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黃國和---廈門理工學(xué)院環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院 院長,兼職終身教授(無薪俸)

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2015-07-29  瀏覽次數(shù):975
核心提示: 黃國和----教授,博導(dǎo)。現(xiàn)任環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院院長,兼職終身教授(無薪俸)

     黃國和  兼職終身教授(無薪俸)  

      黃國和,男,1961年生,福建廈門人,教授,博導(dǎo)。現(xiàn)任環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院院長,兼職終身教授(無薪俸)。教育部長江學(xué)者、國家自然科學(xué)基金委杰出青年基金獲得者、國家973項目首席科學(xué)家、國家863項目首席科學(xué)家。1982年北京大學(xué)學(xué)士,1991年加拿大西蒙雷澤(Simon Fraser)大學(xué)碩士,1994年加拿大麥克馬斯特(McMaster)大學(xué)博士。任國際環(huán)境信息科學(xué)學(xué)會主席、中加能源與環(huán)境研究中心主任;曾獲國家科技進步二等獎、教育部自然科學(xué)一等獎、美國土木工程師學(xué)會優(yōu)秀論文獎、加拿大國家能源與環(huán)境研究首席科學(xué)家、第二屆青年科技獎等。在國內(nèi)國際雜志、書籍、會議文集上發(fā)表600多篇文章(含國際SCI雜志文章300多篇)。研究領(lǐng)域包括水環(huán)境系統(tǒng)分析、水資源管理、庫區(qū)水質(zhì)水量調(diào)控、分布式水文水質(zhì)模型研究、城市水環(huán)境污染控制、流域非點源污染控制、環(huán)境風(fēng)險評價、地下水污染研究等。

Peer-Refereed Journal Publications

  1.  C. B. Wu, G. H. Huang, W. Li, Y. L. Xie, and Y. Xu, Multistage stochastic inexact chance-constraint programming for an integrated biomass-municipal solid waste power supply management under uncertainty, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)41, 1244-1254 (2015).

  2. Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and  G. H. Huang,  Planning sustainable electric-power system with carbon emission abatement  through CDM under uncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier)140, 350-364 (2015).

  3. L. Jin,  G. H. Huang,  Y. R. Fan, L. Wang, and T. Wu, A pseudo-optimal inexact stochastic interval T2 fuzzy sets approach for energy and environmental systems planning under uncertainty: A case study for Xiamen City of China, Applied Energy (Elsevier)138, 71-90 (2015).

  4. S. Zhao, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, J. Wei, and Y. Yao, Enhancement of soil retention for phenanthrene in binary cationic gemini and nonionic surfactant mixtures: Characterizing two-step adsorption and partition processes through experimental and modeling approaches, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)286, 144-151 (2015).

  5. Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An optimization decision support approach for risk analysis of carbon emission trading in electric power systems,Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)67, 43-56 (2015).

  6. Y. R. Fan, W. Huang, G. H. Huang, K. Huang, and X. Zhou, A PCM-based stochastic hydrological model for uncertainty quantification in watershed systems, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)29(3), 915-927 (2015).

  7. X. M. Kong, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan, and Y. P. Li, Maximum entropy-gumbel-hougaard copula method for simulation of monthly streamflow in Xiangxi River, China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 29(3), 833-846 (2015).

  8. L. Ji, D. X. Niu, G. H. Huang, W. Li, and Z. P. Liu, Environmental and economic optimization model for electric system planning in Ningxia, China - An inexact stochastic risk-aversion programming approach, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)2015, Article ID 236958 (2015).

  9. J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, C. X. Wang, and G. H. Huang, An inexact simulation-based stochastic optimization method for identifying effluent trading strategies of agricultural nonpoint sources, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier)152, 72-90 (2015).

  10. L. Ji, D. X. Niu, G. H. Huang, and M. Xu, An optimization model for regional micro-grid system management based on hybrid inexact stochastic-fuzzy chance-constrained programming, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)64, 1025-1039 (2015).

  11. X. D. Li, W, Liu, Z. Chen, G. M. Zeng, C. M. Hu, T. León, J. Liang, G. H. Huang, Z. H. Gao, Z. Z. Li, W. F. Yan, X. X. He, M. Y. Lai, and Y. B. He, The application of semicircular-buffer-based land use regression models incorporating wind direction in predicting quarterly NO2 and PM10 concentrations,Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier)103, 18-24 (2015).

  12. J. Liu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang,  Development of a fuzzy-boundary interval programming method for water quality management under uncertainty, Water Resources Management (Springer)29(4), 1169-1191 (2015).

  13. W. Li, B. Wang, Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, and L. Liu, An inexact mixed risk-aversion two-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management under uncertainty, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer)22(4), 2264-2275 (2015).

  14. X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, and J. L. Liu, High-resolution probabilistic projections of temperature changes over Ontario, Canada, Journal of Climate (American Meteorological Society)27(14), 5259-5284 (2014).

  15. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, An integrated approach for water resources decision making under interactive and compound uncertainties, Omega (Elsevier),44, 32-40 (2014).

  16. J. C. Han, G. H. Huang, H. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. P. Li, Heterogeneous precipitation and streamflow trends in the Xiangxi River Watershed, 1961-2010,ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE)19(6), 1247-1258 (2014).

  17. D. Y. Miao, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and C. H. Li, Optimization model for planning regional water resource systems under uncertainty, ASCEJournal of Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE)140(2), Pages 238-249 (2014).

  18. X. Q. Wang and G. H. Huang, Violation analysis on two-step method for interval linear programming, Information Sciences (Elsevier)281, 85-96 (2014).

  19. L. You, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and J. L. Zhang, Modeling regional ecosystem development under uncertainty - A case study for New Binhai District of Tianjin, Ecological Modelling (Elsevier)288, 127-142 (2014).

  20. S. Zhao, G. H. Huang, H. Y. Fu, and Y. F. Wang, Enhanced coagulation/flocculation by combining diatomite with synthetic polymers for oily wastewater treatment, Separation Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)49(7), 999-1007 (2014).

  21. C. Xu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Zhou, Development of a fuzzy-queue-based stochastic quadratic program for water resources planning, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)28(6), 1613-1627 (2014).

  22. Z. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inventory-theory-based interval stochastic programming method and its application to Beijing’s electric-power system planning, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)62, 429-440 (2014).

  23. J. Liu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X. T. Zeng, A dual-interval fixed-mix stochastic programming method for water resources management under uncertainty,Resources, Conservation & Recycling (Elsevier)88, 50-66 (2014).

  24. M. J. Piao, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Development of a stochastic simulation-optimization model for planning electric power systems - A case study of Shanghai, China, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier)86, 111-124 (2014).

  25. Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Integrated modeling approach for sustainable municipal energy system planning and management - A case study of Shenzhen, China, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)75, 143-156 (2014).

  26. S. Zhao, G. H. Huang, G. H. Cheng, Y. F. Wang, and H. Y. Fu, Hardness, COD and turbidity removals from produced water by electrocoagulation pretreatment prior to reverse osmosis membranes, Desalination (Elsevier)344, 454-462 (2014).

  27. J. L. Zhen, W. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. H. Fu, and L. Ji, An air quality management model based on an interval dual stochastic-mixed integer programming,Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Springer)225(6), 1986 (2014).

  28. Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and C. Chen, Electric power systems planning in association with air pollution control and uncertainty analysis, Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)61, 563-575 (2014).

  29. D. Z. Fu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Zhu, Development of a fuzzy-markov-based interval stochastic dynamic programming model for reservoir operation management, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal13(3) , 517-530 (2014).

  30. L. Jin and G. H. Huang, A robust inexact type-2 fuzzy sets linear optimization programming for irrigation water system management under uncertainty,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal13(3), 699-712 (2014).

  31. Y. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and C. Dong, An inexact dynamic optimization model for CO2 emission reduction in Subei Region, Northeast China,International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor & Francis)11(10), 1013-1052 (2014).

  32. J. C. Han, G. H. Huang, H. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. P. Li., Bayesian uncertainty analysis in hydrological modeling associated with watershed subdivision level: A case study of SLURP model applied to the Xiangxi River Watershed, China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)28(4), 973-989 (2014).

  33. J. L. Zhang, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A robust simulation-optimization modeling system for effluent trading - A case study of nonpoint source pollution control, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer)21(7) , 5036-5053 (2014).

  34. L. Ji, D. X. Niu, and G. H. Huang, An inexact two-stage stochastic robust programming for residential micro-grid management-based on random demand,Energy (Elsevier)67, 186-199 (2014).

  35. J. C. Han, G. H. Huang, H. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. P. Li. Effects of watershed subdivision level on semi-distributed hydrological simulations: Case study of the SLURP model applied to the Xiangxi River watershed, China, Hydrological Sciences Journal (Taylor & Francis)59(1), 108-125 (2014).

  36. Y. L. Xie and G. H. Huang, An optimization model for water resources allocation risk analysis under uncertainty, Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing)16(1), 144-164.

  37. X. Q. Wang and G. H. Huang, A greenhouse gas baseline emission level reporting system, International Journal of Performability Engineering (RAMS),10(2), 230-234 (2014).

  38. X. D. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Municipal solid waste management planning considering greenhouse gas emission trading under fuzzy environment, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)135, 11-18 (2014).

  39. C. J. Dong, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Superiority–inferiority modeling coupled minimax-regret analysis for energy management systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier)38(4), 1271-1287 (2014).

  40. Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and L. He, A multi-echelon supply chain model for municipal solid waste management system, Waste Management (Elsevier),34(2), 553-561 (2014).

  41. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and L. G. Shao, Agricultural farming planning and water resources management under fuzzy uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)46(2), 270-288 (2014).

  42. X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. Zhou, and L. Y. Yu, Inexact mathematical modeling for identification of water trading policy under uncertainty, Water(MDPI)6(2), 229-252 (2014).

  43. C. Dai, X. H. Cai, Y. P. Cai, Q. Huo, Y. Lv, and G. H. Huang, An interval-parameter mean-CVaR two-stage stochastic programming approach for waste management under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)28(2), 167-187 (2014).

  44. Z. Wang, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, Cong Dong, and H. G. Sun, The identification of optimal CO2 emissions-trading strategies based on an inexact two-stage chance-constrained programming approach, International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor & Francis)11(3), 302-319 (2014).

  45. Y. P. Li, J. Liu, and G. H. Huang, A hybrid fuzzy-stochastic programming method for water trading within an agricultural system, Agricultural Systems (Elsevier)123, 71-83 (2014).

  46. G. C. Li, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, and X. W. Ding, An inexact optimization model for energy-environment systems management in the mixed fuzzy, dual-interval and stochastic environment, Renewable Energy (Elsevier)64, 153-163 (2014).

  47. S. L. Nie, H. Ji, Y. Q. Huang, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A hybrid interval-parameter fuzzy robust programming method and its application to filter management strategy in fluid power systems, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)46(1), 15-38.

  48. L, Jin, G. H. Huang, C. Dong, and Y. R. Fan, A Robust Inexact Joint-optimal α cut Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Boundary Linear Programming (RIJ-IT2FBLP) for energy systems planning under uncertainty, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)56, 19-32 (2014).

  49. X. D. Zhang, I. J. Duncan, G. H. Huang, and G. C. Li, Identification of management strategies for CO2 capture and sequestration under uncertainty through inexact modeling, Applied Energy (Elsevier)113,  310-317 (2014).

  50. X. H. Nie, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, and L. Liu, Interval fuzzy robust dynamic programming for nonrenewable energy resources management with chance constraints, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy (Taylor & Francis)9(4), 425-441 (2014).

  51. Q. G. Lin, Q. Wu, G. H. Huang, and M. Y. Zhai, An interval parameter optimization model for sustainable power systems planning under uncertainty,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)54, 631-641 (2014).

  52. H. Zhu, W. W. Huang, and G. H. Huang, Planning of regional energy systems: An inexact mixed-integer fractional programming model, Applied Energy (Elsevier)113, 500-514 (2014).

  53. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and M. W. Li, An integrated optimization modeling approach for planning emission trading and clean-energy development under uncertainty, Renewable Energy (Elsevier)62, 31-46 (2014).

  54. Y. L. Xie and G. H. Huang, Development of an inexact two-stage stochastic model with downside risk control for water quality management and decision analysis under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)28(6), 1555-1575 (2014).

  55. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and X. S. Qin, Modeling of water quality, quantity, and sustainability, Journal of Applied Mathematics (Hindawi), Article ID 135905 (2014).

  56. H. Yu, G. H. Huang, L. Wang, H. N. Xiao, and W. Chen, Combined effects of DOM and biosurfactant enhanced biodegradation of polycylic armotic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil-water systems, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer)21(17), 10536-10549.

  57. X. T. Zeng, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. Chen, and A. M. Bao, Two-stage credibility-constrained programming with Hurwicz criterion (TCP-CH) for planning water resources management, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)35, 164-175 (2014).

  58. Y. P. Li, N. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and J. Liu, Coupling fuzzy-chance constrained program with minimax regret analysis for water quality management,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)28(7), 1769-1784 (2014).

  59. G. C. Li, G. H. Huang, and Z. F. Liu, DMSP-IEES: A stochastic programming model based on dual-interval and multi-stage scenarios modeling approaches for energy systems management and GHG emissions control, Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer)19(5), 373-387 (2014).

  60. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, A multi-level Taguchi-factorial two-stage stochastic programming approach for characterization of parameter uncertainties and their interactions: An application to water resources management, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)240(2), 572-581.

  61. W. Li, X. Y. Liu, G. Z. Sun, L. Ji, and G. H. Huang, An inexact two-stage dynamic stochastic model for regional electricity and heat supply management with pollutants mitigation control, Environmental Systems Research (Springer)3, 18 (2014).

  62. M. Hu, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, Y. P. Li, X. W. Ding, C. J. An, X. F. Zhang, and T. Li, Multi-objective ecological reservoir operation based on water quality response models and improved genetic algorithm: A case study in Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)36, 332-346 (2014).

  63. Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, K. Huang, L. Jin, and M. Q. Suo, A generalized fuzzy integer programming approach for environmental management under uncertainty, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)2014, Article ID 486576 (2014).

  64. Y. L. Xie,  G. H. Huang,  W. Li,  and L. Ji, Carbon and air pollutants constrained energy planning for clean power generation with a robust optimization model - A case study of Jining City, China, Applied Energy (Elsevier)136, 150-167 (2014).

  65. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, H. Z. Li, and J. Liu, A recourse-based interval fuzzy programming model for point-nonpoint source effluent trading under uncertainty,Journal of the American Water Resources Association (American Water Resources Association)50(5), 1191-1207 (2014).

  66. L. G. Shao, Y. Xu, and G. H. Huang, An inexact double-sided chance-constrained model for air quality management in Nanshan District, Shengzhen, China,Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)46(12), 1694-1708 (2014).

  67. X. J. Chen, G. H. Huang, M. Q. Suo, H. Zhu, and C. Dong, An inexact inventory-theory-based chance-constrained programming model for solid waste management, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)28(8), 1939-1955 (2014).

  68. C. J. An, Y. R. Shi, Y. L. He, G. H. Huang, J. D. Liang, and Z. K. Liu, Effect of different carbon substrates on the removal of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) by anaerobic mesophilic granular sludge, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Springer)225(11), 2174 (2014).

  69. C. Dong, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, W. Li, and G. H. Cheng, Fuzzy interval programming for energy and environmental systems management under constraint-violation and energy-substitution effects: A case study for the City of Beijing, Energy Economics (Elsevier)46, 375-394 (2014).

  70. L. Cui, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Effects of digital elevation model resolution on topography-based runoff simulation under uncertainty, Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing)16(6), 1343-1358 (2014).

  71. Q. Hu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and W. Sun, Planning of electric power generation systems under multiple uncertainties and constraint-violation levels,Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)23(1), 55-64 (2014).

  72. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and L. G. Shao, A solid waste management model with fuzzy random parameters, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)31(1), 64-78 (2014).

  73. Y. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, Y. P. Li, Z. M. Chen, and G. H. Huang, Quantitative detection of trace mercury in environmental media using a three-dimensional electrochemical sensor with an anionic intercalator, RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry)4, 18485-18492 (2014).

  74. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, G. H. Cheng, Y. Liu and Y. F. Li, A Two-Stage Fuzzy Chance-Constrained Model for Solid Waste Allocation Planning, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)24(2), 101-110 (2014).

  75. X. W. Ding, W. Wei, G. H. Huang, Q. W. Chen, and G. L. Wei, A two-step water-management approach for nuclear power plants in inland China, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Atlantis Press)4(4), 184-202 (2014).

  76. Y. Zhou and G. H. Huang, Water resources management under multi-parameter interactions: A factorial multi-stage stochastic programming approach,Omega, The International Journal of Management Science (Elsevier)41(3), 559-573 (2013).

  77. H. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Development of climate change projections for small watersheds using multi-model ensemble simulation and stochastic weather generation, Climate Dynamics (Springer)40(3-4), 805-821 (2013).

  78. P. Du, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Inexact chance-constrained waste-load allocation model for water quality management of Xiangxihe RiverASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), 139(9), 1178-1197 (2013).

