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蘇伊士新創(chuàng)建贏得常熟四座污水處理廠特許經(jīng)營權(quán) 蘇伊士新創(chuàng)建通過旗下合作公司常熟中法水務(wù),與常熟市水利局簽訂為期30年的特許經(jīng)營協(xié)議,擁有該四座污水處理廠及其運營權(quán),進一步推動政府實現(xiàn)常熟市供排水

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2018-05-18  瀏覽次數(shù):270
核心提示:蘇伊士新創(chuàng)建贏得常熟四座污水處理廠特許經(jīng)營權(quán) 蘇伊士新創(chuàng)建通過旗下合作公司常熟中法水務(wù),與常熟市水利局簽訂為期30年的特許經(jīng)營協(xié)議,擁有該四座污水處理廠及其運營權(quán),進一步推動政府實現(xiàn)常熟市供排水一體化的目標






















蘇伊士作為資源智慧化和可持續(xù)管理的全球領(lǐng)導者,旗下9萬名員工遍布世界五大洲。我們提供的水務(wù)和固廢管理解決方案,能讓各大城市和工業(yè)優(yōu)化其對資源的管理,提升其環(huán)境和經(jīng)濟績效并符合監(jiān)管標準。為了滿足日益增長的需求,克服資源質(zhì)量和短缺的挑戰(zhàn),蘇伊士全力投身資源變革。集團充分利用數(shù)字化技術(shù)和創(chuàng)新的解決方案,每年回收1,700萬噸的廢棄物, 生產(chǎn)390萬噸再生原料和7,000吉瓦時的再生能源;在水資源保護方面,集團向5,800萬人提供污水處理服務(wù),回用污水8.82億立方米。蘇伊士于2017年的總收益達159億歐元。





SUEZ NWS Wins Concession for FourWastewater Treatment Plants in Changshu


SUEZ NWS has increased its presence in Changshu by extending its previous O&M services for four Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)into a concession contract. Thanks to outstanding operational results and impressive social impact during the O&M period, SUEZ NWS, through its joint venture, Changshu Sino French Water, entered into a concession agreement with Changshu Water Bureau. The 30-year agreement gives SUEZ NWS ownership and operational rights of the four WWTPs and further enables the government of Changshu to implement integrated water supply and drainage solutions across the city.


Pursuant to the agreement, Changshu Sino French Water will take over management of four WWTPs which will be extended to acapacity of 180,000 m3/dayfrom the existing 80,000 m3/day. The four WWTPs serve roughly 900,000 residential, industrial and commercial users across 10 Changshu districts. After taking over the infrastructure and assets, Changshu Sino French Water will treat the industrial and municipal wastewater to ensure compliance with the existing rigorous standards. It willalso expand and upgrade the plants’ facilities where necessary, to meet even higher standards in future.


“Our 12-year partnership with SUEZ NWS has profoundly transformed water supply in Changshu and is a prime exampleof win-win international cooperation”, said SHEN Xiaodong, Executive Vice Mayor of Changshu. “These results have boosted our confidence in growing and reinventing our partnership. We expect this agreement to continue our progress towards integrated water supply and drainage in Changshu.”


“I’m encouraged that our partnership with the Changshu city government has helped improve the quality of living, while mitigating environmental threats for local residents”, said Steve CLARK, CEO of SUEZ Asia. “More importantly, thanks to the strong foundation of our cooperation and our aligned vision of sustainability, I am convinced we will achieve integrated water supply and drainage in Changshu. Furthermore, we look forward to working with the city more broadly on solid waste treatment and resource recyclingin the near future.”


Changshu Sino French Water, a joint venture founded in 2006 between Changshu Urban Construction Public Assets Management Company Limited and SUEZ NWS, has invested over 1 billion RMB in water supply, wastewater treatment and industrial water treatment for over two million residential, industrial and commercial users in Changshu. It currently produces 875,000 m3of water and treats 120,000 m3ofwastewater daily.


For its outstanding track record in services, safety, customer satisfaction and corporate social responsibility, the joint venture has won a number ofaccolades within the industry. It was named one of the first “5A-Grade Service Units” in China’s water business, and was also ranked the “Most Socially Responsible Enterprise in China’s Water Industry” for a number ofconsecutive years.


On 14 May 2018, SUEZ NWS officially enters into a 30-year concession agreement with 

Changshu Water Bureau to own and operate four wastewater treatment plants in Changshu. 




With 90,000 people on the five continents, SUEZ is a world leader in smart and sustainable resource management. We provide water and waste management solutions that enable cities and industries optimize their resource management and strengthen their environmental and economic performances, in line with regulatory standards. To meet increasing demands to overcome resource quality and scarcity challenges, SUEZ is fully engaged in the resource revolution. With the full potential of digital technologies and innovative solutions, the Group recovers 17 million tons of waste a year, produces 3.9 million tons of secondary raw materials and 7 TWh of local renewable energy. It also secures water resources, delivering wastewater treatment services to 58 million people and reusing 882 million m3 of wastewater. SUEZ generated total revenues of 15.9 billion euros in 2017.


NWS Holdings Limited

NWS Holdings Limited ("NWS Holdings", Hong Kong stock code: 659) is the infrastructure and service flagship ofNew World Development Company Limited (Hong Kong stock code:17). It has diverse businesses and investments predominantly in Hong Kong and Mainland China, comprising toll roads, environmental management, port and logistics facilities, rail container terminals, commercial aircraft leasing, facilities management, healthcare services, construction and public transport. Please visit for details.


SUEZ NWS Limited

SUEZ NWS Limited (“SUEZ NWS”) is a joint venture between SUEZ and NWS Holdings Limited that encompasses four essential business segments – Water Management, Recycling and Waste Recovery, Water TreatmentInfrastructure and Consultancy in the Greater China region. With 8,000 employees and over 70 joint ventures with local partners, SUEZ NWS is helping authorities and industries develop innovative solutions to address climate change and sustainable resource management. It has built over 260 water and wastewater treatment plants in Greater China, supplying drinking water to 20 million people. It is a leading operator of waste management in Hong Kong and delivers its expertise in the management of environmental services to 11 industrial parks in Mainland China.






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