中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)
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硝酸鹽去除技術:一個老問題的新解決方案 Nitrate Removal Technologies: New Solutions To An Old Problem

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2015-01-16  瀏覽次數(shù):169
核心提示:硝酸鹽去除技術:一個老問題的新解決方案 Nitrate Removal Technologies: New Solutions To An Old Problem
中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

Nitrate Removal Technologies: New Solutions To An Old Problem


Nitrate contamination is a pervasive problem in many industrial and municipal discharges, both in the U.S. and worldwide. Excess nitrates from large-scale use of agricultural fertilizers, concentrated animal feeding operations and releases of partially treated sewage disperse into groundwater supplies and have become one of the world’s most prevalent contaminants (Water Online, 2011). In the U.S., it is estimated that over 10,000 public water supply wells currently have high levels of nitrate. Studies across Western Europe and Asia have further identified thousands of wells with nitrate concentrations at or above established health standards, with potential impacts to as many as 10 million people.

The typical drinking water standard to meet is 10 mg/L of nitrate as nitrogen, primarily due to concerns with methemoglobinemia (“blue baby syndrome”) in infants. Nitrate discharges continue to be strictly regulated and a number of new technologies, aimed at wastewater, drinking and industrial waters, have come to the forefront. Most of these new technologies are biologically based.

Conventional Biological Treatment Systems

Biological nitrate removal is based on the following reaction that is catalyzed by denitrifying bacteria:

Methanol is one of many carbon sources that can be used to promote denitrification. Others include ethanol and other alcohols, sugars such as glucose and sucrose, glycerin and acetate.

Conventional technologies for nitrate removal include:

1. Packed bed bioreactors. Apex Engineering has designed and optimized many industrial wastewater systems for nitrate removal, primarily mine water at low temperatures (Table 1).


The TETRA Denite® system, which is a fixed-film biological denitrification process combined with a deep-bed filtration system, was developed by Severn Trent as another type of packed bed bioreactor.Its objective is to provide effective total nitrogen and phosphorus removal.Methanol is typically added as the carbon source via the TETRAPace™ automatic dosing control system to reduce chemical costs and minimize Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in treated effluent.TETRA Denite has been shown to provide effective denitrification (to below 0.5 mg/L nitrate-N) during cold weather operation (6-12o C).

2. Membrane bioreactors (MBRs). An MBR is a membrane process such as microfiltration or ultrafiltration combined with a suspended growth bioreactor. When used on domestic wastewater, MBRs can produce high-quality effluent for discharge or reclaim for urban irrigation. Other advantages of MBRs over conventional processes like packed bed bioreactors include a small footprint and easy retrofit to existing wastewater treatment plants. MBR providers include GE Water, Evoqua Water Technologies, and Bioprocess H2O.

3. In situ systems. This technology is typically applied where groundwater must be treated and it cannot be easily extracted or re-injected. Several in situ systems implemented by Apex Engineering are shown in Table 2.


Innovative Biological Treatment Technologies

New technologies for nitrate removal include:

1. Moving bed bioreactors (MBBR). This biological wastewater treatment process utilizes specialized plastic carriers to create a surface for biofilm attachment. The carriers are mixed in the reactor and their large surface area reduces the reactor volume required for treatment. One MBBR provider is AnoxKaldnes, a subsidiary of Veolia. Apex Engineering has worked with an AnoxKaldnes system at the Stillwater East Boulder Mine in Alaska and a proposed system for the Kensington Mine in Alaska. An MBBR from Headworks BIO™ Inc. is also being used at a gold mine in northern Saskatchewan. The technology is provided by other companies at many locations with diverse applications.

2. The ARoNite (Autotrophic Reduction of Nitrate) system developed by APT Water. This is a fixed-film biological treatment technology for removal of oxidized contaminants such as nitrate, perchlorate, hexavalent chromium and selenate. Like other biological systems, ARoNite does not create a brine stream or other waste residual. ARoNite systems rely on native bacteria that use added hydrogen gas as an electron donor, and utilize carbon needed for cell synthesis from bicarbonate in the feed water or from added carbon dioxide. Advantages listed for this process are:

  1. Use of autotrophic bacteria, which requires no organic carbon addition;

  2. Relatively low-cost electron donor (hydrogen) that is commercially available in bulk or can be generated on-site;

  3. Easy to control hydrogen addition rate;

  4. Non-toxic electron donor (hydrogen) that has no residual (although it is highly flammable); and

  5. Low biomass yield, producing less sludge that must be wasted.

The first commercial ARoNite system went on-line in January 2012 for drinking water treatment in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, which produced drinking water containing less than 1 mg/L of nitrate-N. The purpose of the Rancho Cucamonga system was to gain State of California approval for drinking water treatment, which was granted in July 2013.