  79. Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Modeling for planning municipal electric power systems associated with air pollution control - A case study of Beijing,Energy (Elsevier)60, 168-186 (2013).

  80. Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, and A. L. Yang, Generalized fuzzy linear programming for decision making under uncertainty: Feasibility of fuzzy solutions and solving approach, Information Sciences (Elsevier)241, 12-27 (2013).

  81. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, B. Chen, and X. S. Qin, Mathematical modeling for resources and environmental systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)113, Article ID 674316 (2013).

  82. J. Liu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Mathematical modeling for water quality management under interval and fuzzy uncertainties, Journal of Applied Mathematics (Hindawi), Volume 2013, Article ID 731568 (2013).

  83. C. Dong, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and Y. P. Cai, Coupled planning of water resources and agricultural land-use based on an inexact-stochastic programming model, Frontiers of Earth Science (Springer)7, 1-11 (2013).

  84. Y. Xu, L. G. Shao, and G. H. Huang, An inexact fuzzy-random-chance-constrained air quality management model, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)27(8), 1929-1946 (2013).

  85. H. Q. Li, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, J. T. Hu, and S. Q. Yang, Removal of tannin from aqueous solution by adsorption onto treated coal fly ash: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society)52(45), 15923-15931 (2013).

  86. X. D. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Optimization of environmental management strategies through a dynamic stochastic possibilistic multiobjective program,Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)246–247, 257–266 (2013).

  87. J. C. Han, G. H. Huang, H. Zhang, and Z. Li, Optimal land use management for soil erosion control by using an interval-parameter fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming approach, Environmental Management (Springer)52(3), 621-638 (2013).

  88. M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, D. L. Deng, and Y. F. Li, Electric power system planning under uncertainty using inexact inventory nonlinear programming method, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)22(1), 49-67 (2013).

  89. X. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, X. H. Nie, G. H. Cheng, Y. R. Fan, Z. Li, Y. Yao, and M. Q. Suo, A stepwise cluster analysis approach for downscaled climate projection - A Canadian case study, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)49, 141-161 (2013).

  90. D. Z. Fu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A factorial-based dynamic analysis method for reservoir operation under fuzzy-stochastic uncertainties, Water Resources Management (Springer)27(13), 4591-4610 (2013).

  91. C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inexact robust optimization method for supporting carbon dioxide emissions management in regional electric-power systems, Energy Economics (Elsevier)40, 441-456 (2013).

  92. L. Jin, G. H. Huang, L. Wang, and X. Q. Wang, Robust fully fuzzy programming with fuzzy set ranking method for environmental systems planning under uncertainty, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Inc.)30(6), 280-293 (2013).

  93. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, A stochastic-fuzzy programming model with soften constraints for electricity generation planning with greenhouse-gas abatement,International Journal of Energy Research (Wiley Online Library)37(8), 843-856 (2013).

  94. L. He, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, and J. Shen, Degradation kinetics of dense nonaqueous phase liquids in the environment under impacts of mixed white and colored noises, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)27(8), 1947-1955 (2013).

  95. M. Hu, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, and Y. P. Li, Inexact quadratic joint-probabilistic programming for water quality management under uncertainty in the Xiangxi River, China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)27(5), 1115-1132 (2013).

  96. J. J. Gu, P. Guo, and G. H. Huang, Inexact stochastic dynamic programming method and application to water resources management in Shandong China under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)27(5), 1207-1219 (2013).

  97. S. Wang, G. H. Huang, J. Wei, and L. He, Simulation-based variance components analysis for characterization of interaction effects of random factors on trichloroethylene vapor transport in unsaturated porous media, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society)52(25), 8602-8611 (2013).

  98. W. Li, G. H. Huang, C. Dong, and Y. Liu, An inexact fuzzy programming approach for power coal blending, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)21(2), 112-118 (2013).

  99. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, An interval-parameter two-stage stochastic fuzzy program with type-2 membership functions: An application to water resources management, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)27(6), 1493-1506 (2013).

  100. J. J. Gu, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, N. Shen, Interval multistage joint-probabilistic integer programming approach for water resources allocation and management,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)128, 615-624 (2013).

  101. H. Zhu and G. H. Huang, Dynamic stochastic fractional programming for sustainable management of electric power systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)53, 553-563 (2013).

  102. Y. L. Xie, G. H. Huang, W. Li, J. B. Li, and Y. F. Li, An inexact two-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management in Nansihu Lake Basin, China, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)127, 188-205 (2013).

  103. J. Liu, Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, Q. Wu, and H. P. Li, Energy systems planning and GHG-emission control under uncertainty in the province of Liaoning, China: A dynamic inexact energy systems optimization model, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)53, 142-158 (2013).

  104. Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Huang, Development of optimal water-resources management strategies for Kaidu-kongque watershed under multiple uncertainties, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi Publishing)2013 Article ID 892321 (2013).

  105. J. Y. Xu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A hybrid interval-robust optimization model for water quality management, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Inc.)30(5), 248-263 (2013).

  106. M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan, and Z. Li, An inventory-theory-based inexact multistage stochastic programming model for water resources management, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi Publishing)2013 Article ID 482095 (2013).

  107. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, Interactive fuzzy boundary interval programming for air quality management under uncertainty, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Springer)224(5), 1574 (2013).

  108. A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, L. Li, and W. Li, Seeking optimal groundwater pumping strategies at Pinggu District in Beijing, China, Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing), 15(2), 607-619 (2013).

  109. Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Planning carbon emission trading for Beijing's electric power systems under dual uncertainties, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)23, 113-128 (2013).

  110. S. Li, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, and H. Yu, Effect of different buffer agents on in-vessel composting of food waste: Performance analysis and comparative study,Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Taylor & Francis)48, 772-780 (2013).

  111. W. Sun, G. H. Huang, Y. Lv, and G. C. Li, Inexact joint-probabilistic chance-constrained programming with left-hand-side randomness: An application to solid waste management, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)228(1), 217-225 (2013).

  112. Z. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Zhang, and Y. P. Li, Inexact two-stage stochastic credibility constrained programming for water quality management, Resources, Conservation & Recycling (Elsevier)73, 122-132 (2013).

  113. J. Wei, G. H. Huang, S. Wang, S. Zhao, and Y. Yao, Improved solubilities of PAHs by multi-component Gemini surfactant systems with different spacer lengths, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Elsevier)423, 50-57 (2013).

  114. C. Chen, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, and Y. Zhou, A robust risk analysis method for water resources allocation under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)27(3), 713-723 (2013).

  115. J. J. Gu, P. Guo, G. H. Huang, and N. Shen, Optimization of the industrial structure facing sustainable development in resource-based city subjected to water resources under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)27(3), 659-673 (2013).

  116. Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and L. Guo, Risk assessment of agricultural irrigation water under interval functions, Stochastic Environmental Research &Risk Assessment (Springer)27(3), 693-704 (2013).

  117. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Risk analysis and management for water resources systems, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer),27(3), 593-597 (2013).

  118. I. Maqsood and G. H. Huang, A dual two-stage stochastic model for flood management with inexact-integer analysis under multiple uncertainties, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 27(3), 643-657 (2013).

  119. D. Y. Miao, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Z. F. Yang, Development of an optimization model for water resources systems planning, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)26(3), 1061-1071 (2013).

  120. M. Liu, G. H. Huang, R. F. Liao, Y. P. Li, and Y. L. Xie, Fuzzy two-stage non-point source pollution management model for agricultural systems A case study for the Lake Tai Basin, China, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier),121, 27-41 (2013).

  121. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, A coupled factorial-analysis-based interval programming approach and its application to air quality management, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Taylor & Francis)63(2), 179-189 (2013).

  122. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, L. Guo, Y. P. Li, C. Dai, X. W. Wang, and W. Sun, A scenario-based modeling approach for emergency evacuation management and risk analysis under multiple uncertainties, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)246-247, 234-244 (2013).

  123. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, A two-stage mixed-integer fuzzy programming with interval-valued membership functions approach for flood-diversion planning,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)117, 208-218 (2013).

  124. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Multi-source multi-sector sustainable water supply under multiple uncertainties: An inexact fuzzy-stochastic quadratic programming approach, Water Resources Management (Springer)27(2), 451-473 (2013).

  125. W. X. Zhang, G. H. Huang, J. Wei, and D. Yan, Gemini micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (GMEUF) process for the treatment of phenol wastewater,Desalination (Elsevier)311, 31-36 (2013).

  126. F. Zhao, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A queue-based interval-fuzzy programming approach for electric-power systems planning, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)47, 337-350 (2013).

  127. S. Wang, G. H. Huang, and A. Veawab, A sequential factorial analysis approach to characterize the effects of uncertainties for supporting air quality management, Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier)67, 304-312 (2013).

  128. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, and W. Sun, A solution to the water resources crisis in wetlands: Development of a scenario-based modeling approach with uncertain features, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier)442(1), 515-526 (2013).

  129. H. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and D. L. Wang,  Establishment of channel networks in a digital elevation model of the prairie region through hydrological correction and geomorphological assessment, Canadian Water Resources Journal (NRC)38(1), 12-23 (2013).

  130. C. Dong, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Liu, Robust planning of energy management systems with environmental and constraint-conservative considerations under multiple uncertainties, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier)65, 471-486 (2013).

  131. Y. Zhou, Y. P. Li,  and G. H. Huang, A robust approach for planning electric power systems associated with environmental policy analysis, Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier)95, 99-111 (2013).

  132. C. J. An and G. H. Huang, Stepwise adsorption of phenanthrene at the fly ash-water interface as affected by solution chemistry: Experimental and modeling studies, Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society)46(22), 12742-12750 (2012).

  133. H. Zhang, G. H. Huang, D. L. Wang, X. D. Zhang, G. C. Li, C. J. An, Z. Cui, R. F. Liao, and X. H. Nie, An integrated multi-level watershed-reservoir modeling system for examining hydrological and biogeochemical processes in small prairie watersheds, Water Research (Elsevier)46(4), 1207-1224 (2012).

  134. P. Du, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Agricultural water management under uncertainty using minimax relative-regret analysis method, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE)138(12), 1033–1045 (2012).

  135. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Robust planning of environmental management systems with adjustable conservativeness under compound uncertainty,Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)138(2), 208-222 (2012).

  136. W. X. Zhang, G. H. Huang, J. Wei, H. Q. Li, R. B. Zheng, and Y. Zhou, Removal of phenol from synthetic waste water using Gemini Micellar-Enhanced ultrafiltration (GMEUF), Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)235-236, 128-137 (2012).

  137. S. Wang, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Development of a clusterwise-linear-regression-based forecasting system for characterizing DNAPL dissolution behaviors in porous media, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)433, 141-150 (2012).

  138. A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, and Y. R. Fan, Evaluation of remedial options for a benzene-contaminated site through a simulation-based fuzzy-MCDA approach, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)213-214, 412-423 (2012).

  139. Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, and H. W. Lu, Integer fuzzy credibility constrained programming for power system management, Energy (Elsevier),38(1), 398-405.

  140. C. J. An, G. H. Huang, Y. Yao, W. Sun, and K. An, Performance of in-vessel composting of food waste in the presence of coal ash and uric acid, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)203-204, 38-45 (2012).

  141. C. Dong, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Liu, An inexact optimization modeling approach for supporting energy systems planning and air pollution mitigation in Beijing City, Energy (Elsevier)37(1), 673-688 (2012).

  142. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Simulation-based inexact rough-interval programming for agricultural irrigation management: A case study in the Yongxin County, China, Water Resources Management (Springer)26(14), 4163-4182 (2012).

  143. Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Robust interval linear programming for environmental decision making under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)44(11), 1321-1336 (2012).

  144. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, Y. Xu, and L. He, Inexact two-phase fuzzy programming and its application to municipal solid waste management, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)25(8), 1529-1536 (2012).

  145. C. J. An, G. H. Huang, S. Li, H. Yu, W. Sun, and K. Peng, Influence of uric acid amendment on the in-vessel process of composting composite food waste,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley InterScience)87(11), 1558-1566 (2012).

  146. G. C. Li, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, Y. P. Cai, Y. M. Chen, and X. D. Zhang, Development of an interval multi-stage stochastic programming model for regional energy systems planning and GHG emission control under uncertainty, International Journal of Energy Research (John Wiley & Sons)36(12), 1161-1174 (2012).

  147. H. K. Zang, Y. Xu, W. Li, G. H. Huang, and D. Liu, An uncertain energy planning model under carbon taxes, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (Springer)6(4), 549-558 (2012).

  148. J. Wei, G. H. Huang, L. Zhu, S. Zhao, C. J. An, and Y. R. Fan, Enhanced aqueous solubility of naphthalene and pyrene by binary and ternary Gemini cationic and conventional nonionic surfactants, Chemosphere (Elsevier)89(11), 1347-1353 (2012).

  149. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Robust interval quadratic programming and its application to waste management under uncertainty, Environmental Systems Research (Springer)1, 7 (2012).

  150. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, S. C. Yeh, L. Liu, and G. C. Li, A modeling approach for investigating climate change impacts on renewable energy utilization,International Journal of Energy Research (John Wiley & Sons)36(6), 764–777 (2012).

  151. Y. Gunalay, J. S. Yeomans, and G. H. Huang, Modelling to generate alternative policies in highly uncertain environments: An application to municipal solid waste management planning, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)19(2), 58-69(2012).

  152. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, L. G. Shao, and C. Chen, Efficient management of air quality considering fuzzy confidences with varied reliabilities, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)44(8), 947-964 (2012).

  153. Y. R. FanG. H. Huang, and A. Veawab, A generalized fuzzy linear programming approach for environmental management problem under uncertainty,Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association)62(1)72-86 (2012).

  154. L. Guo, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. W Wang, and C. Dai, Development of an interval-based evacuation management model in response to nuclear-power plant accident, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)20(2), 58-66 (2012).

  155. XQ. Wang, GH. Huang, and QG. Lin, An interval mixed-integer non-linear programming model to support regional electric power systems planning with CO2 capture and storage under uncertainty, Environmental Systems Research (SpringerOpen)1(1), 1 (2012).

  156. Y. Yao, G. H. Huang, and Q. G. Lin, Climate change impacts on Ontario wind power resource, Environmental Systems Research (SpringerOpen)1(1), 2 (2012).

  157. R. B. Zheng, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Zhang, and H. Zhang, Inexact de novo programming for agricultural irrigation system planning, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publisher)29(7), 700-712 (2012).

  158. Y. P. LiW. Li, and G. H. Huang, Two-stage inexact-probabilistic programming model for water quality managementEnvironmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)29(7), 713-725 (2012).

  159. H. Y. Fu, P. C. Xu, G. H. Huang, T. Chai, M. Hou, and P. F. Gao, Effects of aeration parameters on effluent quality and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor using Box–Behnken response surface methodology, Desalination (Elsevier)302, 33-42 (2012).

  160. H. Q. Li, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, and W. X. Zhang, Kinetic and equilibrium studies on the adsorption of calcium lignosulfonate from aqueous solution by coal fly ash, Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier)200-202, 275-282 (2012).

  161. Y. Zhu, G. H. Huang, L. He, and L. Z. Zhang, An interval full-infinite programming approach for energy systems planning under multiple uncertainties,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier)43(1), 375-383 (2012).

  162. X. W .Wang, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Liu, and C. Dai, Hybrid inexact optimization approach with data envelopment analysis for environment management and planning in the city of Beijing, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publisher)29(5), 313-327 (2012).

  163. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, M. F. Cao, C. Dong, and Y. F. Li, A hybrid waste-flow allocation model considering multiple stage and interval–fuzzy chance constraints, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)29(1), 59-78 (2012).

  164. Y. Huang, G. H. Huang, and Q. Hu, A fuzzy-parameterised stochastic modelling system for predicting multiphase subsurface transport under dual uncertainties, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)29(2), 91-105 (2012).  

  165. GMZeng, Y. Zhang, L. Tang, LJ. Chen, Y. Pang, CL. Feng, GH. Huang, and  CG. Niu, Sensitive and renewable picloram immunosensor based onparamagnetic immobilisation, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)92(6), 729-741 (2012).

  166. H. Zhu, G. H. Huang, and P. Guo, SIFNP: Simulation-based interval-fuzzy nonlinear programming for seasonal planning of stream water quality management,Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer)223(5), 2051-2072 (2012).

  167. Y. L. Huang, G. H. Huang, D. F. Liu, H. Zhu, and W. Sun, Simulation-based inexact chance-constrained nonlinear programming for eutrophication management in the Xiangxi Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)108, 54-65 (2012).

  168. Y. Sun, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A queuing-theory-based interval-fuzzy robust two-stage programming model for environmental management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)44(2), 707-724 (2012).

  169. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, and W. Sun, Managing water resources system in a mixed inexact environment using superiority and inferiority measures,Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)26(5), 681-693 (2012).

  170. S. L. Nie, J. D. Wen, Y. P. Li, X. H. Tang, and G. H. Huang, Filter allocation and replacement strategies in fluid power system under uncertainty: a fuzzy robust nonlinear programming approach, Optimization and Engineering (Springer)13(2), 319-347 (2012).

  171. C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inexact robust nonlinear optimization method for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Renewable Energy (Elsevier)47, 55-66 (2012).

