetically Engineered Microorganism for Enhanced Treatment of Atrazine Containing Wastewater, Desalination, 231(1-3), 12-19(2008)

4)Jianhua Chen, Xia Huang, Duujong Lee. Bisphenol A Removal by a Membrane Bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 43(4),451-456(2008)

5)Xia Huang, Jinling Wu: Improvement of membrane filterability of the mixed liquor in a membrane bioreactor by ozonation. J. of Mem. Sci., 318(1-2), (210-216)2008.

6)Jinling Wu, Xia Huang: Effect of dosing polymeric ferric sulfate on fouling characteristics, mixed liquor properties and performance in a long-term running membrane bioreactor, Separation and Purification Technology, 63, 45-54(2008).

7)Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Nico Boon, Peng Liang, Mingzhi Fan: Electricity generation by an enriched phototrophic consortium in a microbial fuel cell, Electrochemistry Communications, 10, 1392-1395(2008)

8)Xiaoxin Cao, Fang Zhang, Mingzhi Fan, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Effect of a pairing microbe to Geobacter sulfurreducens start up in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Biotechnology, 136S, S676-S677(2008)

9)Hong Tao Zhu, Xiang Hua Wen, Xia Huang: Pre-ozonation for dead-end microfiltration of the secondary effluent: suspended particles and membrane fouling, Desalination, 231(1-3), 166-174(2008).

10)Xianghua Wen, Pengzhe Sui and Xia Huang: Exerting ultrasound to control the membrane fouling in filtration of anaerobic activated sludge—mechanism and membrane damage, Water Science & Technology, 57(5), 773-779(2008).

11)范明志,梁鵬,曹效鑫,黃霞:陽極初始電勢對微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué),29(1), 263-267(2008)

12)梁鵬,范明志,曹效鑫,黃霞,黃正宏,王誠:填料型微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電特性的研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),29(2), 512-516(2008)

13)梁鵬,范明志,曹效鑫,黃霞,彭尹明,王碩,鞏前明,梁吉:碳納米管陽極微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電特性的研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),29(8), 2356-2360(2008)

14)黃霞,周海東:北京市の下水処理と再利用、水環(huán)境學(xué)會誌, 31(3), 135-139(2008)

15)黃霞, 曹斌, 文湘華, 魏春海:膜-生物反應(yīng)器在我國的研究與應(yīng)用新進展,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報,28(3), 416-432(2008)

16)陳健華,黃霞,李舒淵,文湘華,喬大磊: 膜-生物反應(yīng)器和傳統(tǒng)活性污泥法去除兩種內(nèi)分泌干擾物的對比研究,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報, 28(3), 433-439(2008)

17)陳健華,周穎君,黃霞,津野洋:壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚在MBR與CASR中的行為,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),28(6), 501-506(2008)

18)陳健華,黃霞,李舒淵,肖云波:膜-生物反應(yīng)器對雙酚A的去除研究,清華大學(xué)學(xué)報,48(6), 999-1003(2008)

19)陳健華,黃霞:納濾膜對過濾MBR出水的污染原因分析與清洗方法,環(huán)境科學(xué),29(9), 2481-2487(2008)

20)劉昕,陳福泰,黃霞:在線超聲對膜-生物反應(yīng)器活性污泥混合液性質(zhì)的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報,28(3), 440-445(2008)

21)劉昕,陳福泰,黃霞,朱書全:在線超聲對膜生物反應(yīng)器膜污染的控制,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),28(6), 517-521(2008)

22)卜慶杰,朱洪濤,文湘華,黃霞:新型膜-生物反應(yīng)器中膜絲長度對臨界通量的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報,28(3), 446-451(2008)

23)朱洪濤,文湘華,黃霞:二級出水水質(zhì)對中試臭氧-微濾工藝運行的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報,28(3), 452-457(2008)

24)曹斌,黃霞,Atsushi Kitanaka, 楊瑜芳:MBR-RO組合工藝污水回收中試研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),29(4), 915-919(2008)


26)劉德濤,薛濤,黃霞,許德平:膜-生物反應(yīng)器中PVC膜污染及清洗方法研究,安全與環(huán)境學(xué)報,8(3), 71-73(2008)