3. The SepticNET™ system developed by Water & Environmental Technologies (Butte, MT), which is a modular septic treatment system designed for use with new home construction, as an upgrade to existing on-site septic systems or as a complete small community wastewater treatment system (Figure 1). SepticNET was patented in 2012 and has gained Montana Department of Environmental Quality approval as a Level 2 wastewater treatment system. It is approved for an effluent total nitrogen concentration of less than 7.5 mg/L with no limitations on flow rates and no nitrate mixing zones. SepticNET is available in pre-designed residential and small community systems ranging from 500 gallons per day (gpd) to 10,000 gpd. The system has four treatment steps:

  1. An aerobic treatment unit featuring an upflow/upflow aerated, packed-column, fixed-film bioreactor to convert ammonia to nitrate (nitrification). This reactor design reportedly eliminates plugging and excessive biofilm buildup often associated with other systems.

  2. Nitrate-rich water than flows into a clarifier, which captures sloughed biofilm from nitrification and pumps it back to the septic tank.

  3. A packed-column, fixed-film bioreactor for denitrification, which uses a patented carbon-based media as the carbon source. This media is insoluble, nontoxic and slightly buoyant to minimize plugging and short-circuiting.

  4. A settling tank to remove most of the remaining solids.

Figure 1. SepticNET system

4. Floating islands or floating treatment wetlands (FTWs). Over 5,000 FTWs have been installed worldwide over the past decade by Floating Island International (FII) and its licensees (see a 9/15/04 article in Water Online). Uses include water treatment, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement, and shoreline protection. FII applications for nitrate removal include wastewater lagoons and stormwater ponds (Figure 2), with up to 95 percent removal. Apex Engineering is a consultant for FII.

Figure 2. Small FTWs in a stormwater pond

5. Lentikats MBBR. In the past five years, this company from the Czech Republic has advanced a biotechnology that immobilizes pure cultures of bacteria (commonly present in activated sludge) into porous polyvinyl alcohol pellets, called a biocatalyst. Wastewater diffuses through the sponge-like pellets while the entrapped bacteria biodegrade contaminants such as nitrate. Lentikats has developed a specialized biocatalyst for denitrification. Reported advantages include:

  1. Higher reaction rates leading to smaller reactor volumes;

  2. Application to highly concentrated streams (up to 3,000 mg/L nitrogen);

  3. Reduced organic carbon demand;

  4. Reduced sludge production; and

  5. Application to industrial streams lacking in nutrients.

The technology has been evaluated in about 15 pilot tests and three full-scale installations.Lentikats claims its biocatalyst pellets can be continuously operated for at least ten years without replacement or decreases in efficiency.

Other Nitrate Removal Technologies

Ion exchange (IX) is another technology for nitrate removal. Most IX resin manufacturers make ion-specific resins for contaminants such as nitrate, which minimize adsorption of and interference from other cations or anions. The Buckhorn Mountain Mine in Washington used a nitrate-specific resin from ResinTech to treat a 100-gpm stream of mine water. The primary disadvantage of IX is that it produces a concentrated brine that must be discharged, disposed of or further treated. However, the brine volume is typically lower than that from reverse osmosis.

AdEdge Water Technologies has installed dozens of IX systems for many contaminants, primarily arsenic. AdEdge has recently installed several IX systems for nitrate removal from drinking water and industrial water in the U.S. Design flows range from 40 to 350 gpm, with nitrate-nitrogen concentrations between 12 and 25 mg/L. Other companies have also used IX on both wastewater and drinking water. However, I know of several facilities that have switched from IX to biological treatment.

Reverse osmosis (RO) can also be used to remove nitrate from water. RO is a non-selective technology in that it will remove all ionic contaminants from water, particularly those with higher valences. Since NO3- is a monovalent ion, RO rejection is lower than for most other contaminants. Because of this and the higher brine volume than either IX or biological treatment, RO is rarely used for nitrate removal. Other membrane processes such as microfiltration or ultrafiltration are ineffective for nitrate removal except when employed as part of an MBR.