  172. C. Chen, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A robust optimization method for planning regional-scale electric power systems and managing carbon dioxide,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)40(1), 70-84 (2012).

  173. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, Identifying optimal water resources allocation strategies through an interactive multi-stage stochastic fuzzy programming approach,Water Resources Management (Springer), 26(7), 2015-2038 (2012).

  174. W. Sun, G. H. Huang, Y. Lv, and G. C. Li, Waste management under multiple complexities: Inexact piecewise-linearization-based fuzzy flexible programming,Waste Management (Elsevier)32(6), 1244-1257 (2012).

  175. Y. R. Fan and G. H. Huang, A robust two-step method for solving interval linear programming problems within an environmental management context,Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)19(1), 1-9 (2012).

  176. H. Z. LiY. P. LiG. H. Huang, and Y. L. Xie, A simulation-based optimization approach for water quality management of Xiangxihe River under uncertainty,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)29(4), 270-283 (2012).

  177. C. Dai, Y. P. Li,  and G. H. Huang, An interval-parameter chance-constrained dynamic programming approach for capacity planning under uncertainty,Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)62, 37-50 (2012).

  178. L. Jin, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan, X. H. Nie, and G. H. Cheng, A hybrid dynamic dual interval programming for irrigation water allocation under uncertainty,Water Resources Management (Springer)26(5), 1183-1200 (2012).

  179. C. J. An, G. H. Huang, H. Yu, and J. Wei, Influence of short-chain aliphatic acids on the phenanthrene desorption and mobilization from contaminated soil,Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal (Taylor & Francis), 21(2), 192-206 (2012).

  180. Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, and A. L. Yang, Inexact two-stage stochastic partial programming: application to water resources management under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)26(2), 281-293 (2012).

  181. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, A mathematical model for identifying an optimal waste management policy under uncertainty, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier)36(6), 2658-2673 (2012).

  182. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Zhang, and L. He, Strategic agricultural land-use planning in response to water-supplier variation in a China’s rural region,Agricultural Systems (Elsevier)108, 19-28 (2012).

  183. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Electric-power systems planning and greenhouse-gas emission management under uncertainty, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier)57, 173-182 (2012).

  184. D. Z. Fu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A fuzzy-markov-chain-based analysis method for reservoir operation, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)26(3), 375-391 (2012).

  185. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, A recourse-based nonlinear programming model for stream water quality management, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)26(2), 207-223 (2012).

  186. Y. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Planning municipal-scale energy systems under functional interval uncertainties, Renewable Energy (Elsevier)39(1), 74-81 (2012).

  187. M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Multicriteria decision making under uncertainty: An advanced ordered weighted averaging operator for planning electric power systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)25(1), 72-81 (2012).

  188. Q. Hu, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Liu, Y. R. Fan, and W. Li, Inexact fuzzy two-stage programming for water resources management in an environment of fuzziness and randomness, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)26(2), 261-280 (2012).

  189. S. Wang, G. H. Huang, and B. T. Yang, An interval-valued fuzzy-stochastic programming approach and its application to municipal solid waste management,Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)29(1), 24-36 (2012).

  190. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, and W. Sun, Development of a sequential decision-making model for controlling multiple air pollutants under stochastic uncertainty, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer)223(1), 443-465 (2012).

  191. A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang, Y. R. Fan, and X. D. Zhang, A fuzzy simulation-based optimization approach for groundwater remediation design at contaminated aquifers, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi Publishing)2012 Article ID 986867 (2012).

  192. J. C. Han, G. H. Huang, H. Zhang, Y. S. Zhuge, and L. He, Fuzzy constrained optimization of eco-friendly reservoir operation using self-adaptive genetic algorithm: A case study of a cascade reservoir system in the Yalong River, China, Ecohydrology (Wiley)5(6), 768-778 (2012).

  193. X. D. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Assessment of BTEX-induced health risk under multiple uncertainties at a petroleum-contaminated site: An integrated fuzzy stochastic approach, Water Resources Research (American Geophysical Union), 47, Art. NO. W12533 (2011).

  194. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and Z. F. Yang, An integrated approach for climate-change impact analysis and adaptation planning under multi-level uncertainties - Part I: Methodology, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)15(6), 2779-2790 (2011).

  195. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and L. Liu, An integrated approach for climate-change impact analysis and adaptation planning under multi-level uncertainties - Part II: Case study, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)15(7), 3051-3073 (2011).

  196. H. Zhang, G. H. Huang, D. L. Wang, and X. D. Zhang, Uncertainty assessment of climate change impacts on the hydrology of small prairie wetlands, Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier)396(1-2), 94-103 (2011).

  197. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and X. H. Nie, Possibilistic stochastic water management model for agricultural nonpoint source pollution, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE)137(1), 101-112 (2011).

  198. H. Yu, G. H. Huang, J. Wei, and C. J. An, Solubilization of mixed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through a rhamnolipid biosurfactant, Journal of Environmental Quality (CSSA)40(2), 477-483 (2011).

  199. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Bivariate interval semi-infinite programming with an application to environmental decision-making analysis, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)211(3), 452-465 (2011).

  200. Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang, Interval-fuzzy stochastic optimization for regional energy systems planning and greenhouse-gas emission management under uncertainty: A case study for the Province of Ontario, Canada, Climatic Change (Springer)104(2), 353-378 (2011).

  201. J. Wei, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, and H. Yu, Investigation on the solubilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of single and mixed gemini surfactants, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)190(1-3), 840-847 (2011).

  202. H. Yu, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, and J. Wei, Combined effects of DOM extracted from site soil/compost and biosurfactant on the sorption and desorption of PAHs in a soil-water system, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)190(1-3), 883-890 (2011).

  203. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, X. H. Nie, and Q. G. Lin, Model-based decision support system for water quality management under hybrid uncertainty, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)38(3), 2809-2816 (2011).

  204. M. F. Cao, G. H. Huang, and L. He, An approach to interval programming problems with left-hand-side stochastic coefficients: An application to environmental decisions analysis, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)38(9), 11538-11546 (2011).

  205. G. C. Li, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, X. D. Zhang, Q. Tan, and Y. M. Chen, Development of a GHG-mitigation oriented inexact dynamic model for regional energy system management, Energy (Elsevier)36(5), 3388-3398 (2011).

  206. W. Sun, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin, and H. Yu, Quantitative effects of composting state variables on C/N ratio through GA-aided multivariate analysis, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier)409(7), 1243-1254 (2011).

  207. Y. L. Xie, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, and L. R. Chen, An inexact chance-constrained programming model for water quality management in Binhai New Area of Tianjin, China, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)409(10), 1757-1773 (2011).

  208. J. Wei, G. H. Huang, H. Yu, and C. J. An, Efficiency of single and mixed gemini/conventional micelles on solubilization of phenanthrene, Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier)168(1), 201-207 (2011).

  209. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X. Chen, An interval-valued minimax-regret analysis approach for the identification of optimal greenhouse-gas abatement strategies under uncertainty, Energy Policy (Elsevier)39(7), 4313-4324 (2011).

  210. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and B. Chen, Identification of optimal strategies for improving eco-resilience to floods in ecologically vulnerable regions of a wetland, Ecological Modelling (Elsevier), 222(2), 360-369 (2011).

  211. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, N. Zhang, and S. L. Nie, An inexact-stochastic with recourse model for developing regional economic-ecological sustainability under uncertainty, Ecological Modelling (Elsevier), 222(2), 370-379 (2011).

  212. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, and W. Sun, A two-stage inexact joint-probabilistic programming method for air quality management under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)92(3), 813-826 (2011).

  213. Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and L. He, An inexact reverse logistics model for municipal solid waste management systems, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)92(3), 522-530 (2011).

  214. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X. Chen, Planning regional energy system in association with greenhouse gas mitigation under uncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier)88(3), 599-611 (2011).

  215. C. Dong, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Xu, An interval-parameter minimax regret programming approach for power management systems planning under uncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier)88(8), 2835-2845 (2011).

  216. Y. Zhu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, L. He, and X. X. Zhang, An interval full-infinite mixed-integer programming method for planning municipal energy systems - A case study of Beijing, Applied Energy (Elsevier)88(8), 2846-2862 (2011).

  217. L. Cui, L. R. Chen, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, W. Li, and Y. L. Xie, An interval-based regret-analysis method for identifying long-term municipal solid waste management policy under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)92(6), 1484-1494 (2011).

  218. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Optimization of regional economic and environmental systems under fuzzy and random uncertainties, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 92(8), 2010-2020 (2011).

  219. S. Wang and G. H. Huang, Interactive two-stage stochastic fuzzy programming for water resources management, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)92(8), 1986-1995 (2011).

  220. H. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Assessment of non-point source pollution using a spatial multicriteria analysis approach, Ecological Modelling (Elsevier),222(2), 313-321 (2011).

  221. Y. M. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Inexact credibility constrained programming for environmental system management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier Science)55(4), 441-447 (2011).

  222. S. Wang, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, and Y. P. Li, An interval-valued fuzzy linear programming with infinite α -cuts method for environmental management under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)25(2), 211-222 (2011).

  223. Y. Zhou and G. H. Huang, Factorial two-stage stochastic programming for water resources management, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)25(1), 67-78 (2011).

  224. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, X. Wang, G. C. Li, and Q. Tan, An inexact programming approach for supporting ecologically sustainable water supply with the consideration of uncertain water demand by ecosystems, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)25(5), 721-735 (2011).

  225. G. H. Huang and M. F. Cao, Analysis of solution methods for interval linear programming, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)17(2), 54-64 (2011).

  226. H. G. Sun, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and M. Q. Suo, An inexact fuzzy-queue programming model for environmental systems planning, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)24(5), 840-849 (2011).

  227. Z. F. Yang, S. S. Li, Y. Zhang, and G. H. Huang, Emergy synthesis for three main industries in Wuyishan City, China, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)17(1), 25-35 (2011).

  228. S. L. Nie, B. Hu, Z. Hu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Identification of filter management strategy in fluid power systems under uncertainty: an interval-fuzzy parameter integer nonlinear programming method, International Journal of Systems Scienc(Taylor & Francis)42(3), 429-448 (2011).

  229. M. F. Cao and G. H. Huang, Scenario-based methods for interval linear programming problems, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)17(2), 65-74 (2011).

  230. S. L. Nie, Y. L. Zheng, Y. P. Li, S. Peng, and G. H. Huang, IFCIP: An integrated optimization method for planning filters in fluid power system under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)43(3), 329-348 (2011).

  231. Z. F. Yang, C. H. Li, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and Y. P. Cai, Analysis of net water loss in the main reach of the yellow river, International Journal of Environment and Pollution (Inderscience Publishers)45(1-3), 249-267 (2011).

  232. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, and B. Bass, Impacts from climate change and adaptation responses on energy economy and greenhouse gas emissions in the Toronto-Niagara Region, Canada, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and  Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis)33(17), 1581-1597 (2011).

  233. G. H. Huang, Y. T. Niu, Q. G. Lin, X. X. Zhang, and Y. P. Yang, An interval-parameter chance-constraint mixed-integer programming for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part B (Taylor & Francis)6(2), 192-205 (2011).

  234. H. Yu and G. H. Huang, Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant-and bioemulsifier-producing bacteria from petroleum contaminated sites in Western Canada, Soil and Sediment Contamination (Taylor & Francis)20(3), 274-288 (2011).

  235. P. Guo and G. H. Huang, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic quadratic programming approach for waste management under multiple uncertainties, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)43(5), 525-539 (2011).

  236. W. Zhang, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, W. K. Song, and Y. F. Huang. An experimental study on the bio-surfactant-assisted remediation of crude oil and salt contaminated soils, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Taylor & Francis)46(3), 306-313 (2011).

  237. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, An inexact rough-interval fuzzy linear programming method for generating conjunctive water-allocation strategies to agricultural irrigation systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier)35(9), 4330-4340 (2011).

  238. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and X. Chen, A robust modeling approach for regional water management under multiple uncertainties, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier)98(10), 1577-1588 (2011).

  239. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Radial interval chance-constrained programming for agricultural non-point source water pollution control under uncertainty, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier)98(10), 1595-1606 (2011).

  240. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Planning agricultural water resources system associated with fuzzy and random features, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (Blackwell Publishing), 47(4), 841-860 (2011).

  241. M. W. Li, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An interval-fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming model for planning carbon dioxide trading under uncertainty,Energy (Elsevier)36(9), 5677-5689 (2011).

  242. Q. Hu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and Y. Huang, Feasibility-based inexact fuzzy programming for electric power generation systems planning under dual uncertainties, Applied Energy (Elsevier),  88(12), 4642-4654 (2011).

  243. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, B. Bass, Y. F. Huang, and X. D. Zhang, DESPU: Dynamic optimization for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy (Taylor & Francis)6(4), 321-338 (2011).

  244. M. Q. Suo, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inventory-theory-based interval-parameter two-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)43(9), 999-1018 (2011).

  245. Y. M. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Optimal water resource planning under fixed budget by interval-parameter credibility constrained programming, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)43(8), 879-889 (2011).

  246. H. Zhang, G. H. Huang, D. L. Wang, and X. D. Zhang, Multi-period calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model based on hydroclimatic clustering,Advances in Water Resources (Springer)34(10), 1292-1303 (2011).

  247. C. Dai, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, A two-stage support-vector-regression optimization model for municipal solid waste management - A case study of Beijing, China, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)92(12), 3023-3037 (2011).

  248. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Integrated modeling for optimal municipal solid waste management strategies under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers)137(9), 842-853 (2011).

  249. C. J. An, G. H. Huang, J. Wei, and H. Yu, Effect of short-chain organic acids on the enhanced desorption of phenanthrene by rhamnolipid biosurfactant in soil–water environment, Water Research (Elsevier)45(17), 5501-5510 (2011).

  250. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Greenhouse gas emissions control in integrated municipal solid waste management through mixed integer bilevel decision-making, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)193(1), 112-119 (2011).

  251. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang and W. Sun, Management of uncertain information for environmental systems using a multistage fuzzy-stochastic programming model with soft constraints, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)18(1), 28-37 (2011).

  252. Y. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, Y. P. Li, L. J. Chen, Y. Pang, Z. Li, C. L. Feng, and G. H. Huang, An electrochemical DNA sensor based on a layers-film construction modified electrode, Analyst (RSC Publishing)136(20), 4204-4210 (2011).

  253. H. Zhu and G. H. Huang, SLFP: A stochastic linear fractional programming approach for sustainable waste management, Waste Management (Elsevier),31(12), 2612-2619 (2011).

  254. Y. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, and C. Dong, An inexact mix-integer two-stage linear programming model for supporting the management of a low-carbon energy system in China, Energies (MDPI Publisher)4(10), 1657-1685 (2011).

  255. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Characterization of petroleum-hydrocarbon fate and transport in homogeneous and heterogeneous aquifers using a generalized uncertainty estimation method, Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)137(1), 1-8 (2011).

  256. Y. Li, B. S. Su, J. L. Liu, X. Y. Du, and G. H. Huang, Nitrogen conservation in simulated food waste aerobic composting process with different Mg and P salt mixtures, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association)61(7), 771-777 (2011).

  257. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, C. Z. Wu, and Y. P. Cai, IF-EM: An interval-parameter fuzzy linear programming model for environment-oriented evacuation planning under uncertainty, Journal of Advanced Transportation (John Wiley & Sons), 45(4), 286-303 (2011).

  258. Y. Zeng, Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, and J. Dai, A review on optimization modeling of energy systems planning and ghg emission mitigation under uncertainty,Energies (MDPI Publisher)4(10), 1624-1656 (2012).

  259. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, A dual-interval vertex analysis method and its application to environmental decision making under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 200(2), 536-550 (2010).

  260. C. J. An, Y. L. He, G. H. Huang, and Y. H. Liu, Performance of mesophilic anaerobic granules for removal of octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) from aqueous solution, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)179(1-3), 526-532 (2010).

  261. Y. M. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Fuzzy robust credibility-constrained programming for environmental management and planning, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association)60(6), 711-721 (2010).

  262. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and L. Liu, A genetic-algorithm-aided stochastic optimization model for regional air quality management under uncertainty, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association), 60(1), 63-71 (2010).

  263. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, Planning water resources management systems using a fuzzy-boundary interval-stochastic programming method,Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier)33(9), 1105-1117 (2010).

  264. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Radial-interval linear programming for environmental management under varied protection levels, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association)60(9), 1078-1093 (2010).

  265. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, An interval-based possibilistic programming method for waste management with cost minimization and environmental-impact abatement under uncertainty, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)408(20), 4296-4308 (2010).

  266. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and X. S. Qin, An inexact fuzzy-chance-constrained air quality management model, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association)60(7), 805-819 (2010).

  267. R. H. Lu, G. H. Huang, H. Y. Zhang, and S. H. GuoTreatment of drilling wastewater by combined coagulation-ultraviolet/fenton-pressurized biological processesJournal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)136(3), 281-287 (2010).

  268. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Dual-interval fuzzy stochastic programming method for the long-term planning of municipal solid waste management, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE)24(2), 188-202 (2010).

  269. Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Integrated fuzzy ranking analysis for assessing the quality of composting products, Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)136(5), 508-519 (2010).