27)薛念濤、黃霞、夏俊林:自生動態(tài)膜生物反應(yīng)器處理城市污水的中試研究,中國給水排水,24(15), 20-23(2008)

28)劉春,黃霞,楊景亮:廢水生物強化中基因工程菌的流失和環(huán)境生存狀況研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),29(9), 2571-2575(2008)

29)劉春,黃 霞,楊景亮:基因強化在難降解污染物生物處理和修復(fù)中的應(yīng)用,微生物學(xué)通報,35(2):286-290(2008)

30)陳福泰, 范正虹, 吳金玲, 黃霞:MBR的在線超聲清洗效果及對混合液性質(zhì)的影響,中國給水排水,24(5), 40-44(2008)

31)陳福泰, 范正虹, 黃霞:膜生物反應(yīng)器在全球的市場現(xiàn)狀與工程應(yīng)用,中國給水排水,24(8), 14-18(2008)

32)黃霞:膜生物反應(yīng)器技術(shù)的現(xiàn)狀與未來展望,水工業(yè)市場,No.3, 13- 14(2008)

33)趙文濤, 黃霞,何苗, 張彭義,左晨燕:沸石床多級生物膜系統(tǒng)處理焦化廢水的研究,中國給水排水,24(13),18-22(2008).

34)Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen. Occurrence and reduction of polycyclic musk fragrances by three sewage treatment plants of Beijing (Oral presentation). The 17th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, June 11-13, 2008, Kobe, Japan. pp.330-331.

35)Xia Huang, Mingzhi Fan, Xiaoxin Cao, Peng Liang,Effects of electrode potentials on the electricity generation in microbial fuel cells, Microbial Fuel Cells First International Symposium, May 27-29, 2008, Pennsylvania, USA

36)Xiaoxin Cao, Fang Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Electricity generation and biofilm formation by Geobacter sulfurreducens stimulated by a pairing microorganism in a microbial fuel cell, Microbial Fuel Cells First International Symposium, May 27-29, 2008, Pennsylvania, USA

37)Peng Liang, Yinhui Mo, Mingzhi Fan, Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang,Catalyst activity change in the air-cathode microbial fuel cell with anion membrane, Microbial Fuel Cells First International Symposium, May 27-29, 2008, Pennsylvania, USA

38)Xiaoxin CAO, Lin ZHANG, Mingzhi FAN, Peng LIANG, Dengjie ZHONG, Xia HUANG,Start up and operation of a microbial fuel cell with cathode denitrification,第一屆微生物燃料電池國際研討會(中國),2008年11月3-4日,哈爾濱,中國, pp.140-141

39)梁鵬,王慧勇,黃霞,莫穎慧,曹效鑫:碳納米管粉體對微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電性能的影響,第一屆微生物燃料電池國際研討會(中國),2008年11月3-4日,哈爾濱,中國, pp.71-72


1)Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang, Motoharu Noguchi, Yiping Gan. Membrane fouling in the reclamation of secondary effluent with an ozone-membrane hybrid system. Separation Science & Technology. 44(1), 121-130(2009)

2)Wen-tao Zhao, Xia Huang, Duu-jong Lee, Xiao-hui Wang, Yue-xiao Shen: Use of Submerged Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic Membrane Bioreactor to Treat Highly Toxic Coke Wastewater with Complete Sludge Retention, J. of Mem. Sci., 330, 57-64 (2009)

3)Wen-tao Zhao, Xia Huang, Duu-jong Lee: Enhanced Treatment of Coke Plant Wastewater Using an Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic Membrane Bioreactor System, Separation and Purification Technology, 66, 279–286 (2009)

4)Peng Liang, Mingzhi Fan, Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang: Evaluation of applied cathode potential to enhance biocathode in microbial fuel cells, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 84, 794-799(2009)

5)Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang, Mijun Gao, Xiaolin Wang, Xianghua Wen. Distribution and elimination of polycyclic musks in three sewage treatment plants of Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21 (5), 561-567 (2009)

6)張志超,黃霞,楊海軍,肖康,羅小,沙恒,陳奕名:生物除磷污泥胞外多聚物含磷形態(tài)的核磁共振分析,光譜學(xué)與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),29(2), 536-539(2009)

7)曹效鑫,范明志,梁鵬,黃霞:陽極電勢對Geobacter sulfurreducens產(chǎn)電性能的影響,《高等學(xué);瘜W(xué)學(xué)報》,30(5), 983-987(2009)

8)Xiaoxin CAO, Xia HUANGa, Peng LIANGa, Nico BOON, Mingzhi FAN, Lin ZHANG, Xiaoyuan ZHANG, A completely anoxic microbial fuel cell using a photo-biocathode for cathodic carbon dioxide reduction, Energy & Environmental Science, 2(5): 498-501(2009).