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技術沙龍 | 先進水技術博覽(Part 12) 直播時間:10月14日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 2023-10-14 10:00:00 開始 直播題目:蘇伊士污泥焚燒及零碳足跡概念污泥廠 主講人:程忠紅 蘇伊士亞洲 技術推廣經(jīng)理  內(nèi)容包括: 1.	SUEZ污泥業(yè)務產(chǎn)品介紹 2.	全球不同焚燒項目介紹 3.	上海浦東污泥焚燒項目及運營情況
中國給水排水第十四屆中國污泥千人大會參觀項目之一:上海浦東新區(qū)污水廠污泥處理處置工程 《水工藝工程雜志》系列網(wǎng)絡報告 直播時間:2023年9月26日 16:00  王曉昌  愛思唯爾期刊《水工藝工程雜志》(Journal of Water Process Engineering)共同主
中國給水排水2024年污水處理廠提標改造(污水處理提質(zhì)增效)高級研討會(第八屆)邀請函暨征稿啟事  同期召開中國給水排水2024年排水管網(wǎng)大會  (水環(huán)境綜合治理)  同期召開中國給水排水 2024年 海綿城市標準化產(chǎn)業(yè)化建設的關鍵內(nèi)容 結(jié)合項目案例,詳細介紹海綿城市建設的目標、技術體系及標準體系,探討關鍵技術標準化產(chǎn)業(yè)化建設的路徑,提出我國海綿城市建設的發(fā)展方向。
報告題目:《城鎮(zhèn)智慧水務技術指南》   中國給水排水直播平臺: 主講人簡介:  簡德武,教授級高級工程師,現(xiàn)任中國市政工程中南設計研究總院黨委委員、副院長,總院技術委員會副主任委員、信息技術委員會副主 第一輪通知 | 國際水協(xié)第18屆可持續(xù)污泥技術與管理會議 主辦單位:國際水協(xié),中國科學院  聯(lián)合主辦單位:《中國給水排水》雜志社 等
技術沙龍 | 先進水技術博覽(Part 11) 直播時間:8月19日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 2023-08-19 10:00:00  廣東匯祥環(huán)境科技有限公司  湛蛟  技術總監(jiān)  天津萬 中國水業(yè)院士論壇-中國給水排水直播平臺(微信公眾號cnww1985):自然—社會水循環(huán)與水安全學術研討會
WaterInsight第7期丨掀浪:高鐵酸鉀氧化技術的機理新認知及應用 直播時間:2023年8月5日(周六)上午10:00-11:00 2023-08-05 10:00:00 開始 直播:“一泓清水入黃河”之山西省再生水產(chǎn)業(yè)化發(fā)展專題講座 直播時間:2023年7月23日(周日 )08:00-12:00 2023-07-23 08:00:00 開始
珊氮自養(yǎng)反硝化深度脫氮技術推介會 直播時間:2023年7月21日(周五) 歐仁環(huán)境顛覆性技術:污水廠擴容“加速跑”(原有設施不動,污水處理規(guī)模擴容1倍!出水水質(zhì)達地表水準IV類標準。,推動污水治理提質(zhì)增效。  誠征全國各地污水廠提標擴容工程需求方(水務集團、BOT公司、設
直播預告|JWPE網(wǎng)絡報告:自然系統(tǒng)中難降解污染物去除的物化與生化作用及水回用安全保障 中國給水排水 直播題目: 高排放標準下污水中難降解COD的去除技術     報告人:蘇伊士亞洲 技術推廣經(jīng)理 程忠紅
WaterTalk|王凱軍:未來新水務 一起向未來  For and Beyond Water 中國環(huán)境科學學會水處理與回用專業(yè)委員會以網(wǎng)絡會議形式舉辦“水與發(fā)展縱論”(WaterTalk)系列學術報 5月18日下午 14:00—16:00 直播  題目: 高密度沉淀池技術的迭代更新 主講人: 程忠紅 蘇伊士亞洲 技術推廣經(jīng)理  大綱:  高密池技術原理 不同型號高密池的差異和應用區(qū)別 高密池與其他
BEST|綠色低碳科技前沿與創(chuàng)新發(fā)展--中國工程院院士高翔教授  直播時間:2023年4月30日 14:00—16:00 2023-04-30 14:00:00 開始 日照:“碳”尋鄉(xiāng)村振興“綠色密碼”  鳳凰網(wǎng)山東    鄉(xiāng)村生態(tài)宜居,鄉(xiāng)村振興的底色才會更亮。我市堅持鄉(xiāng)村建設與后續(xù)管護并重,市、區(qū)、鎮(zhèn)聯(lián)
BEST論壇講座報告第十三期(cnwww1985):全球碳預算和未來全球碳循環(huán)的不穩(wěn)定性風險 The global carbon budget and risks of futur 國際水協(xié)IWA 3月17日直播:3月17日 國際水協(xié)IWA創(chuàng)新項目獎PIA獲獎項目介紹分享會 直播時間:2023年3月17日 9:00—11:30 2023-03-17 09:00:00 開始
中國給水排水直播:云中漫步-融合大數(shù)據(jù)、人工智能及云計算的威立雅智慧水務系統(tǒng)Hubgrade 直播時間:2023年3月15日 中國給水排水直播平臺會議通知 | 2023污泥處理處置技術與應用高峰論壇(清華大學王凱軍教授團隊等)