  270. H. N. B. Cheung, G. H. Huang, and H. Yu, Microbial-growth inhibition during composting of food waste: Effects of organic acids, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier)101(15), 5925-5934 (2010).

  271. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Modeling municipal solid waste management system under uncertainty, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association)60(4), 439-453 (2010).

  272. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, A stochastic optimization model under modeling uncertainty and parameter certainty for groundwater remediation design - part I. model development, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)176(1-3)521-526 (2010).

  273. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, A stochastic optimization model under modeling uncertainty and parameter certainty for groundwater remediation design - part II. model application, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)176(1-3)527-534 (2010).

  274. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, An inexact fuzzy-chance-constrained two-stage mixed-integer linear programming approach for flood diversion planning under multiple uncertainties, Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier)33(1), 81-91 (2010).

  275. X. Y. Du, J. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, and Y. Li, Formation of struvite crystals in a simulated food waste aerobic composting process, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities (Higher Education Press)26(2), 210-216 (2010).

  276. Y. Huang, X. Chen, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and T. Liu, A fuzzy-based simulation method for modelling hydrological processes under uncertainty,Hydrological Processes (Wiley InterScience)24(25), 3718-3732 (2010).

  277. W. Sun and G. H. Huang, Inexact piecewise quadratic programming for waste flow allocation under uncertainty and nonlinearity, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)16(2), 80-93 (2010).

  278. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, Y. Liu, and G. H. Cheng, Planning regional water resources system using an interval fuzzy bi-level programming method, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)16(2), 43-56 (2010).

  279. Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang, An inexact two-stage stochastic energy systems planning model for managing greenhouse gas emission at a municipal level,Energy (Elsevier)35(5), 2270-2280 (2010).

  280. S. L. Nie, Z. Hu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Improved interval-fuzzy quadratic programming for management of filters in a fluid power system under uncertainty, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Professional Engineering Publishing)224(2), 103-118 (2010).

  281. S. L. Nie, Z. B. Xiong, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Z. Hu, An improved fuzzy programming model with an L-R fuzzy number for filter management strategies in fluid power systems under uncertainty, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Professional Engineering Publishing)224(9), 2011-2026 (2010).

  282. Y. L. Xie, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Li, An interval fixed-mix stochastic programming method for greenhouse gas mitigation in energy systems under uncertainty, Energy (Elsevier)35(12) , 4627-4644 (2010).

  283. C. J. An, G. H. Huang, H. Yu, J. Wei, W. Chen, and G. C. Li, Effect of short-chain organic acids and ph on the behaviors of pyrene in soil-water system,Chemosphere (Elsevier)81(11), 1423-1429 (2010).

  284. M. F. Cao, G. H. Huang, Y. Sun, Y. Xu, and Y. Yao, DIFCCP: Dual inexact fuzzy chance-constrained programming for planning waste management systems, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)24(8), 1163-1174 (2010).

  285. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexact joint-probabilistic stochastic programming for water resources management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)42(11), 1023-1037 (2010).

  286. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and I. Maqsood, Development of an inexact fuzzy flexible programming approach for environmental pollution control, Engineering Optimization (Taylor and Francis)42(12), 1163-1176 (2010).

  287. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, B. Bass, Y. F. Huang, and L. Liu, The optimization of energy systems under changing policies of greenhouse-gas emission control - A study for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis),32(17), 1587-1602 (2010).

  288. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, A two-phase optimization model based on inexact air dispersion simulation for regional air quality control, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer)211(1-4), 121-134 (2010).

  289. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, A superiority-inferiority-based inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming approach for solid waste management under uncertainty, Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer)15(5), 381-396 (2010).

  290. A. L. Yang, G. H. Huang, and X. S. Qin, An integrated simulation-assessment approach for evaluating health risks of groundwater contamination under multiple uncertainties, Water Resources Management (Springer)24(13), 3349-3369 (2010).

  291. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, H. Zhu, and X. L. Wang, A two-stage programming approach for water resources management under randomness and fuzziness,Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)25(12), 1573-1581 (2010).

  292. S. Gao, B. Chen, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang, Network environ analysis of spatial arrangement for reserves in Wuyishan Nature Reserve, China, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)15(2), 74-86 (2010).

  293. X. P. Yan, X. F. Ma, G. H. Huang, and C. Z. Wu, An inexact transportation planning model for supporting vehicle emissions management, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)15(2), 87-98 (2010).

  294. N. N. Wu, X. P. Yan, G. H. Huang, C. Z. Wu, and J. Gong, Urban environment-oriented traffic zoning based on spatial cluster analysis, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)15(2), 111-119 (2010).

  295. W. Li, Y. P. Li, C. H. Li, and G. H. Huang, An inexact two-stage water management model for planning agricultural irrigation under uncertainty, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier)97(11), 1905-191(2010).

  296. S. Q. Weng, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, An integrated scenario-based multi-criteria decision support system for water resources management and planning - A case study in the Haihe River Basin, Expert Systems With Applications (Elsevier)37(12), 8242-8254 (2010).

  297. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, X. H. Nie, Y. M. Chen, and Q. G. Lin, Planning of municipal solid waste management under dual uncertainties, Waste Management and Research (Academic Press)28(8), 673-684 (2010).

  298. Y. F. Li, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and X. Chen, Energy and environmental systems planning under uncertainty - An inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming approach, Applied Energy (Elsevier)87(10), 3189-3211 (2010).

  299. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, and S. L. Nie, Interval-fuzzy possibilistic mixed integer linear programming for environmental management under uncertainty,International Journal of Environment and Pollution (Inderscience Publishers)42(1), 107-124 (2010).

  300. C. J. An, Y. L. He, G. H. Huang, and S. C. Yang, Degradation of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) by anaerobic mesophilic granular sludge from UASB ReactorJournal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley InterScience)85(6), 831-838 (2010).

  301. Y. Sun, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Development of a fuzzy-queue-based interval linear programming model for municipal solid waste management,Environmental Engineering Scienc(Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)27(6), 451-468 (2010).

  302. H. Yu, G. H. Huang, B. Y. Zhang, X. D. Zhang, and Y. P. Cai, Modeling biosurfactant-enhanced bioremediation processes for petroleum-contaminated sites,Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 28(12), 1211-1221 (2010).

  303. Z. F. Yang, C. H. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. CaiAnalysis of relationships between NDVI and climatic/hydrological parameters in the Yellow River Basin,International Journal of Environment and Pollution (Inderscience Publishers)42(1), 166-183 (2010).

  304. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Waste management with recourse: An inexact dynamic programming model containing fuzzy boundary intervals in objectives and constraints, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)91(9), 1898-1913 (2010).

  305. Y. Sun, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, ICQSWM: An inexact chance-constrained quadratic solid waste management model, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)54(10), 641-657 (2010).

  306. H. Yu, G. H. Huang, X. D. Zhang, and Y. Li, Inhibitory effects of organic acids on bacteria growth during food waste composting, Compost Science & Utilization (JG. Press Inc.), 18(1), 55-63 (2010).

  307. M. F. Cao, G. H. Huang, and Q. G. Lin, Integer programming with random-boundary intervals for planning municipal power systems, Applied Energy (Elsevier)87(8), 2506-2516 (2010).

  308. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, C. W. Chan, Z. F. Liu, and Q. G. Lin, A fuzzy-robust stochastic multiobjective programming approach for petroleum waste management planning, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier)34(10), 2778-2788 (2010).

  309. C. Z. Wu, G. H. Huang, X. P. Yan, Y. P. Cai, and Y. P. Li, An interval-parameter mixed integer multi-objective programming for environment-oriented evacuation management, International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor & Francis)41(5), 547-560 (2010).

  310. S. L. Nie, Z. Hu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Non-linear programming for filter management in a fluid power system with uncertainty, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy (Professional Engineering Publishing)224(2), 185-201 (2010).

  311. B. D. Xi, J. Su, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, Y. H Jiang, S. L. Huo, D. F. Ji, and B. Yao, An integrated optimization approach and multi-criteria decision analysis for supporting the waste-management system of the City of Beijing, China, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)23(4), 620-631 (2010).

  312. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, B. Bass, X. H. Nie, X. D. Zhang, and X. S. Qin, EMDSS: An optimization-based decision support system for energy systems management under changing climate conditions - An application to the Toronto-Niagara Region, Canada, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier),37(7), 5040-5051 (2010).

  313. S. L. Nie, Y. P. Li, Z. B. Xiong, G. H. Huang, and B. Hu, IFQP: A hybrid optimization method for filter management in fluid power systems under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis), 42(1), 45-68 (2010).

  314. P. Guo and G. H. Huang, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming for water resources management under multiple uncertainties, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Springer)15(2), 111-124 (2010).

  315. J. Su, G. H. Huang, B. D. Xi, X. S. Qin, S. L. Huo, Y. H. Jiang, and X. R. Chen, Long-term panning of waste diversion under interval and probabilistic uncertainties, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)54(7), 449-461 (2010).

  316. Y. P. LiG. H. Huang, N. Zhang, D. W. Mo, and S. L. Nie, ISIP: Capacity planning for flood management systems under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)27(1), 33-52 (2010).

  317. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Cai, Identification of optimal plans for municipal solid waste management in an environment of fuzziness and two-layer randomness, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)24(1), 147-161 (2010).

  318. P. Guo and G. H. Huang, Interval-parameter semi-infinite fuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach for environmental management under multiple uncertainties, Waste Management (Elsevier), 30(3), 521-531 (2010).

  319. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, M. F. Cao, and Y. Sun, An interval-parameter stochastic robust optimization model for supporting municipal solid waste management under uncertainty, Waste Management (Elsevier)30(2), 316-327 (2010).

  320. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Development of an interval-valued fuzzy linear-programming method based on infinite α-cuts for water resources management, Environmental Modelling and Software (Elsevier)25(3), 354-361 (2010).

  321. Y. F. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Y. Xu, and W. T. Chen, Regional-scale electric power system planning under uncertainty-A multistage interval-stochastic integer linear programming approach, Energy Policy (Elsevier)38(1), 475-490 (2010).

  322. W. T. Chen, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. Chen and Y. F. Li, A two-stage inexact-stochastic programming model for planning carbon dioxide emission trading under uncertainty, Applied Energy (Elsevier)87(3), 1033-1047 (2010).

  323. Y. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, C. G. Niu, Y. Pang, L. J. Chen, C. L. Feng, and G. H. Huang, Highly sensitive fluorescence quantification of picloram using immunorecognition liposome, Talanta (Elsevier)83(1), 210-215 (2010).

  324. G. H. Huang, W. Sun, X. H. Nie, X. S. Qin, and X. D. Zhang, Development of a decision-support system for rural eco-environmental management in Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province, China, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)25(1), 24-42 (2010).

  325. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and X. D. Zhang, Inexact community-scale energy systems planning model, Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE)136(3), 195-207 (2010).

  326. Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang, A dynamic inexact energy systems planning model for supporting greenhouse-gas emission management and sustainable renewable energy development under uncertainty-A case study for the City of Waterloo, Canada, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier),13(8), 1836-1853 (2009).

  327. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, Q. G. Lin, and Q. Tan, Community-scale renewable energy systems planning under uncertainty - An interval chance-constrained programming approach, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)13(4), 721-735 (2009).

  328. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Fuzzy-stochastic-based violation analysis method for planning water resources management systems with uncertain information,Information Sciences (Elsevier)179(24), 4261-4279 (2009).

  329. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and H. Yu, Enhancing remediation of LNAPL recovery through a response-surface-based optimization approach, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers)135(10), 999-1008 (2009).

  330. H. Yu and G. H. Huang, Effects of sodium acetate as a pH control amendment on the composting of food waste, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier),100(6), 2005-2011 (2009).

  331. X. H. Nie, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Capacity planning for waste management systems: An interval fuzzy robust dynamic programming approach, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association), 59(11), 1317-1330 (2009).

  332. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and X. H. Nie, Robust stochastic fuzzy possibilistic programming for environmental decision making under uncertainty, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 408(2), 192-201 (2009).

  333. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Dynamic analysis for solid waste management systems: An inexact multistage integer programming approach, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA)59(3), 279-292 (2009).

  334. H. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, Health risks from arsenic-contaminated soil in Flin Flon-Creighton, Canada: Integrating geostatistical simulation and dose-response model, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier)157(8-9), 2413-2420 (2009).

  335. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, A coupled simulation-optimization approach for groundwater remediation design under uncertainty: An application to a petroleum-contaminated site, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier)157(8-9), 2485-2492 (2009).

  336. L. He, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, An interval mixed-integer semi-infinite programming method for municipal solid waste management, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA)59(2), 236-246 (2009).

  337. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Dynamic analysis for solid waste management systems: An inexact multistage integer programming approach, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA)59(3), 279-292 (2009).

  338. F. Zhou, G. H. Huang, G. X. Chen, and H. C. Guo, Enhanced-interval linear programming, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)199(2), 323-333 (2009).

  339. Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and X. D. Zhang, Inexact de novo programming for water resources systems planning, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)199(2), 531-541 (2009).

  340. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and H. D. Zhou, A multistage fuzzy-stochastic programming model for supporting sustainable water resources allocation and management, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)24(7), 786-797 (2009).

  341. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, and Q. Tan, An inexact optimization model for regional energy systems planning in the mixed stochastic and fuzzy environment,International Journal of Energy Research (John Wiley & Sons), 33(5): 443-468 (2009).

  342. Y. R. Fan, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, M. F. Cao, and G. H. Cheng, A fuzzy linear programming approach for municipal solid-waste management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)41(12), 1081-1101 (2009).

  343.  Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, and Y. Huang, SRFILP: A stochastic robust fuzzy interval linear programming model for municipal solid waste management under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)14(2), 74-82 (2009).

  344. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, and X. S. Qin, Inexact two-stage stochastic robust optimization model for water resources management under uncertainty,Environmental Engineering Scienc(Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)26(12), 1765-1776 (2009).

  345. J. Su, G. H. Huang, B. D. Xi, Y. P. Li, X. S. Qin, S. L. Huo, and Y. H. Jiang, A Hybrid inexact optimization approach for solid waste management in the City of Foshan, China, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)91(2), 389-402 (2009).

  346. P. Guo and G. H. Huang, Inexact fuzzy-chance-constrained two-stage mixed integer programming approach for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management -- Part A: Methodology, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)91(2), 461-470 (2009).

  347. P. Guo and G. H. Huang, Inexact fuzzy-chance-constrained two-stage mixed integer programming approach for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management -- Part B: Case study, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)91(2), 441-460 (2009).

  348. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, A robust interval-based minimax-regret analysis approach for the identification of optimal water-resources-allocation strategies under uncertainty, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 54(2), 86-96 (2009).

  349. Y. Lv, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Z. F. Yang, and C. H. LiInterval-based air quality index optimization model for regional environmental management under uncertainty, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)26(11), 1585-1597, (2009).

  350.  Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, Water resources management and planning under uncertainty: An inexact multistage joint-probabilistic programming method, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag)23(12), 2515-2538 (2009).

  351. W. Sun, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin, and X. L. Sun, A stepwise-cluster microbial biomass inference model in food waste composting, Waste Management (Elsevier)29(12), 2956-2968, (2009).

  352. Y. Sun, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Y. Xu, and M. F. Cao, An interval fuzzy robust nonlinear program for the planning of municipal solid waste management systems under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)41(11), 989-1016 (2009).

  353. Z. F. Liu, G. H. Huang, R. F. Liao, and L. He, DIPIP: Dual interval probabilistic integer programming for solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)14(1), 66-73 (2009).

  354. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, B. Chen, and B. Y. Zhang, An interval-parameter waste-load-allocation model for river water quality management under uncertainty,Environmental Management (Springer)43(6), 999-1012 (2009).

  355. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and X. H. Nie, Optimal decision schemes for agricultural water quality management planning with imprecise objective,Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier)96(12), 1723-1731 (2009).

  356. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, G. Q. Wang, and Y. F. Huang, FSWM: A hybrid fuzzy-stochastic water-management model for agricultural sustainability under uncertainty, Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier), 96(12), 1807-1818 (2009).

  357. Y. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Cai, G. H. Cheng, Y. T. Niu, and K. An, Development of an inexact optimization model for coupled coal and power management in North China, Energy Policy (Elsevier)37(11), 4345-4363 (2009).

  358. Q. G. Lin and G. H. Huang, Planning of energy system management and GHG-emission control in the Municipality of Beijing-An inexact-dynamic stochastic programming model, Energy Policy (Elsevier)37(11), 4463-4473 (2009).

  359. H. Zhu, G. H. Huang, P. Guo, and X. S. Qin, A fuzzy robust nonlinear programming model for stream water quality management, Water Resources Management (Springer)23(14), 2913-2940 (2009).

  360. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Inexact rough-interval two-stage stochastic programming for conjunctive water allocation problems, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)91(1), 261-269 (2009).

  361. Z. F. Liu and G. H. Huang, Dual-interval two-stage optimization for flood management and risk analyses, Water Resources Management (Springer),23(11), 2141-2162 (2009).