9)Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Mingzhi Fan, A mini-microbial fuel cell for voltage testing of exoelectrogenic bacteria, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 3(3), 307-312(2009)

10)Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Peng Liang, Kang Xiao, Yingjun Zhou, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Bruce Logan: A New Method for Water Desalination Using Microbial Desalination Cells. ES&T, 43, 7148-7152(2009)

11)Kang Xiao, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang, T. David Waite, Xianghua Wen: Analysis of polysaccharide, protein and humic acid retention by microfiltration membranes using Thomas’ dynamic adsorption model, J. of Mem. Sci., 342:22-34(2009)

12)Jinling Wu, Xia Huang: Effect of mixed liquor properties on fouling propensity in membrane bioreactors. J. of Mem. Sci., 342: 88-95(2009)

13)Yinghui Mo, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Huiyong Wang, Xiaoxin Cao: Enhancing the Stability of Power Generation of Single-chamber Microbial Fuel Cells Using an Anion Exchange Membrane, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 84, 1767-1772(2009)

14)Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoan Cheng, Xin Wang, Xia Huang, Bruce Logan: Separator Characteristics for Increasing Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells, ES&T, 43, 8456-8461(2009)

15)趙文濤、黃霞、何苗、張彭義、左晨燕:沸石床多級生物膜焦化廢水處理系統(tǒng)的NH4+-N去除穩(wěn)定性研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),30(2), 594-599(2009)


17)梁鵬、黃霞、范明志、曹效鑫、崔岳:雙筒型微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電及污水凈化特性的研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),30(2), 616-620(2009)

18)梁鵬,王慧勇,黃霞,曹效鑫,莫穎慧:環(huán)境因素對接種Shewanella baltica的微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電能力的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué),30(7), 2148-2152(2009)



21)支霞輝、黃霞、李朋、薛濤、王曉慧:污水短程脫氮工藝中亞硝酸鹽積累的影響因素,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),29(5), 486-492(2009)


23)張玉秀、張偉偉、薛濤、支霞輝、黃霞:亞硝酸型反硝化除磷污泥馴化方式的比較,中國環(huán)境科學(xué),29(5), 493-496(2009)

24)王慧勇、梁鵬、黃霞、王曉昌:微生物燃料電池中產(chǎn)電微生物電子傳遞研究進展,環(huán)境保護研究,35(1), 17-20(2009)

25)朱洪濤,文湘華,黃霞. 臭氧對水處理中膜污染的影響,環(huán)境科學(xué),30(1), 302-312(2009)

26)吳春英、吳盈禧、夏俊林、黃霞:動態(tài)膜生物反應(yīng)器的運行穩(wěn)定性及其影響因素研究,中國給水排水,25(21), 21-25(2009)

27)周海東, 黃霞, 王曉琳, 高密軍, 文湘華. 兩種工藝對污水再生水中微量有機物的去除效果. 中國環(huán)境科學(xué),29(8), 816-821(2009).

28)周海東,王曉琳,高密軍,黃霞. 北京污水廠進、出水中內(nèi)分泌干擾物的分布. 中國給水排水, 25 (23), 57-619(2009)

29)周海東, 黃霞, 王曉琳, 文湘華. 北京市城市污水雌激素活性的研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué), 30(12):151-156(2009)


31)Xia Huang, Xiaoxin Cao, Peng Liang. Photo-stimulated Microbial Fuel Cell. The 2nd microbial fuel cell conference. The 2nd microbial fuel cell conference,GIST, Guangju, Korea. June 10-12, 2009 (Keynote)

32)Xiaoxin Cao, Xue Xia, Suping Yang, Chungui Zhao, Peng Liang, Xia Huang. Electricity generation by Klebsiella sp. in a microbial fuel cell. The 2nd microbial fuel cell conference. GIST, Guangju, Korea. June 10-12, 2009

33)Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Huiyong Wang, Xiaoxin Cao, Minzhi Fan. Application of Carbon Nanotube powder in microbial fuel cell. The 2nd microbial fuel cell conference. GIST, Guangju, Korea. June 10-12, 2009

34)Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen. Investigation on Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Sewage Treatment Plants of Beijing, China (Oral presentation). The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2009, Taiwan, China.


