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史大林 ---廈門大學(xué) 特聘教授

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-10-09  瀏覽次數(shù):515
核心提示: 史大林 ---廈門大學(xué) 特聘教授

史大林 特聘教授

個人履歷 Brief CV
  • 普林斯頓大學(xué) 地球科學(xué)博士(2011)
  • 加州州立大學(xué)Fullerton分校 講師(2006.2 – 2006.6)
  • 普林斯頓大學(xué) 博士后(2011.7 – 2011.10)
  • 廈門大學(xué) 教授(2012-)
  • BS, Biology, Xiamen University (2000)
  • PhD, Geoscience, Princeton University (2011)
  • Lecturer, California State University at Fullerton (2006.2 – 2006.6)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University (2011.7 – 2011.10)
  • Professor, Xiamen University (2012-)
研究方向 Research Interests
  • 痕量金屬生物地球化學(xué)及其在全球碳、氮、磷循環(huán)中的作用
  • 全球氣候變化及人類活動對海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)健康的影響
  • Biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in the oceans and their roles in the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
  • Effects of global climate change and anthropogenic activities on marine ecosystem health
代表性論文 Selected Publications
  • Shi D.L.*, Kranz S.A., Kim J.-M., Morel F.M.M.* 2012. Ocean acidification slows nitrogen fixation and growth in the dominant diazotroph Trichodesmium under low iron conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Americ
  • Xu Y., Shi D.L., Aristilde L., Morel F.M.M. 2011. The effect of pH on the uptake of zinc and cadmium in marine phytoplankton: Possible role of weak complexes. Limnology and Oceanography 57(1): 293-304.
  • Lomas W.M., Hopkinson B.M.#, Losh J.L. #, Ryan D.E., Shi D.L. #, Xu Y. #, Morel F.M.M. 2012. Effect of ocean acidification on cyanobacteria in the subtropical North Atlantic. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 66, 221-222 (Feature article; #equal contribution and
  • Shi D.L.*, Xu Y., Hopkinson B.M., Morel F.M.M. 2010. Effect of ocean acidification on iron availability to marine phytoplankton. Science 327: 676-679. (*corresponding author)
  • Shi D.L.*, Xu Y., Morel F.M.M. 2009. Effects of the pH/pCO2 control method on medium chemistry and phytoplankton growth. Biogeosciences 6: 1199-1207. (*corresponding author)
開設(shè)課程 Course Structure
  • 流域與近海生物地球化學(xué)
  • 環(huán)境科學(xué)導(dǎo)論(與羅津晶、郁昂、胡宏友合講)
  • 環(huán)境科學(xué)前沿與進(jìn)展(與盧昌義等合講)
科研課題 Research Programmes
  • 中組部“千人計劃(青年項目)”(2012.2 - 2015.1):氣候變化和人類活動對近海海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)健康和安全的影響
  • 國家自然科學(xué)基金委“優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)基金項目”(2013.1 - 2015.12):海洋酸化和常量營養(yǎng)鹽氮的耦合對浮游植物的影響
榮譽獎勵 Honors and rewards
  • 2012,入選中組部“千人計劃(青年項目)”
  • 2010,Walbridge Fund Graduate Award in Energy & Environmental Research
  • 2010,國家優(yōu)秀自費留學(xué)生獎學(xué)金
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