  362. X. Y. Ma, G. M. Zeng, C. Zhang, Z. S. Wang, J. Yu, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, and H. L. Liu, Characteristics of BPA removal from water by PACl-Al13 in coagulation process, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Elsevier)337(2), 408-413 (2009).

  363. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Lin, and L. He, A two-step infinite α-cuts fuzzy linear programming method in determination of optimal allocation strategies in agricultural irrigation systems, Water Resources Management (Springer)23(11), 2249-2269 (2009).

  364. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, A constraint-softened interval-fuzzy linear programming approach for environmental management under uncertainty, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)26(8), 1335-1348 (2009).

  365. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, L. He, and H. L. Li, Interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic semi-infinite mixed-integer linear programming for waste management under uncertainty, Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer)14(4), 521-537 (2009).

  366. Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, L. He, and H. L. Li, Multi-stage optimal design for groundwater remediation: A hybrid bi-level programming approach, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Elsevier)108(1-2), 64-76 (2009).

  367. Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, and I. Maqsood, Time-varying optimal design for groundwater bioremediation: The pilot-scale study of a western Canadian site,Ecological Engineering (Elsevier)35(8), 1138-1151 (2009).

  368. C. Z. Wu, G. H. Huang, X. P. Yan, Y. P. Cai, Y. P. Li, and N. C. Lv, An  inexact  optimization  model for  evacuation  planning, Kybernetes (Emerald),38(10), 1676-1683 (2009).

  369. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, 0-1 Piecewise linearization approach for interval-parameter nonlinear programming: application to environmental management under uncertainty, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (National Research Council of Canada)36(6), 1071-1084 (2009).

  370. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, An inexact programming method for agricultural irrigation systems under parameter uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)23(6), 759-768 (2009).

  371. Y. P. LiG. H. Huang, and X. Chen, Multistage scenario-based inexact-stochastic programming for planning water resources allocation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)23(6), 781-792 (2009).

  372. G. H. Cheng, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, M. F. Cao and Y. R. Fan, Planning of municipal solid waste management systems under dual uncertainties: A hybrid interval stochastic programming approach, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer)23(6), 707-720 (2009).

  373. A. L. Wei, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, J. Liang, and X. D. Li, Modeling of a permeate flux of cross-flow membrane filtration of colloidal suspensions: A wavelet network approach, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (IRSEN Publication), 6(3), 395-406 (2009).

  374. Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, and X. H. Nie, Filtered stepwise clustering method for predicting fate of contaminants in groundwater remediation systems: A case study in Western Canada, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer)199(1-4), 389-405 (2009).

  375. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Two-stage planning for sustainable water quality management under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)90(8), 2402-2413 (2009).

  376. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, IFTCIP: An integrated optimization model for environmental management under uncertainty,Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer)14(3), 315-332 (2009).

  377. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Interval-parameter robust optimization for environmental management under uncertainty, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (NRC Research Press)36(4), 592-606 (2009).

  378. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and X. Chen, Inexact fuzzy-stochastic constraint-softened programming - A case study for waste management, Waste Management (Elsevier)29(7), 2165-2177 (2009).

  379. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, B. Bass, and X. S. Qin, IFTEM: An interval-fuzzy two-stage stochastic optimization model for regional energy systems planning under uncertainty, Energy Policy (Elsevier), 37(3)868-878 (2009).

  380. L. He, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Identifying optimal regional solid waste management strategies through an inexact integer programming model containing infinite objectives and constraints, Waste Management (Elsevier)29(1), 21-31 (2009).

  381. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, Z. F. Yang, and Q. Tan, I-VFRP: An interval-valued fuzzy robust programming approach for municipal waste-management planning under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)41(5), 399-418 (2009).

  382. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, and M. F. Cao, SRCCP: A stochastic robust chance-constrained programming model for municipal solid waste management under uncertainty, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier), 53(6), 352-363 (2009).

  383. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. Chen, and S. Y. Cheng, Interval-parameter robust minimax-regret programming and its application to energy and environmental systems planning, Energy Sources, Part B (Taylor and Francis), 4(3), 278-294 (2009).

  384. S. L. Nie, Y. P. Li, X. Y. Shi, G. H. Huang, and B. Hu, An IPINP model for the assessment of filter allocation and replacement strategies in a hydraulic contamination control system under uncertainty, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Professional Engineering Publishing, UK)223(4), 999-1015 (2009).

  385. Z. F. Liu, G. H. Huang, X. H. Nie, and L. He, Dual-interval linear programming model and its application to solid waste management planning,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher), 26(6), 1033-1045 (2009).

  386. C. Chen, Y. Xu, J. C. Shang, and G. H. Huang, Alternatives of strategic environmental assessment for road traffic development planning-Case of ChangchunCity, China, Chinese Geographical Science (Springer-Verlag), 19(1), 25-36 (2009).

  387. Q. Tan, G. H. Huang, C. Z. Wu, Y. P. Cai, and X. P. Yan, Development of an inexact fuzzy robust programming model for integrated evacuation management under uncertainty, Journal of Urban Planning and Development-ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)135(1), 39-49 (2009).

  388. X. H. Xia, G. C. Li, Z. F. Yang, Y. M. Chen, and G. H. Huang, Effects of fulvic acid concentration and origin on photodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solution: Importance of active oxygen, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 157(4), 1352-1359 (2009).

  389. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H.W. Lu, Flexible interval mixed-integer bi-infinite programming for environmental systems management under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)90(5), 1802-1813 (2009).

  390. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, W. Sunand B. Chen, Investigation of public's perception towards rural sustainable development based on a two-level expert system, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 36(5), 8910-8924 (2009).

  391. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and Z. F. Yang, Planning of community-scale renewable energy management systems in a mixed stochastic and fuzzy environment, Renewable Energy (Elsevier)34(7), 1833-1847 (2009).

  392. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, L. He, and H. Zhu, Interval-parameter two-stage stochastic semi-infinite programming: Application to water resources management under uncertainty, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag)23(5), 1001-1023 (2009).

  393. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, and L. He, A semi-infinite analysis-based inexact two-stage stochastic fuzzy linear programming approach for water resources management, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)41(1), 73-85 (2009).

  394. X. S. Qin and G. H. Huang, An inexact chance-constrained quadratic programming model for stream water quality management, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag)23(4), 661-695 (2009).

  395. F. Nasiri, A. Manuilova, and G. H. Huang, Environmental policy analysis in freight transportation planning: An optimality assessment approach, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (Taylor & Francis)3(2), 88-109 (2009).

  396. G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, W. Sun, X. H. Nie, and Y. P. Li, An optimisation-based environmental decision support system for sustainable development in a rural area in China, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)26(1), 65-83 (2009).

  397. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Simulation and optimization technologies for petroleum waste management and remediation process control, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)90(1), 54-76 (2009).

  398. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, L. He, and G. M. Zeng, An inexact dynamic optimization model for municipal solid waste management in association with greenhousegas emission controlJournal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)90(1), 396-409 (2009).

  399. P. Guo and G. H. Huang, Two-stage fuzzy chance-constrained programming - Application to water resources management under dual uncertainties,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer-Verlag), 23(3), 349-359 (2009).

  400. X. S. Qin and G. H. Huang, Characterizing uncertainties associated with contaminant transport modeling through a coupled fuzzy-stochastic approach, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer)197(1), 331-348 (2009).

  401. X. D. Zhang, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, and H. Yu, Petroleum-contaminated groundwater remediation systems design: A data envelopment analysis based approach, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)36(3), 5666-5672 (2009).

  402. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexact minimax regret Integer programming for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management -- Part A: Methodology development, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)26(1), 209-218 (2009).

  403. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexact minimax regret integer programming for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management -- Part B: Application,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)26(1), 219-234 (2009).

  404. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and Q. Tan, Identification of optimal strategies for energy management systems planning under multiple uncertainties,Applied Energy (Elsevier)86(4), 480-495 (2009).

  405. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Q. G. Lin, X. H. Nie, and Q. Tan, An optimization-model-based interactive decision support system for regional energy management systems planning under uncertainty, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)36(2), 3470-3482 (2009).

  406. C. H. Li, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Identification of relationship between sunspots and natural runoff in the Yellow River based on discrete wavelet analysis, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)36(2), 3309-3318 (2009).

  407. X. Wang, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, and B. Chen, A high-order compact difference scheme for 2D laplace and poisson equations in non-uniform grid systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier)14(2), 379-398 (2009).

  408. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, B. Bass, B. Chen, B. Y. Zhang, and X. D. Zhang, CCEM: A city-cluster energy systems planning model, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 31(4), 273-286 (2009).

  409. Y. Li, X. L. Wang, G. H. Huang, B. Y. Zhang, and S. H. Guo, Adsorption of Cu and Zn onto Mn/Fe oxides and organic materials in the extractable fractions of river surficial sediments, Soil & Sediment Contamination (Taylor & Francis)18(1), 87-101 (2009).

  410. X. S. Qin, B. Chen, G. H. Huang, and B. Y. Zhang, A relation-analysis-based approach for assessing risks of petroleum-contaminated sites in Western Canada, Advances in Sustainable Petroleum Engineering Science (Nova Science Publishers)1(2), 183-200 (2009).

  411. Y. Li, J. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, H. Yu, K. An, and B. Y. Zhang, Application of a maturity-accelerating reagent (MAR) to food wastes composting processes,Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers)23(3), 359-365 (2009).

  412. H. Zhang and G. H. Huang, Building channel networks for flat regions in digital elevation models, Hydrological Processes (Wiley InterScience Publisher),23(20), 2879–2887 (2009).

  413.  L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Health-risk-based groundwater remediation system optimization through clusterwise linear regression, Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society), 42(24), 9237-9243 (2008).

  414. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and A. Chakma, Simulation-based optimization of dual-phase vacuum extraction to remove nonaqueous phase liquids in subsurface, Water Resources Research (American Geophysical Union)44(4), Art. NO. W04422 (2008).

  415. L. He, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, and G. M. Zeng, Optimization of surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation for a laboratory BTEX system under parameter uncertainty, Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society), 42(6), 2009-2014 (2008).

  416. L. He, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, An integrated simulation, inference, and optimization method for identifying groundwater remediation strategies at petroleum-contaminated aquifers in western Canada, Water Research (Elsevier)42(10-11), 2629-2639 (2008).

  417. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, and S. L. Nie, An integrated two-stage optimization model for the development of long-term waste-management strategies, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)392(2-3), 175-186 (2008).

  418. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. H. Nie, and S. L. Nie, A two-stage fuzzy robust integer programming approach for capacity planning of environmental management systems, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)189(2), 399-420 (2008).

  419. Y. F. Huang, G. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang, H. N. Xiao, and A. Chakma, IPCS: an integrated process control system for enhanced in-situ bioremediation,Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 151(3), 460-469 (2008).

  420. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Liu, and L. He, Greenhouse gas mitigation-induced rough-interval programming for municipal solid waste management, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA), 58(12), 1546-1559 (2008).

  421. G. Q. Wang, X. D. Fu, Y. F. Huang, and G. H. Huang, Analysis of suspended sediment transport in open-channel flows: Kinetic-model-based simulation,Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE-Amer Soc Civil Engineers)134(3), 328-339 (2008).

  422. L. He, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, A simulation-based fuzzy chance-constrained programming model for optimal groundwater remediation under uncertainty,Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier)31(12), 1622-1635 (2008).

  423. L. He, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Fuzzy inexact mixed-integer semiinfinite programming for municipal solid waste management planning, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), 134(7), 572-581 (2008).

  424. Y. P. Lin, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, and L. He, A simulation-aided factorial analysis approach for characterizing interactive effects of system factors on composting processes, Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier)402(2-3), 268-277 (2008).

  425. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Risk assessment of BTEX contamination in ground water -- An integrated fuzzy approach, Ground Water (Blackwell Publishing)46(5), 755-767 (2008).

  426. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, and L. He, ISMISIP: An inexact stochastic mixed integer linear semi-infinite programming approach for solid waste management and planning under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)22(6), 759-775 (2008).

  427. L. He, G. H. Huang, Q. Tan, and Z. F. Liu, An interval full-infinite programming method to supporting environmental decision-making, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)40(8), 709-728 (2008).

  428. S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, Characterization and evaluation of elevation data uncertainty in water resources modeling with GIS, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag)22(8), 959-972 (2008).

  429. F. Nasiri and G. H. Huang, Integrated capacity planning for electricity generation: A fuzzy environmental policy analysis approach, Energy Sources, Part B (Taylor & Francis), 3(3), 259-279 (2008).

  430. Z. Y. Wang, G. Q. Wang, and G. H. Huang, Modeling of state of vegetation and soil erosion over large areas, International Journal  of Sediment Research (Elsevier)23(3), 181-196 (2008).

  431. H. L. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. Zou, An integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for assessing health-impact risk from air pollution, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer), 22(6), 789-803 (2008).

  432. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and A. Chakma, Modeling groundwater contamination under uncertainty: A factorial-design-based stochastic approach, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)11(1), 11-20 (2008).

  433. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Yang, Q. G. Lin, B. Bass, and Q. Tan, Development of an optimization model for energy systems planning in the Region of Waterloo, International Journal of Energy Research (Wiley InterScience)32(11), 988-1005 (2008).

  434. G. C. Li, G. H. Huang, C. Z. Wu, Y. P. Li, Y. M. Chen, and Q. Tan, TISEM: A two-stage interval-stochastic evacuation management model, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)12(1), 64-74 (2008).

  435. F. Zhou, H. C. Guo, G. X. Chen, and G. H. Huang, The interval linear programming: A revisit, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)11(1), 1-10 (2008).

  436. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, L. Liu, and L. He, An interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic programming approach for air quality management under uncertainty,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)25(6), 895-910 (2008).

  437. Y. M. Zhang, G. H. Huang, L. He, and Y. P. Li, Quality evaluation for composting products through fuzzy latent component analysis, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier),  52(10), 1132-1140 (2008).

  438. Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Knowledge-based reasoning enhanced control system for in-situ bioremediation processesInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (World Scientific)18(4), 443-459 (2008).

  439. S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, A study on DEM-derived primary topographic attributes for hydrologic applications: Sensitivity to elevation data resolution,Applied Geography (Elsevier)28(3), 210-223 (2008).

  440. L. He and G. H. Huang, Optimization of regional waste management systems based on inexact semi-infinite programming, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (Canadian Society of Civil Engineering)35(9), 987-998 (2008).

  441. G. Q. Chen, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, C. Y. Du, X. Y. Jiang, G. H. Huang, H. L. Liu, and G. L. Shen, Cadmium removal from simulated wastewater to biomass byproduct of Lentinus edodes, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier)99(15), 7034-7040 (2008).

  442. X. Z. Yuan, J. Liu, G. M. Zeng, J. G. Shi, J. Y. Tong, and G. H. Huang, Optimization of conversion of waste rapeseed oil with high FFA to biodiesel using response surface methodology, Renewable Energy (Elsevier)33(7), 1678-1684 (2008).

  443. H. L. Huang, G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, H. Y. Yu, X. M. Xi, Z. M. Chen, and G. H. Huang, Effect of biodelignification of rice straw on humification and humusquality by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Streptomyces badiusInternational Biodeterioration and Biodegradation (Elsevier)61(4), 331-336 (2008).

  444. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and L. LiuInexact multistage stochastic integer programming method for water resources management under uncertainty,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)88(1), 93-107 (2008).

  445. C. Z. Wu, X. P. Yan, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, An intelligent agent mobile emissions model for urban environmental management, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (World Scientific)18(4),  485-502 (2008).

  446. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. Y. Liu, Y. M. Zhang, and S. L. Nie, An inexact stochastic quadratic programming method for municipal solid waste management,Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)25(2), 139-155 (2008).

  447. R. F. Liao, C. W. Chan, J. Hromek, G. H. Huang, and L. He, Fuzzy logic control for a petroleum separation process, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)21(6), 835-845 (2008).

  448. H. W. Lu, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, I. Maqsood, and L. He, An inexact two-stage fuzzy-stochastic programming model for water resources management,Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag)22(8), 991-1016 (2008).

  449. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, L. He, and B. W. Sun, ITSSIP: Interval-parameter two-stage stochastic semi-infinite programming for environmental management under uncertainty, Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)23(12), 1422-1437 (2008).

  450. H. Zhong, G. M. Zeng, J. X. Liu, X. M. Xu, X. Z. Yuan, H. Y. Fu, G. H. Huang, Z. F. Liu, and Y. Ding, Adsorption of monorhamnolipid and dirhamnolipid on two Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains and the effect on cell surface hydrophobicity, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer-Verlag)79(4), 671-677 (2008).

  451. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and D. W. Mo, Interval-parameter robust quadratic programming for water quality management under uncertainty,Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)40(7), 613-635 (2008).

  452. L. He, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Wavelet-based multiresolution analysis for data cleaning and its application to water quality management systems, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)35(3), 1301-1310 (2008).

  453. G. H. Huang, L. He, G. M. Zeng, and H. W. Lu, Identification of optimal urban solid waste flow schemes under impacts of energy prices, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)25(5), 685-695 (2008).

  454. Z. F. Liu, G. H. Huang, and N. Li, A dynamic optimization approach for power generation planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis)30(14-15), 1413-1431 (2008).