中國污水千人大會參觀項目之一: 云南合續(xù)環(huán)境科技股份有限公司  ?谑形鞅捞端|(zhì)凈化中心 中國給水排水 Water Insight直播:劉銳平  清華大學 環(huán)境學院 教授 博士生導師—高濃度硝酸鹽廢水反硝化脫氮過程強化原理與應用 會議時間:2023.1.7(周六)10:00—11:00
智慧水務的工程全生命周期實踐分享 直播時間:2023年1月6日 15:00-16:00 對話嘉賓:竇秋萍  華霖富水利環(huán)境技術咨詢(上海)有限公司  總經(jīng)理 主持人:李德橋   歐特克軟件(中國)有限 蘇伊士 直播時間:12月30日14:00-16:00直播題目:污泥處理處置的“因地制宜和因泥制宜” 主講人:程忠紅,蘇伊士亞洲  技術推廣經(jīng)理 特邀嘉賓:劉波 中國市政工程西南設計研究總院二院總工 教
蘇伊士 直播時間:12月27日14:00-16:00;復雜原水水質(zhì)下的飲用水解決方案    陳智,蘇伊士亞洲,技術推廣經(jīng)理,畢業(yè)于香港科技大學土木與環(huán)境工程系,熟悉市政及工業(yè)的給水及污水處理,對蘇伊士 曲久輝  中國工程院院士,美國國家工程院外籍院士,發(fā)展中國家科學院院士;清華大學環(huán)境學院特聘教授、博士生導師;中國科學院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心研究員
基于模擬仿真的污水處理廠數(shù)字化與智慧化:現(xiàn)狀與未來 直播時間:2022年12月28日(周三)9:30—12:00 2022城鎮(zhèn)溢流污染控制高峰論壇|聚焦雨季溢流污染控制的技術應用與推廣 中國給水排水
王愛杰 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學教授,國家杰青,長江學者,國家 領軍人才:廣州大學學術講座|低碳水質(zhì)凈化技術及實踐 直播時間:2022年12月18日 9:30 國際水協(xié)會哥本哈根世界水大會成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡會議 直播時間:2022年12月15日 20:00—22:00
德國專場直播主題:2022 中國沼氣學術年會暨中德沼氣合作論壇 2022 中國沼氣學術年會暨中德沼氣合作論壇德國專場 時間:2022年12月20日  下午 15:00—17:00(北京時間) 2022中國沼氣學會學術年會暨第十二屆中德沼氣合作論壇的主論壇將于12月15日下午2點召開
技術交流 | 德國污水處理廠 計算系列規(guī)程使用介紹 城建水業(yè) WaterInsight首期丨王志偉教授:膜法水處理技術面臨的機遇與挑戰(zhàn) 直播時間:2022年12月10日 10:00—11:00
處理工藝專場|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時間:2022年12月8日 8:30—12:15 建設管理專場|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時間:2022年12月7日 14:00—17:15
國際水協(xié)會哥本哈根世界水大會成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡會議 直播時間:2022年12月8日 20:00—22:00 Training Course for Advanced Research & Development of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Tech
12月3日|2022IWA中國漏損控制高峰論壇 直播時間:2022年12月3日(周六)9:00—17:00 2022-12-03 09:00:00 開始 國際水協(xié)會哥本哈根世界水大會成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡會議(第八期) 直播時間:2022年12月1日 20:00—22:00 2022-12-01 20:00:00 開始
中國給水排水直播:智慧輸配專場|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時間:2022年11月30日 14:00—17:05 2022-11-30 14:00:00 開始 國際水協(xié)會哥本哈根世界水大會成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡會議(第七期) 直播時間:2022年11月25日 20:00—22:00 2022-11-25 20:00:00 開始
國標圖集22HM001-1《海綿城市建設設計示例(一)》首次宣貫會   直播時間:2022年11月24日 13:30—17:30 中國給水排水直播平臺 【 李玉友,日本國立東北大學工學院土木與環(huán)境工程系教授,博導,注冊工程師】顆粒污泥工藝的研究和應用:從UASB到新型高效脫氮和磷回收