2019年中國城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高級研討會 (第十屆)日程暨邀請函
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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2016-04-21  瀏覽次數(shù):123

2019年中國城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高級研討會 (第十屆)日程暨邀請函



威立雅水務(wù)技術(shù)通過其子公司VA-Ingenjörerna and Krüger贏得一份價值4億瑞典克朗(約合4250萬歐元)合同,將在瑞典布羅斯設(shè)計并建造一座全新的大型污水處理廠。著眼于環(huán)境及效率,新處理廠將展示集團在可持續(xù)污水處理領(lǐng)域所取得的最新進展。

布羅斯是瑞典西部第二大城市,自1960年代以來一直致力于可持續(xù)發(fā)展和低碳足跡。授予威立雅該合同的Borås Energi och Miljö´s (BEM)公司為布羅斯市提供區(qū)域供熱、供冷、沼氣、廢棄物管理、供水與污水處理、能源及廢棄物服務(wù),也通過熱電聯(lián)產(chǎn)和水力發(fā)電廠進行發(fā)電。BEM公司運用其獨特的回收再生模式,旨在將城市廢物流中蘊含的能量轉(zhuǎn)化為可再生能源,從而建立一座無需化石燃料的城市。


威立雅將呈現(xiàn)污水處理系統(tǒng)結(jié)合了集團眾多的先進技術(shù):從現(xiàn)代化預(yù)處理及生物處理,例如活性污泥工藝,到將可靠的Actiflo® 和 Hydrotech™ Discfilters工藝相結(jié)合的化學(xué)和雨水處理;之后采用Anita™ Mox高效脫氮工藝進一步處理高負荷氨氮。


“威立雅所表現(xiàn)出的決心、積極性與發(fā)展意愿,確保了布羅斯污水處理廠將會符合最嚴(yán)格的環(huán)保標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。”BEM公司首席執(zhí)行官Gunnar Peters先生表示。

威立雅水務(wù)技術(shù)執(zhí)行副總裁Pierre Ribaute先生表示:“威立雅與布羅斯之間的合作已開展多年,致力于幫助城市減少其碳足跡。作為資源優(yōu)化管理領(lǐng)域的全球領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,威立雅非常適合幫助市政及工業(yè)客戶制定水、廢棄物和能源管理一體化戰(zhàn)略。



 Veolia Water Technologies, through its subsidiaries VA-Ingenjörerna       and Krüger,       has won a SEK 400 million (approximately EUR 42.5 million) contract to       design and build a new and ambitious wastewater treatment plant in       Borås, Sweden. Focusing on environmental aspects and efficiency, the new       facility will showcase the latest advancements in sustainable wastewater       treatment.

Borås, the second largest city in Western Sweden, has been committed to       sustainable development and low carbon footprint since the 1960’s. The       Borås Energi och Miljö´s (BEM), who attributed this contract to Veolia,       provides the city of Borås with district heating, district cooling,       biogas, waste management, water and sewage treatment and energy and       waste services. They also produce electricity in a combined heat and       power plant and hydro power stations. By using their unique recycling       model, they aim to convert the energy of the city´s waste streams into       renewable valuables, and create a city free from fossil fuels.

The new wastewater treatment plant will be co-located with the local       power plant at the new Energy and Environmental Center south from Borås.       The new facility will have a 210,000 Population Equivalent capacity and       will meet the emission requirements in a much more efficient way.       Hand-over of the plant is scheduled for November 2018.

Cutting-edge Veolia technologies will provide a complete wastewater       treatment cycle, from modern pretreatment and biological treatment,       including a flexible activated sludge process, to chemical treatment and       sewer overflow treatment with the proven Actiflo®       process combined with Hydrotech™       Discfilters. The reject water will go through the Anita™       Mox process, particularly suited for streams highly loaded with       ammonia.

The treatment plant is designed with the most energy-efficient       technologies and with the aim to produce sludge with the highest       possible potential to generate energy in the nearby biogas plant.       Phosphorous will be recovered mainly through biological treatment which       allows this essential resource to be reused as fertilizer.

Advanced control and monitoring will be provided throughout the plant by STAR™       Utility Solutions. This system is based on online surveys,       continuously ensuring optimized operation in regards to environmental       conditions, energy consumption and costs. It also provides a lot of       flexibility, allowing the plant to be adapted to changing conditions       caused by climate variations, for instance.

“The commitment, motivation and the will for development that Veolia has       shown ensure that Borås will get a wastewater treatment plant of the       highest environmental standards”, says Gunnar Peters, CEO of Borås       Energi och Miljö.

Pierre Ribaute, Executive Vice President of Veolia Water Technologies,       said: “Veolia has been working with the city of Borås for several years       to help it reach its goal of reducing its carbon footprint. Being the       global leader in environmental resource management, Veolia is uniquely       suited to help municipalities and industries put in place a global       strategy to manage their water, waste and energy. We are very proud to       have been selected to design and build Borås’ new, sustainable       wastewater treatment plant and look forward to continuing on a great       partnership”.

This project follows on a long running collaboration between Veolia and       Boras which started over 10 years ago. Relying on Veolia’s expertise in       heat and cooling networks, Boras built a 37,000 cubic meter tank that,       like a massive vacuum flask, stores the heat produced by a biomass plant       during periods of low consumption and use it to cover peak demand. By       smoothing peak consumption, Veolia’s solution reduces the need to use       fossil fuels and in turn the city's carbon footprint. The system is an       excellent example of Veolia's strategy of developing a "smart heat grid"       concept, the aim of which is to optimize energy efficiency for a given  area.


Veolia group is the global leader in optimized resource       management. With over 174 000 employees worldwide, the Group designs and       provides water, waste and energy management solutions that contribute to       the sustainable development of communities and industries. Through its       three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access       to resources, preserve available resources, and to replenish them.
In       2015, the Veolia group supplied 100 million people with drinking water       and 63 million people with wastewater service, produced 63 million       megawatt hours of energy and converted 42.9 million metric tons of waste       into new materials and energy. Veolia Environnement (listed on Paris       Euronext: VIE) recorded consolidated revenue of €25 billion in 2015. www.veolia.com


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