1)Yuexiao Shen, Wentao Zhao, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: A systematic insight into fouling propensity of soluble microbial products in membrane bioreactors based on hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion, J. of Mem. Sci., 346, 187-193(2010).

2)Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang, Xiaolin Wang, Xiahui Zhi, Chengdui Yang, Xianghua Wena, Qunhui Wang, Hiroshi Tsuno, Hiroaki Tanaka. Behaviour of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in three sewage treatment plants of Beijing, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.161, 107-121(2010)

3)Wentao Zhao, Yuxiao Shen, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Fouling characteristics in a membrane bioreactor coupled with anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process for coke wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology, 101(11), 3876-3883 (2010)

4)Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang: Membrane organic fouling and the effect of pre-ozonation in microfiltration of secondary effluent organic matter, J. of Mem. Sci., 352, 213-221(2010)

5)Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang: A New Insight into Potential Regulation on Growth and Power Generation of Geobacter sulfurreducens in Microbial Fuel Cells Based on Energy Viewpoint, ES&T, 44, 3187-3191(2010)

6)Jinling Wu, Haitao Li, Xia Huang: Indigenous somatic coliphage removal from a real municipal wastewater by a submerged membrane bioreactor, Water Research, 44(6), 1853-1862(2010)

7)Jinling Wu, Xia Huang: Use of ozonation to mitigate fouling in a long-term membrane bioreactor, Bioresource Technology, 101, 6019-6027(2010)

8)Jinling Wu, Yuan Zhuang, Haitao Li, Xia Huang: pH Adjusting to Reduce Fouling Propensity of Activated sludge Mixed Liquor in Membrane Bioreactors, Separation Science and Technology, 45(7), 890-895 (2010)

9)Meilan Xu, Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang, Yushan Li: Membrane Fouling Control in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with Online Ultrasound Equipment for Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge, Separation Science and Technology, 45(7), 941-947 (2010)

10)Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoan Cheng, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: The Use of Nylon and Glass Fiber Filter Separators With Different Pore Sizes in Air-Cathode Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells, Energy & Environmental Science, 3, 659-664(2010)

11)Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoan Cheng, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Improved performance of single-chamber microbial fuel cells through control of membrane deformation, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25, 1825-1828(2010)

12)Xue Xia, Xiaoxin Cao, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Suping Yang, Gengui Zhao: Electricity generation from glucose by a Klebsiella sp. in microbial fuel cells, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 87, 383-390(2010)

13)Niantao Xue, Junlin Xia, Xia Huang: Fouling Control of a Pilot Scale Self-forming Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Desalination and water treatment, 18, 302-308(2010).

14)Xia Huang, Kang Xiao,Yuexiao Shen: Recent advances in membrane bioreactor technology for wastewater treatment in China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 4(3), 245-270(2010)

15)Yinghui Mo, Jianhua Chen, Wenchao Xue, Xia Huang: Chemical Cleaning of Nanofiltration Membrane Filtrating the Effluent from a Membrane Bioreactor, Separation and Purification Technology, 75, 407-414(2010)

16)Wenchao Xue, Chunying Wu, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang, Haidong Zhou, Hiroshi Tsuno, Hiroaki Tanaka. Elimination and fate of selected micro-organic pollutants in a full-scale anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic process combined with membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater reclamation, Water research, 44(20), 5999-6010(2010)

17)Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang, Mijun Gao, Xianghua Wen, Hiroshi Tsuno, Hiroaki Tanaka. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in sewage treatment plants and receiving rivers in Beijing, China. Water Environment Research, 82(11), 2239-2248(2010).