  455. Q. G. Lin, and G. H. Huang, IPEM: an interval-parameter energy systems planning model, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis)30(14-15), 1382-1399 (2008).

  456. P. Guo, G. H. Huang, L. He, and Y. P. Cai, ICCSIP: An inexact chance-constrained semi-infinite programming approach for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis)30(14-15), 1345-1366 (2008).

  457. G. H. Huang and X. S. Qin, Climate change and sustainable energy development, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis)30(14-15), 1281-1285 (2008).

  458. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, and A. Chakma, Optimization of remediation operations at petroleum-contaminated sites through a simulation-based stochastic-MCDA approach, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis)30(14-15), 1300-1326 (2008).

  459. G. H. Huang, C. W. Chan, and X. Zhang, Applications of artificial intelligence to energy and environmental system under uncertainty, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (World Scientific)18(4), 439-441 (2008).

  460. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Interval-parameter two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming for water resources management under uncertainty, Water Resources Management (Springer-Verlag)22(6)681-698 (2008).

  461. Y. P. Lin, G. H. Huang, H. W. Lu, and L. HeModeling of substrate degradation and oxygen consumption in waste composting processesWaste Management (Elsevier)28(8), 1375-1385 (2008).

  462. Z. F. Yang, X. H. Xia, G. H. Huang, J. S. Zhou, and X. Rong, Effect of sediment on the biodegradation of petroleum contaminants in natural water,Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)26(7-8), 868-886 (2008).

  463. G. H. Huang and Y. P. Li, Emerging technologies for petroleum waste management. Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 26(7-8), 759-763 (2008).

  464. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, and S. L. Nie, IFTCP: An integrated method for petroleum waste management under uncertainty, Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)26(7-8), 912-936 (2008).

  465. G. H. Huang and X. S. Qin, Environmental systems analysis under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)25(2), 77-80 (2008).

  466. X. H. Nie, G. H. Huang, D. Wang, and H. L. Li, Robust optimization for inexact water quality management under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)25(2), 167-184 (2008).

  467. B. Chen, H. C. Guo, G. H. Huang, Y. Y. Yin, and B. Y. Zhang, IFMEP: An interval fuzzy multiobjective environmental planning model for urban systems,Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)25(2), 99-125 (2008).

  468. B. Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and B. Chen, Enhanced bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils through cold-adapted bacteria, Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)26(7-8), 955-971 (2008).

  469. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, H. Zhang, and A. Chakma, An integrated decision support system for management of CO2 geologic storage in the Weyburn Field,Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)26(7-8), 813-843 (2008).

  470. F. Nasiri and G. H. Huang, A fuzzy decision aid model for environmental performance assessment in waste recycling, Environmental Modelling and Software (Elsevier)23(6), 677-689 (2008).

  471. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, IFMP: Interval-fuzzy multistage programming for water resources management under uncertainty, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)52(5), 800-812 (2008).

  472. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, X. H. Nie, and S. L. Nie, An inexact fuzzy-robust two-stage programming model for managing sulfur dioxide abatement under uncertainty, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Springer)13(1), 77-91 (2008).

  473. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and H. N. Xiao, Municipal solid waste management under uncertainty: An interval-fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming approach,Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)12(2), 96-104 (2008).

  474. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, X. H. Nie, and Q. G. Lin, A MCDM-based expert system for climate-change impact assessment and adaptation planning -- A case study for the Georgia Basin, Canada, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)34(3), 2164-2179 (2008).

  475. P. GuoG. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Interval stochastic quadratic programming approach for municipal solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science (National Rresearch Council of Canada)7(6), 569-579 (2008).

  476.  X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and B. D. Xi, A fuzzy composting process model, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA)57(5), 535-550 (2007).

  477. F. Zhou, G. H. Huang, H. C. Guo, WZhang, and Z. J. Hao, Spatio-temporal patterns and source apportionment of coastal water pollution in eastern Hong Kong, Water Research (Elsevier)41(15), 3429-3439 (2007).

  478. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, B. Chen, and G. M. Zeng, Simulation-based process optimization for surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation at heterogeneous DNAPL-contaminated sites, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 381(1-3), 17-37 (2007).

  479. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and Y. F. Huang, An interval-parameter fuzzy nonlinear optimization model for stream water quality management under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)180(3), 1331-1357 (2007).

  480. F. Nasiri, I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang, and N. Fuller, Water quality index: fuzzy river-pollution decision support expert system, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management (American Society of Civil Engineers)133(2), 95-105 (2007).

  481. G. M. Zeng, D. L. Huang, G. H. Huang, T. J. Hu, X. Y. Jiang, C. L. Feng, Y. N. Chen, L. Tang, and H. L. Liu. Composting of lead-contaminated solid waste with inocula of white-rot fungus. Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), 98(2), 320-326 (2007).

  482. Y. J. Sha, X. H. Xia, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang, Distribution of PAEs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer)124(1-3), 277-287 (2007).

  483. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, IFTSQP: An inexact optimization model for water resources management under uncertainty, Water International(International Water Resources Association)32(3), 439-456 (2007).

  484. Y. S. Yang, S. L. Nie, Y. Q. Zhu, Y. P. Li, and G. H. Huang, Reaction thrust of submerged water jetsJournal of Power and Energy (Professional Engineering Publishing)221(4), 565-574 (2007).

  485. Y. P. Cai, G. H. Huang, X. H. Nie, Y. P. Li, and Q. Tan, Municipal solid waste management under uncertainty: A mixed interval parameter fuzzy-stochastic robust programming approach. Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)24(3), 338-352 (2007).

  486. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and X. S. Qin, ITCLP: An inexact two-stage chance-constrained program for planning waste management systems,Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)49(3), 284-307 (2007).

  487. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, H. N. Xiao, and X. S. Qin, An inexact two-stage quadratic program for water resources planning, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)10(2), 99-105 (2007).

  488. H. Y. Yu, G. M. Zeng, H. L. Huang, X. M. Xi, R. Y. Wang, D. L. Huang, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Microbial community succession and lignocellulose degradation during agricultural waste composting, Biodegradation (Springer-Verlag)18(6), 793-802 (2007).

  489. H. Zhong, G. M. Zeng, X. Z. Yuan, H. Y. Fu, G. H. Huang, and F. Y. Ren, Adsorption of dirhamnolipid on four microorganisms and the effect on cell surface hydrophobicity, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer-Verlag), 77(2), 447-455 (2007).

  490. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexact multistage stochastic quadratic programming method for planning water resources systems under uncertainty,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)24(10), 1361-1377 (2007).

  491. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and A. Chakma, A stepwise-inference-based optimization system for supporting remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Kluwer Academic)185(1-4), 349-368 (2007).

  492. F. Nasiri and G. H. Huang, Ecological viability assessment: A fuzzy multiple-attribute analysis with respect to three classes of ordering techniques, Ecological Informatics (Elsevier)2(2), 128-137 (2007).

  493. B. Luo, I. Maqsood, and G. H. Huang, Planning water resources systems with interval stochastic dynamic programming, Water Resources Management(Springer-Verlag), 21(6), 997-1014 (2007).

  494. S. Wu and G. H. Huang, An interval-parameter fuzzy approach for multiobjective linear programming under uncertainty, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (Springer)6(2), 195-212 (2007).

  495. L. L. Wang, G. M. Zeng, Z. W. Li, X. K. Su, J. B. Li, and G. H. Huang, Three-Gorge Dam influences wetland macrophytes in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze, Progress in Natural Science, 17(9), 1035-1041 (2007).

  496. S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, Modeling the effects of elevation data resolution on the performance of topography-based watershed runoff simulation,Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier)22(9), 1250-1260 (2007).

  497. B. D. Xi, G. H. Huang, G. J. Zhang, Z. M. Wei, X. S. Qin, and H. L. Liu, A temperature-guided three-stage inoculation method for municipal solid wastes composting, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)24(6), 745-754 (2007).

  498. H. Y. Fu, G. M. Zeng, H. Zhong, X. Z. Yuan, W. Wang, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li. Effects of rhamnolipid on degradation of granular organic substrate from kitchen waste by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Elsevier), 58(2), 91-97 (2007).

  499. G. M. Zeng, H. Y. Fu, H. Zhong, X. Z. Yuan, M. X. Fu, W. Wang, and G. H. Huang, Co-degradation with glucose of four surfactants, CTAB, Triton X-100, SDS and Rhamnolipid, in liquid culture media and compost matrix, Biodegradation (Springer)18(3), 303-310 (2007).

  500. C. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. Li, J. Yu, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Aerobic degradation of bisphenol A by Achromobacter xylosoxidansstrain B-16 isolated from compost leachate of municipal solid waste, Chemosphere (Elsevier), 68(1), 181-190 (2007).

  501. X. H .Nie, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, and L. Liu, IFRP: A hybrid interval-parameter fuzzy robust programming approach for waste management planning under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)84(1), 1-11 (2007).

  502. Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, I. Maqsood, B. Chen, J. B. Li, and Y. P. Yang, Remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites through simulation of a DPVE-aided cleanup process: Part 1. Model development, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis)29(4), 347-365 (2007).

  503. Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, H. N. Xiao, A. Chakma, Q. G. Lin, and H. Xu, Remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites through simulation of a DPVE-aided cleanup process: Part 2. Remediation design, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 29(4), 367-387 (2007).

  504. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, Mixed interval-fuzzy two-stage integer programming and its application to flood-diversion planning, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)39(2), 163-183 (2007).

  505. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Fuzzy two-stage quadratic programming for planning solid waste management under uncertainty, International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor & Francis)38(3), 219-233 (2007).

  506. B. Luo, G. H. Huang, Y. Zou, and Y. Y. Yin, Toward quantifying the effectiveness of water trading under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)83(2), 181-190 (2007).

  507. F. Nasiri, G. H. Huang, and N. Fuller, Prioritizing groundwater remediation policies: A fuzzy compatibility analysis decision aid, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)82(1), 13-23 (2007).

  508. J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, I. Maqsood, and Y. F. Huang, An integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for risk assessment of groundwater contamination, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)82(2), 173-188 (2007).

  509. Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Multi-objective optimization for process control of the in-situ bioremediation system under uncertainty, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)20(2), 225-237 (2007).

  510. G. M. Zeng, R. Jiang, G. H. Huang, M. Xu, and J. B. Li, Optimization of wastewater treatment alternative selection by hierarchy grey relational analysis,Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)82(2), 250-259 (2007).

  511. K. Xu, G. M. Zeng, J. H. Huang, J. Y. Wu, Y. Y. Fang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Removal of Cd2+ from synthetic wastewater using micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration with hollow fiber membrane, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Elsevier)294(1-3), 140-146 (2007).

  512. T. J. Hu, G. M. Zeng, D. L. Huang, H. Y. Yu, X. Y. Jiang, F. Dai, and G. H. Huang, Use of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and sawdust as adsorbents of ammoniacal nitrogen in aerobic composting process, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)141(3), 736-744 (2007).

  513. X. K. Su, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, J. Liang, L. L. Wang, and C. Y. Du, Modeling research on the sorption kinetics of pentachlorophenol (PCP) to sediments based on neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)20(2), 239-247 (2007).

  514.  G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, G. Q. Wang, and H. N. Xiao, Development of a forecasting system for supporting remediation design and process control based on NAPL-biodegradation simulation and stepwise-cluster analysis, Water Resources Research (American Geophysical Union)42(6), Art. NO. W06413 (2006).

  515. Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, G. Q. Wang, Q. G. Lin, and A. Chakma, An integrated numerical and physical modeling system for an enhanced in situ bioremediation process, Environmental Pollution (Elsevier)144(3), 872-885 (2006).

  516. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, A. Veawab, X. H. Nie, and L. Liu, Two-stage fuzzy-stochastic robust programming: A hybrid model for regional air quality management, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA), 56(8), 1070-1082 (2006).

  517. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, Minimax regret analysis for municipal solid waste management: An interval-stochastic programming approach, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association, A&WMA), 56(7), 931-944 (2006).

  518. S. L. Nie, G. H. Huang, Y. P. Li, Y. S. Yang, and Y. Q. Zhu, Research on low cavitation in water hydraulic two-stage throttle poppet valve, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Part E (Professional Engineering Publishing, UK)220(3), 167-179 (2006).

  519. B. Luo, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, and H. L. Li, A simulation-based interval two-stage stochastic model for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control through land retirement, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)361(1-3), 38-56 (2006).

  520. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and S. L. Nie, An interval-parameter multi-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management under uncertainty,Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier), 29(5), 776-789 (2006).

  521. X. Y. Wu, G. H. Huang, L. Liu, and J. B. Li, An interval nonlinear program for the planning of waste management systems with economies-of-scale effects -- A case study for the region of Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaEuropean Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 171(2), 349-372 (2006).

  522. G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, J. M. Yao, G. H. Huang, X. Y. Jiang, W. Tan, X. L. Zhang, and M. Zeng, Effects of weak acids on canopy leaching and uptake processes in a coniferous-deciduous mixed evergreen forest in central-south China, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Kluwer Academic), 172(1-4), 39-55 (2006).

  523. G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Jiang, J. M. Yao, C. Y. Du, R. Jiang, and C. Zhang, Deposition pattern of precipitation and throughfall in a subtropical evergreen forest in south-central China, Journal of Forest Research (Springer)11(6), 389-396 (2006).

  524. X. Y. Jiang, G. M. Zeng, D. L. Huang, Y. Chen, F. Liu, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Remediation of pentachlorophenol-contaminated soil by composting with immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporiumWorld Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer)22(9), 909-913 (2006).

  525. G. M. Zeng, J. G. Shi, X. Z. Yuan, J. Liu, Z. B. Zhang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Effects of Tween 80 and rhamnolipid on the extracellular enzymes of Penicillium simplicissimum isolated from compost, Enzyme and Microbial Technology (Elsevier), 39(7), 1451-1456 (2006).

  526. Y. P. Li and G. H. Huang, An inexact two-stage mixed integer linear programming method for solid waste management in the City of Regina, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)81(3), 188-209 (2006).

  527. G. M. Zeng, C. Zhang, G. H. Huang, J. Yu, Q. Wang, J. B. Li, B. D. Xi, and H. L. Liu, Adsorption behavior of bisphenol A on sediments in Xiangjiang River, Central-south China, Chemosphere (Elsevier)65(9), 1490-1499 (2006).

  528. D. L. Huang, G. M. Zeng, X. Y. Jiang, C. L. Feng, H. Y. Yu, G. H. Huang, and H. L. Liu, Bioremediation of Pb-contaminated soil by incubating withPhanerochaete chrysosporium and straw, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)134(1-3), 268-276 (2006).

  529. Y. Li, L. Liu, G. H. Huang, and L. Zhu, Ammonia removal in the catalytic wet air oxygen process of landfill leachates with Co/Bi catalyst, Water Science and Technology (International Association of Water Quality), 54(8), 147-154 (2006).

  530. L. Tang, G. M. Zeng, G. L. Shen, Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Simultaneous amperometric determination of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase activities in compost bioremediation using artificial neural networks, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier)579(1),109-116 (2006).

  531. G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, C. Y. Du, G. H. Huang, M. Zeng, X. K. Su, and R. J. Xiang, Exchange of proton and major elements in two-layer canopies under acid rain in a subtropical evergreen forest in central-south China, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Blackwell Sciences)48(10), 1154-1162 (2006).

  532. G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, G. H. Huang, J. M. Yao, R. J. Xiang, and X. L. Zhang, Seasonal ionic exchange in two-layer canopies and total deposition in a subtropical evergreen mixed forest in central-south China, Annals of Forest Science (EDP Sciences)63(8), 887-896 (2006).

  533. Y. Li, G. H. Huang, B. Y. Zhang, and S. H. Guo, Scavenging of Cd through Fe/Mn oxides within natural surface coatings, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)18(6), 1199-1203 (2006).

  534. G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, C. Y. Du, G. H. Huang, J. M. Yao, M. Zeng, X. L. Zhang, and W. Tan, Seasonal dry deposition and canopy leaching of base cations in a subtropical evergreen mixed forest, China, Silva Fennica (Finnish Society of Forest Science), 40(3), 417-428 (2006).

  535. G. M. Zeng, X. D. Li, R. Jiang, J. B. Li, and G. H. Huang, Fault diagnosis of WWTP based on improved support vector machine, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)23(6), 1044-1054 (2006).

  536. X. H. Xia, H. Yu, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang, Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the natural waters of the Yellow River: Effects of high sediment content on biodegradation, Chemosphere (Elsevier)65(3), 457-466 (2006).

  537. S. L .Nie, G. H. Huang, and Y. P. Li, Tribological study on hydrostatic slipper bearing with annular orifice damper for water hydraulic axial piston motor,Tribology International (Elsevier)39(11)1342-1354 (2006).

  538. Z. Z. Li, C. G. Niu, G. M. Zeng, Y. G. Liu, P. F. Gao, G. H. Huang, and Y. A. Mao, A novel fluorescence ratiometric pH sensor based on covalently immobilized piperazinyl-1,8-napthalimide and benzothioxanthene, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Elsevier)114(1), 308-315 (2006).