18)梁鵬,張玲,黃霞,范明志、曹效鑫:雙筒型微生物燃料電池生物陰極反硝化研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),31(8), 234-238(2010)

19)鐘登杰,黃霞,梁鵬,夏雪:生物陰極微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電性能的研究,中國給水排水,26(1), 9-12(2010)

20)沈悅嘯,王利政,莫穎慧,黃霞,文湘華:膜生物反應(yīng)器的最新研究進展,中國給水排水,26(12), 22-26(2010)

21)沈悅嘯,王利政,莫穎慧,黃霞,文湘華:膜污染和膜材料的最新研究進展,中國給水排水,26(14), 16-22(2010)

22)沈悅嘯,王利政,莫穎慧,黃霞,文湘華:微濾、超濾、納濾和反滲透技術(shù)的最新進展,中國給水排水,2010, 26(22), 1-5

23)崔志廣,劉彩彩,關(guān)晶,黃霞,文湘華,俞開昌,梁輝:沸石生物濾 混凝沉 超濾工藝處理微污染源水,中國給水排水,26(7), 34-36(2010)

24)古創(chuàng),吳春英,支霞輝,黃霞,陳世民,董良飛:鐵刨花對A/O/A工藝脫氮除磷效果的影響,中國給水排水,26(11), 5-8(2010)

25)謝珊,陳陽,梁鵬,黃霞: 好氧生物陰極型微生物燃料電池的同時硝化和產(chǎn)電的研究,環(huán)境科學(xué),31(7), 1601-1606(2010)


1)Shan Xie, Peng Liang, Yang Chen, Xue Xia, Xia Huang: Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal using an oxic/anoxic-biocathode microbial fuel cells coupled system, Bioresource Technology, 2011,102, 348-354.

2)Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoan Cheng, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Scalable Air Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells Using Glass Fiber Separators, Plastic Mesh Supporters, and Graphite Fiber Brush Anodes, Bioresource Technology, 2011(1), 102, 372-375.

3)Ningning Yang, Xianghua Wen, T. David Waite, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang: Natural organic matter fouling of microfiltration membranes: Prediction of constant flux behavior from constant pressure materials properties determination, J. of Mem. Sci., 2011, 366, 192-202

4)Chun-Hai Wei, Xia Huang, Roger Ben Aim, Kazuo Yamamoto, Gary Amy: Membrane fouling control by chemical cleaning-in-place in a pilot-scale submerged membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Water research, 2011, 45, 863-871

5)Peng Liang, Huiyong Wang, Xue Xia, Xia Huang, Yinghui Mo, Xiaoxin Cao and Mingzhi Fan, Carbon nanotube powder as electrode modifier to enhance the activity of anodic biofilm in microbial fuel cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26, 3000-3004

6)Xi Chen, Xue Xia, Peng Liang, Xiaoxin Cao, Haotian Sun, Xia Huang: Stacked Microbial Desalination Cells to Enhance Water Desalination Efficiency, ES&T, 2011, 45, 2465-2470

7)Li Wang, Peng Liang, Jian Zhang, Xia Huang: Activity and stability of pyrolyzed iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells, Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(8), 5093-5097.

8)Xiao Kang, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang, T. David Waite, Xianghua Wen, Combined effect of membrane and foulant hydrophobicity and surface charge on adsorptive fouling during microfiltration, J. of Mem. Sci., 2011, 373:140-151

9)Chunying Wu, Wenchao Xue, Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang, and Xianghua Wen: Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a large scale membrane bioreactor plant combined with anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process for municipal wastewater reclamation, Water Science & Technology, 2011, 64(7):1511-1518

10)Yingjun Zhou, Xia Huang, Haidong Zhou, Jianhua Chen, Wenchao Xue: Removal of Typical Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Membrane Bioreactor: in Comparison with Sequencing Batch Reactor, Water Science & Technology, 2011, 64(10):2096-2102

11)Zhicao Zhang, Xia Huang: Study on enhanced biological phosphorus removal using membrane bioreactor at different sludge retention time. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011, 45(1/2/3):15-24

12)Peng Liang, Wenlong Wu, Jincheng Wei, Lulu Yuan, Xue Xia, and Xia Huang, Alternate Charging and Discharging of Capacitor to Enhance the Electron Production of Bioelectrochemical Systems, ES&T, 2011, 45(15), 6647-6653.