  539. Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Model predictive control for in situ bioremediation system, Advances in Engineering Software (Elsevier)37(8), 514-521 (2006).

  540. G. M. Zeng, H. Y. Yu, H. L. Huang, D. L. Huang, Y. N. Chen, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Laccase activities of soil fungus Penicillium simplicissimum in relation to lignin degradation, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer Science)22(4), 317-324 (2006).

  541. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, X. H. Nie, and I. Maqsood, An interval-parameter two-stage stochastic integer programming model for environmental systems planning under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)38(4), 461-483 (2006).

  542. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and Y. F. Huang, IFTSIP: Interval fuzzy two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programming: A case study for environmental management and planning, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)23(2), 73-99 (2006).

  543. Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and B. W. Baetz, Environmental management under uncertainty - An internal-parameter two-stage chance-constrained mixed integer linear programming method, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)23(5), 761-779 (2006).

  544. M. Xu, G. M. Zeng, X. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, R. Jiang, and W. Sun, Application of Bayesian regularized BP neural network model for trend analysis, acidity and chemical composition of precipitation in North Carolina, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Kluwer Academic), 172(1-4), 167-184 (2006).

  545. G. Q. Chen, G. M. Zeng, X. Tu, C. G. Niu, G. H. Huang, and W. Jiang, Application of a by-product of Lentinus edodes to the bioremediation of chromate contaminated water, Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)135(1-3), 249-255 (2006).

  546. H. C. Guo, B. Chen, X. L. Yu, G. H. Huang, L. Liu, and X. H. Nie, Assessment of cleaner production options for alcohol industry of China: A study in the Shouguang Alcohol FactoryJournal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)14(1), 94-103 (2006).

  547. S. Wu, J.  Li, and G. H. Huang, Deriving vegetation structure in ecological applications from LiDAR imagery, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 8(2), 111-114.

  548. J. B. Li, L. Liu, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, A fuzzy-set approach for addressing uncertainties in risk assessment of hydrocarbon-contaminated site, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Kluwer Academic)171(1-4), 5-18 (2006).

  549. L. He, C. W. Chan, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, A probabilistic reasoning-based decision support system for selection of remediation technologies for petroleum-contaminated sites, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 30(4), 783-795 (2006).

  550. G. Zhang, G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, J. M. Yao, W. Tan, R. Xiang, and X. L. Zhang, Modeling and measurement of two-layer-canopy interception losses in a subtropical evergreen forest of central-south China, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (Elsevier)10(1), 65-77 (2006).

  551. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and J. B. Li, NRSRM: a decision support system and visualization software for the management of petroleum-contaminated sites, Energy Sources, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 28(3), 199-220 (2006).

  552. D. L. Huang, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, T. J. Hu, X. Y. Jiang, C. L. Feng, and Y. N. Chen, Inoculation of white-rot fungi for the composting of Pb-containing solid waste, Environmental Science27(1), 175-180 (2006).

  553.  I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang, and J. S. Yeomans, An interval-parameter fuzzy two-stage stochastic program for water resources management under uncertainty,European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), 167(1), 208-225 (2005).

  554. B. Luo, I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang, Y. Y. Yin, and D. J. Han, An inexact fuzzy two-stage stochastic model for quantifying the efficiency of nonpoint source effluent trading under uncertainty, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)347(1-3), 21-34 (2005).

  555. X. Wang, Z. F. Yang, and G. H. Huang, High-order compact difference scheme for convection-diffusion problems on nonuniform grids, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (American Society of Civil Engineers)131(12), 1221-1228 (2005).

  556. Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Simulation of the fate of contaminant in groundwater under uncertainty using optimized linear interpolation, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 6(2), 93-102 (2005).

  557. G. H. Huang, G. F. Chi, and Y. P. Li, Long-term planning of an integrated solid waste management system under uncertainty -- I. model development,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)22(6), 823-834 (2005).

  558. G. H. Huang, G. F. Chi, and Y. P. Li, Long-term planning of an integrated solid waste management system under uncertainty -- II. A North American case study, Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)22(6), 835-853 (2005).

  559. S. Wu, J. Li, and G. H. Huang, An evaluation of grid size uncertainty in empirical soil loss modeling with digital elevation models, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Kluwer Academic Publishers)10(1), 33-42 (2005).

  560. S. L. Nie, G. H. Huang, Y. Q. Zhu, Z. Y. Li, and Y. P. Li, SEWHAPM: Development of a water hydraulic axial piston motor for underwater tool systems,Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK), 219(7), 639-656 (2005).

  561. M. Xu, G. M. Zeng, X. Y. Xu, G. H. Huang, W. Sun, and X. Y. Jiang, Application of Bayesian regularized BP neural network model for analysis of aquatic ecological data -- A case study of chlorophyll-a prediction in the Nanzui water area of Dongting Lake, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier),17(6), 946-952 (2005).

  562. Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, Z. Y. Hu, I. Maqsood, and A. Chakma, Development of an expert system for tackling the publics perception to climate-change impacts on petroleum industry, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 29(4), 817-829 (2005).

  563. G. Q. Chen, G. M. Zeng, X. Tu, G. H. Huang, and Y. N. Chen, A novel bio-sorbent: characterization of the spent mushroom compost and its application for removal of heavy metals, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)17(5), 756-760 (2005).

  564. C. G. Niu, A. L. Guan, G. M. Zeng, Y. G. Liu, G. H. Huang, P. F. Gao, and X. Q. Gui, A ratiometric fluorescence halide sensor based on covalently immobilization of quinine and benzothioxanthene, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier)547(2), 221-228 (2005).

  565. G. H. Huang, J. D. Linton, J. S. Yeomans, and R. Yoogalingam, Policy planning under uncertainty: efficient starting populations for simulation-optimization methods applied to municipal solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)77(1), 22-34 (2005).

  566. Q. G. Lin, G. H. Huang, and B. Bass, An energy systems modelling approach for the planning of power generation: A North American case study,International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (International Network of Centres for Computer Applications), 22(2-3), 151-159 (2005).

  567. J. Xia, G. S. Wang, G. Tan, A. Z. Ye, and G. H. Huang, Development of distributed time-variant gain model for nonlinear hydrological systems, Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences (Elsevier)48(6), 713-723(2005).

  568. J. L. Zhu, G. M. Zeng, X. Zhao, G. H. Huang, and Y. M. Jiang, Self-organized critical behavior of acid deposition, Water Air and Soil Pollution (Springer),162(1-4), 295-313 (2005).

  569. B. D. Xi, H. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, B. Y. Zhang, and X. S. Qin, Effect of bio-surfactant on municipal solid waste composting process, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)17(3), 409-413 (2005).

  570. I. Maqsood, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Huang, Simulation-based risk assessment of contaminated sites under remediation scenarios, planning periods, and land-use patterns -- A Canadian case study, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer-Verlag)19(2), 146-157 (2005).

  571. I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and B. Chen, ITOM: An interval-parameter two-stage optimization model for stochastic planning of water resources systems, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer-Verlag)19(2), 125-133 (2005).

  572. B. Chen, H. C. Guo, G. H. Huang, I. Maqsood, and N. Zhang, ASRWM: An arid/semiarid region water management modelEngineering Optimization(Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)37(6), 609-631 (2005).

  573. J. Li, L. T. Xiao, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Immunosensor for rapid detection of gibberellin acid in the rice grain, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (American Chemical Society)53(5), 1348-1353 (2005).

  574. L. Tang, G. M. Zeng, Y. H. Yang, G. L. Shen, G. H. Huang, C. G. Niu, W. Sun, and J. B. Li, Detection of phenylhydrazine based on lectin-glycoenzyme multilayer-film modified biosensorInternational Journal of Environmental & Analytical Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)85(2), 111-125 (2005).

  575. B. Chen, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, B. Y. Zhang, and Y. F. Huang, Pesticide-loss simulation and health-risk assessment during flood season in watershed systems, Water International (International Water Resources Association)30(1), 88-98 (2005).

  576. I. Maqsood, M. R. Khan, G. H. Huang, and R. Abdalla, Application of soft computing models to hourly weather analysis in southern Saskatchewan, Canada,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)18(1), 115-125 (2005).

  577. Y. F. Huang, Y. Zou, G. H. Huang, I. Maqsood, and A. Chakma, Flood vulnerability to climate change through hydrological modeling: A case study of the Swift Current Creek watershed in Western Canada, Water International (International Water Resources Association), 30(1), 31-39 (2005).

  578. Y. W. Wu, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, and G. M. Zeng, Separation of petroleum hydrocarbons from soil and groundwater through enhanced bioremediation,Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis)27(1-2), 221-232 (2005).

  579. Z. Chen, L. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and I. Maqsood, Modeling for the separation of light nonaqueous phase liquids from contaminated subsurface through vacuum-enhanced oil recovery, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 27(1-2), 123-138 (2005).

  580. X. Rong, D. T. Waite, and G. H. Huang, An adsorption-separation process for collecting and analyzing atmospheric mercury deposits - Development of a Chelex 100 resin column systemEnergy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 27(1-2), 139-149 (2005).

  581. G. H. Huang, Living with flood: A sustainable approach for prevention, adaptation and control, Water International (International Water Resources Association)30(1), 2-4 (2005).

  582. G. M. Zeng, G. Zhang, G. H. Huang, Y. M. Jiang, and H. L. Liu, Exchange of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and uptake of H+, NH4+ for subtropical forest canopies influenced by acid rain in Shaoshan forest located in Central South China, Plant Science (Elsevier)168(1), 259-266 (2005).

  583. G. M. Zeng, H. Zhong, G. H. Huang, H. Y. Fu, Physicochemical and microbiological effects of biosurfactant on the remediation of HOC-contaminated soil,Progress in Natural Science15(7), 577-585 (2005).

  584. Z. Y. Wang, G. H. Huang, G. Q. Wang, and J. Gao, Modeling of vegetation-erosion dynamics in watershed systems, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers)130(7), 792-800 (2004).

  585. B. Chen, Y. F. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and Y. R. Li, PeLM: modeling of pesticide-losses through runoff and sediment transportJournal of Environmental Science and HealthPart B (Taylor & Francis)39(4), 613-626 (2004).

  586. B. Luo, Y. Y. Yin, G. H. Huang, and Y. F. Huang, Uncertainty analysis for distribution of greenhouse gases concentration in atmosphere, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)3(2), 89-94 (2004).

  587. X. H. Xia, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, and I. Maqsood, Integrated evaluation of water quality and quantity of the Yellow River, Water International(Routledge)29(4), 423-431 (2004).

  588. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, R. X. Hao, and S. Y. Cheng, An integrated subsurface modeling and risk assessment approach for managing the petroleum-contaminated sites, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (Taylor & Francis), 39(11-12), 3083-3113 (2004).

  589. S. Wu, J.  Li, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, Effect of digital elevation model resolution on empirical estimation of soil loss and sediment transport with GIS,International Journal of Sediment Research (International Reseatch and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research)19(1), 28-36 (2004).

  590. R. H. Warren, J. A. Johnson, and G. H. Huang, Application of rough sets to environmental engineering models, Transactions on Rough Sets (SpringerBerlin / Heidelberg)3100, 356-374 (2004).

  591. I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, An inexact two-stage mixed integer linear programming model for waste management under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor & Francis)21(3), 187-206 (2004).

  592. L. He, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, and H. W. Lu, Interval finite volume method for uncertainty simulation of two-dimensional river water quality, Journal of HydrodynamicsSeries B (Elsevier)16(4), 455-463 (2004).

  593. X. H. Xia, Z. F. Yang, G. H. Huang, X. Q. Zhang, H. Yu, and X. Rong, Nitrification in natural waters with high suspended-solid content -- A study for the Yellow RiverChemosphere (Elsevier)57(8), 1017-1029 (2004).

  594. X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, X. Y. Jiang, B. D. Xi, Z. W. Liang, and H. L. Liu, Fuzzy approach for dynamic simulation of composting process under uncertainty,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier)14(1), 18-24 (2004).

  595. G. M. Zeng, L. Tang, G. L. Shen, G. H. Huang, and C. G. Niu, Determination of trace chromium(VI) by an inhibition-based enzyme biosensor incorporating an electropolymerized aniline membrane and ferrocene as electron transfer mediatorInternational Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)84(10), 761-774 (2004).

  596. S. Y. Huan, C. X. Jiao, Q. Shen, J. H. Jiang, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R .Q. Yu, Determination of heavy metal ions in mixed solution by imprinted SAMs, Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier), 49(25), 4273-4280 (2004).

  597. X. Y. Hu, G. M. Zeng, G. X. Xie, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Law of boundary shear in open rectangular channels with uniform roughness, Journal of HydrodynamicsSeries B (Elsevier)16(3), 295-300 (2004).

  598. B. D. Xi, G. H. Huang, X. S. Qin, and H. L. Liu, Two-stage kinetics of municipal solid waste inoculation composting processes, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)16(3), 520-524 (2004).

  599. B. Chen, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, and Z. W. Li, Distributed nonpoint source simulation model - Case study for the Thames River Basin of Canada,Transaction of Nonferrous Metal Society (Elsevier) 14(S1), 25-30 (2004).

  600. L. He, G. H. Huang, Q. Li, R. F. Liao, J. H. Huang, and P. T.  Paitoon, Stochastic optimization programming for multi-reach river system using GA combined with stochastic simulation, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society (Elsevier)14(S1), 31-36 (2004).

  601. W. Sun, G. M. Zeng, W. Z. Wei, G. H. Huang, L. Tang, and J. B. Li, Conception development and relevant relationship establishment of the F/M ratio in activated sludge wastewater treatment technology, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae (China Science Publishing Group Co., Ltd.)24(1), 38-44 (2004).

  602. Z. Y. Hu, B. Bass, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, An innovative approach for visualization of subsurface soil properties, Canadian Journal of Soil Science (Canadian Society of Soil Science)84(1), 63-70 (2004).

  603. S. Y. Huan, H. Chu, C. X. Jiao, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Selective electrochemical molecular recognition of benzenediol isomers using molecularly imprinted TiO2 film electrodes, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier)506(1), 31-39 (2004).

  604. I. Maqsood, G. H. Huang and Y. F. Huang, A groundwater monitoring design through site characterization, numerical simulation and statistical analysis - ANorth American case study, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society for Environmental Information Sciences), 3(1), 1-23 (2004).

  605. G. M. Zeng, Y. P. Lin, X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, and R. Jiang, Optimum municipal wastewater treatment plant design with consideration of uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)16(1), 126-131 (2004).

  606. Q. Zhou, G. H. Huang, and C. W. Chan, Development of an intelligent decision support system for air pollution control at coal-fired power plants, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)26(3), 335-356 (2004).

  607. W. H. Wang, Y. Sheng, and G .H. Huang, Land allocation based on integrated GIS-optimization modeling at a watershed level, Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier), 66(2), 61-74 (2004).

  608. I. Maqsood and G. H. Huang, A two-stage interval-stochastic programming model for waste management under uncertainty, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association), 53(5), 540-552 (2003).

  609. Z. Chen and G. H. Huang, Integrated subsurface modeling and risk assessment of petroleum-contaminated sites in western Canada, Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers)129(9), 858-872 (2003).

  610. H. C. Guo, L. Liu and G. H. Huang, A stochastic water quality forecasting system for the Yiluo River, Journal of Environmental Informatics(International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 1(2), 18-32 (2003).

  611. J. S. Yeomans, G. H. Huang, and R. Yoogalingam, Combining simulation with evolutionary algorithms for optimal planning under uncertainty: an application to municipal solid waste management planning in the Reginonal Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)2(1), 11-30 (2003).

  612. B. Luo, I. Maqsood, Y. Y. Yin, G. H. Huang, and S. J. Cohen, Adaption to climate change through water trading under uncertainty - An inexact two-stage nonlinear programming approach, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences), 2(2), 58-68 (2003).

  613. Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, C. W. Chan, L. Q. Geng, and J. Xia, Development of an expert system for the remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites,Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Springer Netherlands), 8(4), 323-334 (2003).

  614. B. Chen, Y. F. Li, G. H. Huang, J. Struger, B. Y. Zhang, and S. M. Wu, Modelling of atrazine loss in surface runoff from agricultural watershed, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada (Canadian Association of Water Quality)38(4), 585-606 (2003).

  615. G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin, W. Wang, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, and B. Statzner, Water environmental planning considering the influence of non-linear characteristics,Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)15(6), 800-807 (2003).

  616. J. Li, L. T. Xiao, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, A renewable amperometric immunosensor for phytohormone β-indole acetic acid assay, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier)494(1-2), 177-185 (2003).

  617. S. Cheng, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, An integrated multi-criteria decision analysis and inexact mixed integer linear programming approach for solid waste management, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)16(5-6), 543-554 (2003).

  618. G. M. Zeng, X. K. Su, G. H. Huang, and G. X. Xie, A new model for the grid size optimization of the finite element method - based on its application to the water quality modeling of the topographically complicated rivers, Progress in Natural Science (National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences)13(12), 920-926 (2003).

  619. J.  Li, L. T. Xiao, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Amperometric immunosesnsor based on polypyrrole / poly(m-pheylenediamine ) multilayer on glassy carbon electrode for cytokinin N6-(D2-isopentenyl) adenosine assay, Analytical Biochemistry (Elsevier)321(1), 89-95 (2003).

  620. G. M. Zeng, X. S. Qin, L. He, G. H. Huang, H. L. Liu, and Y. P. Lin, A neural network predictive control system for paper mill wastewater treatment,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)16(2), 121-129 (2003).

  621. Y. F. Huang, X. Chen, G. H. Huang, B. Chen, G. M. Zeng, J. B. Li, and J. Xia, GIS-based distributed model for simulating runoff and sediment load in the Malian River Basin, Hydrobiologia (Springer Netherlands)494(1-3), 127-134 (2003).

  622. J. Li, L. T. Xiao, X. M. Liu, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Amperometric biosensor with HRP immobilized on a sandwiched nano-Au / polymerized m-phenylenediamine film and ferrocene mediator, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg)376(6), 902-907 (2003).

  623. Y. F. Li, Y. R. Li, G. H. Huang, J. Struger, J. D. Fischer, X. Z. Wang, B. Chen, J. B. Li, and X. H. Nie, Development of a decision support system for managing pesticide losses in agricultural watersheds, International Journal of Sediment Research (International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation / the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research)18(1), 60-73 (2003).

  624. G. H. Huang and M. Chang, The perspectives of environmental informatics and systems analysis, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)1(1), 1-7 (2003).

  625. Z. Y. Hu, G. H. Huang, and C. W. Chan, A fuzzy process controller for in-situ groundwater bioremediation, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)16(2), 131-147 (2003).

  626. G. M. Zeng, S. F. Zhang, X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Application of numerical simulation on optimum design of two-dimensional sedimentation tanks in wastewater treatment plant, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier), 15(3), 346-350 (2003).

  627. Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, M. Z. Dong, and G. M. Zeng, Development of an artificial neural network model for predicting minimum miscibility pressure in CO2 flooding, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier)37(1-2), 83-95 (2003).

  628. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. Liu, G. A. Fuller, and G. M. Zeng, A fuzzy-stochastic robust programming model for regional air quality management under uncertainty, Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)35(2), 177-199 (2003).

  629. G. H. Huang, Environmental management for sustainable energy development, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 25(6), 489-490 (2003).

  630. J. S. Yeomans and G. H. Huang, An evolutionary grey, hop, skip, and jump approach: generating alternative policies for the expansion of waste management,Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society of Environmental Information Sciences)1(1), 37-51 (2003).

  631. Y. R. Li, Y. F. Li, J. Struger, B. Chen, and G. H. Huang, Pesticide runoff model (PERM): A case study for the Kintore Creek Watershed, Ontario, Canada,Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B (Taylor & Francis.), 38(3), 257-273 (2003).

  632. G. M. Zeng, X. Z. Yuan, C. T. Li, G. H. Huang, J. B. Li, Q. Shang, and Y. N. Chen, Research on municipal solid waste composting with coal ash,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier)13(2), 457-461 (2003).

  633. J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, and G. M. Zeng, Numerical simulation of dual phase vacuum extraction to remove nonaqueous phase liquids in subsurface,Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of Civil Engineers)7(2), 106-113 (2003).

  634. J. B. Li, A. Chakma, G. M. Zeng, and L. LiuIntegrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling of petroleum contamination in subsurface, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis)25(6), 547-564 (2003).

  635. C. W. Chan and G. H. Huang, Artificial intelligence for the management and control of pollution minimization and mitigation processes, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)16(2), 75-90 (2003).

  636. I. Maqsood, J. B. Li and G. H. Huang, Inexact multiphase modeling system for the management of subsurface contamination under uncertainty, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of Civil Engineers)7(2), 86-94 (2003).

  637. Y. Li, B. Y. Zhang, G. H. Huang, D. Dong, and X. Hua, Relationship between Pb/Cd adsorption and metal oxides on surface coatings at different depths in Lake Jingyuetan, Hydrobiologia -- The International Journal on Limnology and Marine Sciences (Springer Netherlands),  494(1-3), 31-35 (2003).

  638. G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, X. S. Qin, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, Numerical modeling method on the movement of water flow and suspended solids in two-dimensional sedimentation tanks in the wastewater treatment plant, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)15(1), 31-37 (2003).

  639. L. X. Chen, C. G. Niu, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, Carbazole as fluorescence carrier for preparation of doxycycline sensor,Analytical Sciences: The International Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry)19(2),295-298 (2003).

  640. Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, A fuzzy expert system for site characterization, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)24(1), 123-131 (2003).

  641. T. J. Hu, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, X. Z. Yuan, and J. B. Li, Increasing silver leaching rate from leach-resistant zinc residues by thiourea leaching method with pressurized preoxidation process, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Elsevier), 13(1), 231-236 (2003).

  642. Y. F. Huang, J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, and X. S. Qin, Integrated simulation-optimization approach for real-time dynamic modeling and process control of surfactant-enhanced remediation at petroleum-contaminated sites, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of Civil Engineers)7(2), 95-105 (2003).

  643. J. R. Ni, H. L Wei, and G. H. Huang, Environmental consequence of the Sanmenxia Hydropower Station operation in the lower Yellow River, China, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 25(6), 519-546 (2003).

  644. Y. R. Li, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Li, J. Struger, and J. D.Fischer, A pesticide runoff model for simulating runoff losses of pesticidies from agricultural lands, Water Science and Technology (IWA Publishing)47(1), 33-40 (2003).

  645. Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, and J. B. Li, A GIS-based modelling system for petroleum waste management, Water Science and Technology (IWA Publishing),47(1), 309-317 (2003).

  646. D. T. Waite, A. D. Snihura, Y. Liu, and G. H. Huang, Uptake of atmospheric mercury by deionized water and aqueous solutions of inorganic salts at acidic, neutral and alkaline pH, Chemosphere (Elsevier Science), 49(3), 341-351 (2002).

  647. Y. F. Huang, B. W. Baetz, G. H. Huang, and L. Liu, Violation analysis for solid waste management systems: an interval fuzzy programming approach, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 65(4), 431-446 (2002).

  648. Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, A. Chakman, and J. Li, Application of a GIS-based modeling system for effective management of petroleum-contaminated sites,Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publisher)19(5), 291-304 (2002).

  649. Y. Yin, Y. F. Huang, and G. H. Huang, An integrated approach for evaluating adaptation options to reduce climate change vulnerability in coastal region of the Georgia Basin, Geographic Information Science8(2), 86-96 (2002).

  650. J. Li, Z. Y. Wu, L. T. Xiao, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, G. L. Shen, and R. Q. Yu, A novel piezoelectric biosensor for the detection of phytohormone beta-indole acetic acid, Analytical Sciences: The International Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry,

  651. 18(4), 403-408 (2002).

  652. S. Cheng, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, Using multiple criteria decision analysis for supporting decisions of solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.)37(6), 975-990 (2002).

  653. B. D. Xi, H. L. Liu, G. M. Zeng, G. H. Huang, and Q. Z. Bai, Composting MSW and sewage sludge with effective complex microorganisms, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)14(2), 264-268 (2002).

  654. S. Y. Cheng, Y. Q. Jin, L. Liu, G. H. Huang, R. X. Hao, and C. R. E. Jansson, Estimation of atmospheric mixing heights over large areas using data from airport meteorological stations, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), 37(6), 991-1002 (2002).

  655. H. C. Guo, L. Liu, G. H. Huang, R. Zou, and Y. Y. Yin, A system dynamics approach for regional environmental planning and management: A study for the Lake Erhai Basin, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)61(1), 93-111 (2001).

  656. X. Rong, D. Waite, G. H. Huang, L. G. Tong, and B. Kybett, Materials selection for a dry atmospheric mercury deposits sampler, Chemosphere (Elsevier Science)45(6-7), 1045-1051 (2001).

  657. M. J. Chen and G. H. Huang, A derivative algorithm for inexact quadratic program -- application to environmental decision-making under uncertainty,European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science), 128(3), 570-586 (2001).

  658. G. H. Huang and J. Xia, Barriers to sustainable water quality management, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)61(1), 1-23 (2001).

  659. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, and G. A. Fuller, A GIS-supported remote sensing technology for petroleum exploration and exploitation, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology (Canadian Petroleum Society), 40(11), 9-12 (2001).

  660. G. H. Huang, N. Sae-Lim, L. Liu, and Z. Chen, An interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic programming approach for municipal solid waste management and planning, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 6(4), 271-283 (2001).

  661. G. H. Huang, N. Sae-Lim, Z. Chen, and L. Liu, Long-term planning of waste management system in the City of Regina -- an integrated inexact optimization approach, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (Kluwer Academic Publishers)6(4), 285-296 (2001).

  662. S. Y. Cheng, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, R. X. Hao, and L. Liu, Estimation of atmospheric mixing heights using data from airport meteorological stations,Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.)36(4), 521-532 (2001).

  663. Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, and A. Chakma, Simulation and assessment of subsurface contamination caused by spill and leakage of petroleum products - a multiphase multicomponent modeling approach, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology  (Canadian Petroleum Society)40(9), 43-49 (2001).

  664. J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, and G. M. Zeng, An integrated decision support system for the management of petroleum-contaminated sites, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.)36(7), 1163-1186 (2001).

  665. J. Xia, G. H. Huang, Z. Chen, and X. Rong, An integrated planning framework for managing flood-endangered regions in the Yangtze River Basin, Water International (International Water Resources Association)26(2), 153-161 (2001).

  666. J. Xia, and G. H. Huang, Flood prevention and watershed management - an overview, Water International (International Water Resources Association),26(2), 151-152 (2001).

  667. L. Q. Geng, Z. Chen, C. W. Chan, and G. H. Huang, An intelligent decision support system for management of petroleum-contaminated sites, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier Science), 20(3), 251-260 (2001).

  668. J. Xia, Z. Chen, and G. H. Huang, An integrated hydro-ecological modeling approach applied to the Lake Bositeng Basin in China, Water International(International Water Resources Association)26(1), 105-118 (2001).

  669. R. Zou , W. S. Lung, H. C. Guo, and G. H. Huang, An independent variable controlled grey fuzzy linear programming approach for waste plow allocation planning, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)33(1), 87-111(2000).

  670. L. Liu, G. H. Huang, G. A. Fuller, A. Chakma, and H.C. Guo A dynamic optimization approach for nonrenewable energy resources management under uncertainty, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier Science)26(1), 301-309 (2000).

  671. G. M. Zeng, X. Z. Yuan, P. Y. Zhang, H. C. Guo, G. H. Huang, and L. Hemelaar, Environmental input-output model and its analysis with a focus on the solid waste management sectors, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)12(2), 178-183 (2000).

  672. G. H. Huang, and D.P. Loucks, An inexact two-stage stochastic programming model for water resources management under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 17(2), 95-118 (2000).

  673. Y. Yin, S. J. Cohen, and G. H. Huang, Global climate change and regional sustainable development: the case of Mackenzie Basin in Canada, Integrated Assessment (Baltzer Science Publishers)1(1), 21-36 (2000).

  674. G. M. Zeng, Y. L. Wan, Y. M. Jiang, and G. H. Huang, Grey planning of river water quality management system, International Journal Hydroelectric Energy18(3), 65-68 (2000).

  675. G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, H. C. Guo, and G. H. Huang, Two-dimensional numerical algorithm for water quality modeling in river systems with complicated topography, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)12(4), 469-473 (2000).

  676. Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, and A. Chakma, Risk assessment of a petroleum-contaminated site through a multi-phase and multi-component modeling approach,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier Science)26(1), 273-282 (2000).

  677. G. H. Huang, L. Liu, A. Chakma, S.M. Wu, X. H. Wang, and Y.Y. Yin, A hybrid GIS-supported watershed modelling system: application to the Lake Erhai basin, China, Hydrological Sciences Journal (International Association of Hydrological Science), 44(4), 597-610 (1999).

  678. H. C. Guo, G. H. Huang, and B. Chen, Characterization of environmental systems in the Lake Erhai Basin, Biosystem Studies (JSPS Press)2(1), 23-34 (1999).

  679. L. G. Tong and G. H. Huang, On "multiobjective zone TP reduction analyses for an off-stream reservoir", Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (American Society of Civil Engineers)125(1), 67-69 (1999).

  680. X. Z. Yuan, G. M. Zeng, P. Y. Zhang, L. Hemelaar, G. H. Huang, and H. C. Guo, Environmental input-output model and its application to solid waste management sector -- model research, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China9(2), 412-416 (1999).

  681. G. H. Huang, Z. Chen, P. Tontiwachwuthikul, and A. Chakma, Environmental risk assessment for underground storage tanks through an interval parameter fuzzy relation analysis approach, Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis), 21(1), 75-96 (1999).

  682. G. M. Zeng, Y. M. Jiang, L. Zhuo, P. Y. Zhang, and G. H. Huang, Grey modeling for river water quality, International Journal of Hydroelectric Energy,17(4), 62-65 (1999).

  683. Y. Y. Yin, G. H. Huang, and K. W. Hipel, Fuzzy relation analysis for multicriteria water resources management, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (American Society of Civil Engineers)125(1), 41-47 (1999).

  684. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Trash flow allocation: planning under uncertainty, Interfaces: The International Journal of the AmericanInstitute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 28(6), 36-55 (1998).

  685. Z. Chen, G. H. Huang, and A. Chakma, Integrated environmental risk assessment for petroleum-contaminated sites - A North American case study, Water Science and Technology (International Association of Water Quality), 38(4-5), 131-138 (1998).

  686. G. H. Huang, S. J. Cohen, Y. Y. Yin, and B. Bass, Land resources adaptation planning under changing climate -- a study for the Mackenzie Basin,Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier Science)24(2), 95-119 (1998).

  687. G. H. Huang, A hybrid inexact-stochastic water management model, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science)107(1), 137-158 (1998).

  688. S. M. Wu, G. H. Huang, and H. C. Guo, An interactive inexact-fuzzy approach for multiobjective planning of water resource systems, Water Science and Technology (International Association of Water Quality), 36(5), 235-242 (1997).

  689. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, G. G. Patry, and V. Turluk, Capacity planning for an integrated waste management system under uncertainty: A North American case study, Waste Management and Research (Academic Press)15(5), 523-546 (1997).

  690. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, On 'grey integer programming: an application to waste management planning under uncertainty', European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science), 100(3), 638-642 (1997).

  691. G. H. Huang, H. C. Guo, and G. M. Zeng, A mixed integer linear programming approach for municipal solid waste management, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)9(4), 431-445 (1997).

  692. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Development of a grey critical path method for construction planning, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)28(3), 157-174 (1997).

  693. B. Bass, G. H. Huang, and J. Russo, Incorporating climate change into risk assessment using grey mathematical programming, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)49(1), 107-124 (1997).

  694. G. F. Chi, and G. H. Huang, On 'optimal regional scheduling of solid waste systems. I: model development', Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers)123(11), 1168-1170 (1997).

  695. J. Xia, G. H. Huang, and B. Bass, Combination of differentiated prediction approach and interval analysis for the prediction of weather variables under uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 49(1), 95-106 (1997).

  696. G. H. Huang, IPWM: an interval parameter water quality management model, Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 26(2), 79-103 (1996).

  697. G. H. Huang, S. Cohen, Y. Y. Yin, and B. Bass, Incorporation of inexact dynamic optimization with fuzzy relation analysis for integrated climate change impact study, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)48(1), 45-68 (1996).

  698. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, A grey hop, skip, and jump approach: Generating alternatives for expansion planning of waste management facilities, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (National Research Council of Canada)23(6), 1207-1219 (1996).

  699. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Grey quadratic-programming and its application to municipal solid-waste management planning under uncertainty,Engineering Optimization (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)23(3), 201-223 (1995).

  700. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Grey fuzzy integer programming: an application to regional waste management planning under uncertainty, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (Pergamon Press; SSCI), 29(1), 17-38 (1995).

  701. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Grey integer programming: An application to waste management planning under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science), 83(3), 594-620 (1995).

  702. G. H. Huang, W. P. Anderson, and B. W. Baetz, Environmental input-output analysis and its application to regional waste management planning, Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)42(1), 63-79 (1994).

  703. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Grey dynamic-programming for waste-management planning under uncertainty, Journal of Urban Planning and Development (American Society of Civil Engineers)120(3), 132-156 (1994).

  704. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Gray fuzzy dynamic-programming - Application to municipal solid-waste management planning problems, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 11(1), 43-73 (1994).

  705. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, Waste flow allocation planning through a grey fuzzy quadratic programming approach, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 11(3), 209-243 (1994).

  706. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, A gray fuzzy linear-programming approach for municipal solid-waste management planning under uncertainty,Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 10(2), 123-146 (1993).

  707. G. H. Huang and R.D. Moore, Grey linear programming, its solving approach, and its application, International Journal of Systems Sciences (Taylor & Francis)24(1), 159-172 (1993).

  708. G. H. Huang, A stepwise cluster analysis method for predicting air quality in an urban environment, Atmospheric Environment, Part B (Pergamon Press),26(3), 349-357 (1992).

  709. G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, and G. G. Patry, A grey linear programming approach for municipal solid waste management planning under uncertainty, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers)9(4), 319-335 (1992).

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