13)Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Recent progress in electrodes for microbial fuel cells, Biotechnology Resource, 2011, 102(20), 9335-9344.

14)Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Use of inexpensive semicoke and activated carbon as biocathode in microbial fuel cells, Biotechnology Resource, 2011, 102(22), 10431-10435.

15)Yinghui Mo, Kang Xiao, Yuexiao Shen, Xia Huang, A new perspective on the effect of complexation between calcium and alginate on the fouling during nanofiltration, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 82, 121-127.

16)Yanmei Sun, Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Electricity generation and microbial community changes in microbial fuel cells packed with different anodic materials, submitted to Biotechnology Resource, 2011, 102(23), 10886-10891

17)Xiaoyuan Zhang, Haotian Sun, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Xi Chen, Bruce E. Logan, Air-cathode structure optimization in separator-coupled microbial fuel cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 30, 267-271

18)薛濤,俞開昌,關(guān)晶,黃霞,文湘華,苗雪娜,崔志廣:MBR污水處理工藝中活性污泥動力學(xué)參數(shù)測定,環(huán)境科學(xué),2011, 32(4):1027-1033

19)薛濤、董良飛、關(guān)晶、郗曉敏、俞開昌、夏俊林、黃霞:MBR強化脫氮除磷工藝處理城市污水的中試,水處理技術(shù),2011, 37(2), 45-47

20)謝珊,梁鵬,李亮,黃霞:好氧/缺氧生物陰極型微生物燃料電池組合工藝處理含氮廢水的研究,廣東化工,2011,38(6), 126-127

21)黃霞,左名景,薛濤,賽世杰,董良飛,阮文權(quán):膜生物反應(yīng)器脫氮除磷工藝處理城市污水的工程應(yīng)用,膜科學(xué)與技術(shù),2011,31(3), 223-227.

22)Xia Huang. Microbial desalination cell for electricity generation with water desalination. The 3rd microbial fuel cell conference, The Netherlands. June 6-8, 2011 (Plenary Lecture)

23)Xia Huang. Recent advances in membrane bioreactor technology for wastewater treatment in China, 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment, Aachen, Germany, Oct.4-7, 2011 (Keynote)

24)Xia Huang. Characterization and fouling propensity of soluble microbial products in membrane bioreactors. IWA Biofilm Conference 2011, Shanghai, China, Oct.27-30, 2011 (Plenary Lecture)


1.黃霞:鐵-稀土元素負荷水處理吸附劑及其制備方法,ZL 99 1 19712.7

2.黃霞、范彬、文湘華:應(yīng)用動態(tài)膜對生物反應(yīng)器混合液進行過濾的方法及裝置,ZL 01144189.5

3.黃霞、莫罹、文湘華:投加填料的流化床型膜-生物反應(yīng)器及水處理方法,ZL 02104180.6

4.黃霞、張建、施漢昌、胡洪營:強化布水式地下滲濾污水處理方法,ZL 02130946.9

5.黃霞,孫友峰,文湘華:序批式膜-生物反應(yīng)器污水處理工藝及裝置,ZL 03100398.2

6.黃霞、丁文明:高活性氧化鐵吸附劑及其制備方法,ZL 03153998.X

10.黃霞、施漢昌、汪誠文、陳呂軍、靳志軍:無擴散的全密閉醫(yī)院污水處理系統(tǒng),ZL 03123515.8

11.文湘華、黃霞、俞開昌、卜慶杰、孫友峰:一種可氣沖的外壓柱式中空纖維膜組件,ZL 03121949.7

12.黃霞,吳金玲,文湘華:一種調(diào)控混合液性質(zhì)的控制膜污染方法,ZL 200410009624.6

13.黃霞,陳福泰,文湘華:在線超聲空化清洗膜-生物反應(yīng)器方法與裝置,ZL 200410009684.8







20.黃霞、曹效鑫、梁鵬、肖康、周穎君、羅甘.布魯斯:一種用于同步產(chǎn)電脫鹽的污水處理工藝及裝置,ZL 2009 1 0078036.0


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